
My Galaxy Wars System

Niard awakens from his three-thousand-year coma to be surprised by the world's civilization advancement. Classified as an imperfect anomaly, he is forced to attend the Empire's rehabilitation academy. To save his life, he must strive for success in the academy amidst the danger looming over humanity, and the universe's destruction tied to his acceptance or rejection of the galactic wars system. Will he survive and save the universe with his magical system? Or will he rely on technological advancement to solve all his problems?

ovinia_seh · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Imperfect sample

"Welcome to the fourth century after the invasion on Earth," an adult man with his hoarse voice, which made his tone rough and terrified, announced. As he looked at a white-haired boy who his light blue eyes fluttering opened to unfamiliar surroundings.

As the boy struggled to comprehend his situation, the man explained,"You have been in a coma for more than three thousand years. Fortunately, the current technology is not comparable to what was in your time; it played a significant role in keeping you alive," with practice ease, he extracted a blood sample from his arm.

"I am really impressed by this time capsule; it keeps the time inside it going slowly or perhaps frozen. I wonder if there are still such genius scientists who designed such technology. It will be a real addition to our empire," the man thought, with his hand pressed on a white table that appeared in front of him, the light scanned his hand, as if he was inserting a password for logging into a computer of another kind.

The gas surrounding the boy in the capsule made his vision blurry. The boy, who was lying, hardly regained his focus. "Where am I? Who are you?" He whispered in a broken voice.

He grabbed his head, and a strong torrent of his memories collapsed a few hours before the accident showed before his eyes.

He flashed back when he was with his father, a physicist and quantum scientist, watching him conduct experiments on one of the time machines. "My father claimed that spending a day inside the capsule is equivalent to 100 years for those who live outside it," he thought while turning his head slowly, still remembering how he ended up in one of the time capsules due to his curiosity and love of exploring excessive knowledge. 

"Damn, am I hallucinating? Or is this man in the strange suit delirious? The future he speaks of—what is he talking about? If his speech is true, then my father's project has succeeded," the boy told himself. He was so worried about his father, wondering if he was fine or perhaps still alive. 

The man helped him get out of the time capsule and made him sit on one of the high-tech chairs. As soon as he sat on it, the lights started to shine from above his head, feeling light dizziness. Few seconds and he was normal again.

"Don't panic, this is Els, the marvel of the new age technology; it will check and evaluate you, so relax," the man cleared his throat, then with fast moves he started writing some letters on a transparent screen that appeared in front of him. The boy swallowed his saliva and stared around him. 

He felt nothing strange except for his heartbeat raising as if he were in a race with death. "You're in the Human Empire Reserve Fifteen, an area seventy light years away from the Squat Galaxy. You'll learn all the details of this place later," the man sighed and then came towards the boy while straightening his glasses. His black eyes and facial features suddenly confused the boy, as if he was unhappy with what he was reading on the screen.

 "I'm Robert Lux, you can call me Lux as everyone says so. And you, boy, what's your name?" Lux said, he had taken off the hidden helmet of the boy's head. "My name is Niard James Lux," Niard replied nervously.

 Out of a sudden, he turned his head to the large display screen that appeared suddenly, sounding in an incomprehensible language. "Hello Lux," the voice said to Lux. "Els, the details please," Lux required while rubbing his glass. "Niard James, seventeen years old; he is an imperfect sample," said Els, suddenly she changed the language of her address with Lux to another one, causing Niard to be shaken.

 "An imperfect sample, what does he mean by that?" Niard thought while trying to find a way out of the room, but it had no doors or windows, as if they were in a white cell, globalization in a perfect way. 

Niard stared for a long time at Lux, then kept his focus on the screen, which included information about him in a language he did not understand, as if it were algorithms or perhaps innovative digital terms. Niard turned his head until he met with Lux's one, whose smile was lost and only a cold, rocky face was there. He pressed the button on his arm.

 "From the 5th Test Base B, let the guards come in," Lux whispered in a calm voice, tapping on Niard's chair. His looks were dark. He stared at Niard, who shook his head in disbelief.

"What are you going to do with me? Where will they take me?" He shouted, his fingers were directed at four men with great muscles that he had never seen. Their bodies were breathtaking; the speed of their arrival was crazy, as if they had appeared out of nowhere. The weapons they were carrying he had never seen, not even in science fiction films. One of them came forward and stood in front of Niard.

"You will go to the Empire Rehabilitation Academy for a while. I thought I was going to see the birth of a great hero, but unfortunately, the ideal conditions did not meet you," Lux said in a sad voice, as if he had wanted to stay with Niard for a longer time, just to ask him about the details of the time capsule maker.

It was well protected by an encoded DNA system that made it difficult to gather information about the mechanism. Once someone came out of it, it cannot be used twice. And it was as if making only to fulfill one task.

"Is the academy a tough and scary place to let that look of pity on him appear? this guard's fist is like steel, I can't break free from it," he said to himself. 

Hi! this is my second book, and I will be so glad if you leave a review.

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