
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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299 Chs

Chapter 160 The southern defense line, little white rabbit

went downstairs, Lu Yuan found that Si Tingfeng, Mag and Yang Ping were also there.

  Seeing Lu Yuan, Si Tingfeng opened the mouth and said with a smile:

  "A Yuan, eat quickly. After breakfast, we will gather at the square."

  "Senior, is this special mission for everyone?"

  Lu Yuan sat down, took a mouthful of porridge, and asked.

  Si Tingfeng thought for a while: "Unless you have a special mission, you will go there."

  Yang Ping's face is a little ugly:

  "That's the defense line in the restricted area. What use are our freshmen in the past? I really don't understand what the school thinks."

  McGonagall smirked, patted Yang Ping's shoulders:

  "First Rank students, just do the logistics in the camp at the back. Maybe when the time comes, you will be able to accompany the research-oriented classmates and do things for them. After all, the research-oriented students are in the camp. You need to repair machines, make genetic medicines, etc., you must be very busy, although you little rookies are weak or weak, but you still have the strength."

  Hearing this, Yang Ping's expression suddenly became complicated.

  If this is the case, although it is very safe, it always feels like being looked down upon.

  He was bored for a while, then curiously opened the mouth and said:

  "Then Brother Yuan is now in Second Rank. When the time comes, should I join you on a mission? Brother Yuan is much stronger than you, McGonagall Senior."

  Corner of mouth twitching, McGonagall glared at Yang Ping:

  "little bastard I'm your Senior anyway, won't you save me some face?"

  Yang Ping rolled the eyes, when not heard.

  Si Tingfeng opened the mouth and said with a smile:

  "I'm still not sure about the situation on the other side of the border. It should be determined according to the situation there. I heard that camps will be allocated. But First Rank really doesn't have to worry. At the rear of the camp, unless there is an ominous beast breaking the camp, otherwise It's absolutely safe."

  Lu Yuan opened the mouth and said with a smile:

  "If possible, I would like to be able to go to the battlefield more. The credit reward given by this special mission should not be low, right?"

  Si Tingfeng and Mag glanced at Lu Yuan strangely.

  "It's not low, it's not low... But Ah Yuan, with your innate talent, the school will definitely not let you take too much risk. And you are still growing up, safety first, don't be too reckless."

  Si Tingfeng persuaded.

  "Well, I see, thank you Senior for your concern." Lu Yuan laughed, expressing understanding.

  Soon, the four of them had breakfast and left the dormitory.

  There were many students who came out of the dormitory building just like them. Everyone met each other, greeted each other, chatted and walked towards the school square.

  Soon everyone gathered in the square.

  There are only 930 students in the entire Genius Camp, because a small number of students have special tasks and are not in the school. There are about 800 students present, which does not seem to be many.

  After all, even a high school is more than that.

  On the edge of the square, Lu Yuan also saw a lot of teachers.

  The teacher strength of Genius Camp is at least War King level, just standing there, makes people feel that they cannot be ignored.

  At this moment, a few silhouettes crossed the sky and floated in front of everyone.

  At the head is a gray-haired old man with a majestic face.

  gray-haired old man hands behind ones back, looking at the students below with a cold face, a powerful breath surged and pressed down on everyone.

  Lu Yuan felt a little tightness in his chest.

  The students who were still talking suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked towards the gray-haired old man in the air.

  Seeing everyone quiet down, the gray-haired old man lightly opened the mouth and said:

  "Yesterday's mission news, you must have received it. The ominous beast in the two restricted areas on the southeastern border has always been a cancer of the empire. Every once in a while, the emperor-level ominous beast in the restricted area will launch a beast tide, trying to break through the border of the empire. , devour the people of the empire! I hope you all will not forget that the internal environment of the empire is stable because the border warriors keep the danger out for us! Recently there has been another change in the restricted area, and the border guards need support. You are the genius of the empire, the empire The pillars of the future should shoulder the corresponding responsibility. Now, all the students and mentors present at Genius Camp will go to the border together to support the guards!"

  The gray-haired old man glanced across the crowd, then slowly opened the mouth and said:

  "The border is extremely dangerous. You are all geniuses of the empire. This time, when you go to the border, focus on your own safety and make sure you come back alive. Let's go."

  Hearing this, a huge black fighter plane descended from the sky and landed on the square.

  There are five in total.

  There are nearly 1,000 teachers and students in the Genius Camp, almost 200 people each.

  Lu Yuan and Si Tingfeng followed the crowd to one of the fighter jets.

  Finding a seat and sitting down, Mag's expression was still a little excited:

  "Principal is right, we have to replace senior and guard the border in the future. This time is a rehearsal."

  Yang Ping also opened the mouth and said:

  "If you want me to say, we should let the Battle Emperors of our empire go to the restricted area and kill all those emperor-level ominous beasts! In this way, the entire restricted area can be leveled!"

  Si Tingfeng opened the mouth with a wry smile and said: "How can it be so easy? There are a lot of emperor-level ominous beasts in the restricted area. If it weren't for the disputes between them, the threat to our Red Maple Empire would be even greater. Moreover, our empire still has several space gaps to guard, and we have to compete with the races on the other side of the gap for resources. How can there be so many people?

  As the prince of the Imperial Family, Si Tingfeng understands the situation of the empire far better than Lu Yuan.

  "So there are so many dangers around us?"

  Lu Yuan has been living in the slum area of ​​Xili City before, and he is very satisfied to be alive. How can he learn about this?

  Now hearing Si Tingfeng's words, Lu Yuan feels that the Red Maple Empire has not been comfortable.

  Si Tingfeng nodded, his face solemn:

  "Yeah, that's exactly what the empire hopes for the more the better, and there will be more powerhouses in the future. Maybe when the time comes, the restricted areas of the two borders will be completely leveled, and even all the space rifts will be eliminated. The race on the other side was suppressed."

  He glanced at Lu Yuan and said with a smile:

  "A Yuan, for your innate talent, many people are looking forward to you. Many powerhouses think that you will become a Battle Emperor. When the time comes high level battle strength, you can relax a little."

  Lu Yuan laughed: "I try my best."

  While speaking, all the teachers and students got on the fighter plane, the fighter plane took off, turned into a first-class of light, disappeared in place, and flew towards the border of the Red Maple Empire at several times the speed of sound.


  In the center of the southern border of the Red Maple Empire, a huge city hovers.

  One side of the city is the territory of the Red Maple Empire, and the other side is the endless mountains.

  The mountain range sprawls, covered with forest vegetation, and the occasional ominous beast roars.

  The whole city is made of black metal, with a radius of almost hundreds of kilometers, which is even comparable to Baiyun City, the place of origin.

  Over the city, many aircraft flew over, and there were also genetic warriors driving the ominous beast to keep pace with the aircraft.

  At every moment, genetic warriors come and go at the city gate.

  This is the central Fortress City, the endless fortress, in the restricted area of ​​the endless mountain range on the southern border.

  The Endless Fortress is not only the headquarters of the Southern Guard, but also a bustling city of genetic warriors.

  Most of the genetic warrior adventurers who want to go to the restricted area will stop here, gather intelligence, exchange resources, etc.

  At this moment, five streams of light passed through the air, and a huge black fighter appeared in the air not far from the Endless Fortress. The speed gradually slowed down and flew towards the Endless Fortress.

  The black fighter plane did not stop at the ordinary airport, but flew directly towards the barracks headquarters of the Southern Guards.

  A team of adventurers riding a triangular dark fighter in the air saw the huge fighter plane pass through the air not far from them, and their eyes widened slightly.

  A man with a beard couldn't help but exclaimed:

  "Is this a Xiaolong fighter? There are actually five?! Which Great Influence is it, such a local tyrant?! I heard that this fighter has a 500,000 rank 5 Spirit Crystal."

  "Huh? No, they seem to have gone to the military camp before. Could it be the official power of the empire?"

  A middle-aged man opened the mouth and said in amazement.

  Everyone came back to his senses, watching the Xiaolong fighter jets across the sky and submerged into the aviation port of the Southern Guards Headquarters.


  In the huge airport, the five Xiaolong fighters stopped, the hatch opened, and the teachers and students of Genius Camp walked down.

  In the square of the airport, several guards in black uniforms were already waiting for them.

  Headed by a black hair middle-aged man.

  The man stood straight, like a long spear, his eyes were extremely sharp, and Lu Yuan was swept away by his gaze, as if he was stabbed.

  He strode up to greet him, saluting the gray-haired old man with a serious expression:

  "Principal Li, there is a change in the restricted area, the commander is busy with official business now, let me pick you up! In addition, the commander has arranged the positions of everyone in the Genius Camp. The First Rank warrior and research warrior will be arranged in the last defensive camp. Second Rank and The third rank warrior will be assigned to the Central Region of the defense line, and the fourth rank warrior will be assigned to the camp at the front of the defense line. Does Principal Li need to change the assignment? If so, I will contact the commander to make a change!"

  gray-haired old man hearing this, slightly nod:

  "Just assign it Carol's way."

  middle-aged man nods:

  "Understood! I don't know if you all need to rest. If you don't, you can go to the defense camp now. The military transport ship is ready!"

  gray-haired old man eyes flashed, measuring the middle-aged man, lightly nodding:

  "Yes. The action is quick, since that's the case, I'll leave it to you to arrange."

  The middle-aged man nodded, turned his head and looked towards the students of Genius Camp, opened the mouth and said:

  "All First Rank and Research Warriors delisted!"

  Hearing this, Yang Ping glanced at Lu Yuan and the others, and walked out a little dejected.

  Among the four people in the dormitory, he was the only one who was First Rank.

  Soon, all the First Rank warriors and research warriors were listed, a total of more than 200 people.

  Lu Yuan saw that in addition to Yang Ping, he also found two other acquaintances, Lin Wei and Min'er.

  They were tested with Lu Yuan at the time.

  At this moment, the two of them also seemed to see Lu Yuan, and they both nodded to Lu Yuan.

  Lin Wei still had a bright smile on her face, and her eyes flashed.

  Lu Yuan smiled at the two of them, and nodded responded.

  Generally speaking, first-year freshmen are basically First Rank.

  Only very few people reached Second Rank, and of course, there was another Si Tingxue, who was already third rank in the first grade.

  After the First Rank and research-oriented talents were listed, the warrior was brought on a military transport ship that was almost 100 meters long.

  Then the transport ship took off and left the airport.

  They were apparently taken to the last defensive camp on the entire frontier.

  The middle-aged man's words didn't prevent Lu Yuan and the others before, he said it in front of them, and the genetic warrior's hearing was not weak, so he naturally heard this.

  After that, the middle-aged man continued:

  "Second Rank and third rank warrior out!"

  At this time, the overwhelming majority are out, and there are only more than 60 people who stay in place. These all are fourth rank Battle Venerable Level.

  The fourth rank Battle Venerable, usually sixth graders, even Si Tingfeng is still impacting Battle Venerable.

  However, according to Si Tingfeng, Battle Venerable will probably be achieved in the past few days.

  He is only at the beginning of his fifth school year, and being able to achieve Battle Venerable at this time is a gift in itself.

  Because of the large number of people, after everyone came out, they were taken to two military transport ships.

  The three of Lu Yuan boarded the same transport ship, Mag's eyes flashed, and he said nervously:

  "I wonder if the three of us will be assigned to the same defensive camp?"

  Si Tingfeng said with a smile:

  "It is possible that you and Ah Yuan are in the same defensive camp, both of you are Second Rank. I am impossible, I am already third rank Perfection, and the camp I have been assigned is probably close to the outermost one. Defensive zone."

  Lu Yuan asked curiously:

  "Are there many defense camps in this border defense line? Could it be that the areas allocated by so many of us will be very different?"

  Si Tingfeng nods: "Well, there are quite a few defense camps. The southern border defense line is radiated from the endless fortress as the Central Core. The endless fortress line is the last, and it is five hundred kilometers deep in front of the endless fortress, all of which belong to the middle of the defense line. , the outside is the outside of the defense line. Generally, there is a defense camp every 100 kilometers at the same depth, and there are about a hundred defense camps in one defense line, and there are different defense camps at different depths. As far as I know, the entire There are nearly 10,000 defense camps in the middle of the defense line, and each defense camp is guarded by tens of thousands of warrior Legions. If we really want to allocate them, each of us is not satisfied with the allocation of a camp, and in the end it should only be allocated. to a few of the camps."

  Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

  Good guy, there are so many defensive camps?

  With that being said, there are millions of genetic warriors on the southern border alone, right?

  It's all about defending a restricted area.

  Lu Yuan can somewhat understand how dangerous the exclusion zone is.

  It is also understandable how much pressure the Red Maple Empire is under.

  While speaking, the transport ship that Lu Yuan was in stopped, and Lu Yuan looked out the window and found that they had come to one of the camps.

  The camp is located on the top of a mountain in the mountain range, and the area is definitely much smaller than the endless fortress.

  But the radius is also several kilometers, and the whole body is also made of alloy, which looks like an immortal bunker.

  "Second Rank warrior, Nanling Qi, Grace... You go down."

  A total of ten Second Rank warriors were called down.

  Lu Yuan and McGonagall were not among them.

  As Si Tingfeng said, there are so many people that they are not satisfied with being assigned to a camp, and obviously they will only enter a few of them.

  The speed of the transport ship was very fast, and it didn't take long for it to enter several camps in a row.

  Eventually, in a camp, Lu Yuan and Mag were called by their names at the same time.

  Along with them are eight Second Rank genetic warriors.

  They were assigned to the same defensive camp.

  After getting off the transport ship, their location is a square.

  In the square, there are several warrior hands behind the back, wearing the standard black gene weapons, waiting for them.

  At the head is a middle-aged man with a shaved head and a scar on his forehead.

  His eyes swept across Lu Yuan's ten people, the corners of his mouth raised, and he grinned:

  "Hey~ we have ten little white rabbits assigned to us, this is for us to be babysitters."