
My Girlfriend Is the Strongest Demon

Even people who love those novels don’t want to get transported into a world full of danger. But that’s exactly what happened with Shin. Without warning, his soul was sucked into the world of his own horror short stories. There, monsters roam on every corner, and even main characters rarely have happy endings. Shin, who was hunted by an evil god of his own creation, has even fewer chances. Now he, together with other unfortunate transmigrated souls, has to play a terrible game of survival with demons and dark deities. He will have to lie, cheat, murder and bring forth the destruction of his own world in order to stop the ascension of the Fourth God and return home. Meanwhile, all Shin has to help him is his knowledge and a Contract with one of the (formerly) most powerful demons in existence. [She] adores you. [She] will be beautiful for you. [She] will kill for you. [She] will be with you forever. No matter what. === Warnings: gore, suffering, yandere. No smut & no harem. The cover art belongs to https://lee-js.artstation.com/projects/xzGnO1 (I'm using it without the author's permission, but if he sees it, I hope he will be forgiving)

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98 Chs

The vengeful guardians of the hell's gates, part 4

Shin propped himself up on elbows and spat a mouthful of blood at Iashkawa-Jun's toes. The half-demon wasn't even smug—instead, they were full of self-righteous satisfaction, which angered Shin only more.

But he couldn't fall into that anger, not now, not yet.

"This isn't over yet," Shin promised.

Iashkawa-Jun only scoffed, with a single sound letting Shin understand everything they thought about those words. They fixed the fake cat ears on their head and made another step towards Shin.

Shin sat up and clenched his fingers in the air, as if gathering something invisible in his fist.

Dozens of forks and knives burst from the door of the restaurant's kitchen like a cloud of locusts. Iashkawa-Jun reflexively staggered back when they surrounded Shin, enveloping him in a barrier of sharp steel.

But a moment later, the half-demon's surprise changed into contempt.

"Hah! Isss that your attempt to protect yourssself?"