
My fuckboy/girl teacher

I have to save my bully, are you kidding?

EimySenrioth · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

Don't watch the sun rise. Get up earlier and let the sun watch you rise

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, confused and unaware of how I had ended up there. My last memories were of the tough battle I fought against cancer. But what left me even more bewildered was realizing that I was back in my high school days, a dark period in my life.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I examined my former self. I was not attractive, and with age, I had confirmed it. Despite losing weight in my 40s, I now had severe obesity.

I immediately recognized that my social skills had improved a bit, but they were still far from desirable. I was a complete loser in every sense of the word. The mere fact of being back in my former self saddened me greatly, as it brought back memories of all the painful and sad moments I experienced during that time. I reflected for a moment.

Gazing at the darkness of my room's ceiling, I felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge ahead. I knew my mission was to protect two people, including my former bully, but I couldn't help but feel helpless and vulnerable in the face of the task entrusted to me. How could I do it in my current state? I felt terrible for not being able to protect even myself from bullying.

Desperate to find a solution, I started searching the internet for any ideas that could help me fulfill my mission. That's when I came across an in-person course that promised to teach me all the necessary social and physical skills to succeed in life. The idea seemed a bit far-fetched, but in my current state, it was the only thing that came to mind.

From the moment I entered the course's website, I knew it was exactly what I needed. The website was filled with vibrant and captivating images, and the course content descriptions seemed exceptional.

The course was held in a Love Motel located in the red-light district of the city.

Despite my initial skepticism, the website described the atmosphere of the place as professional, with a touch of luxury and discretion that made it confidential for both students and teachers.

I imagined myself entering that place, observing everyone there, bewildered, as they all stared at me, feeling out of place. But at the same time, I was curious about the idea of learning in such a peculiar setting.

After reserving the only spot in the course, I felt a tingling mix of excitement and nervousness in my stomach.

However, all traces of excitement vanished when I realized that the start of the school year was next week, and the course began tomorrow night. That meant that everyone would see me in such a pitiful state.

I left my house wearing my most comfortable and casual clothes, mentally prepared. Even though I had a couple of hours to spare, I took the bus that would take me to the red-light district of the city. The journey was a bit tense, as I felt uncomfortable in such a different environment from what I was used to.

I got off 10 stops earlier; I felt more comfortable walking, although I forgot that my morbid obesity made me easily fatigued.

Finally, I arrived at the Love Motel, and upon entering, I felt relieved to see that the description on the website was accurate.

The place is cozy and elegant, with soft relaxing background music. The receptionist looked at me with curiosity and disapproval, but I decided to ignore her attitude.

Upon entering the suite, the lights were off, and only the front of the room was illuminated, where a person was located.

I heard some faint moans, and I assumed they were engaging in some intimate activities. For a moment, the thought crossed my mind that I had entered the wrong room or been scammed.

Then, the figure stood up and turned on the lights, revealing a young and athletic man, completely naked, next to a girl.

"What are you doing here, fatty? Are you a peeping Tom?"

I felt uncomfortable and insecure, as if my appearance was a source of shame.

The young man approached and mockingly touched my nipples. "I'm just messing with you. I guess you're my student."

I felt relieved when the girl left, as the situation made me uncomfortable.

He came closer, still naked, and inspected me. "Well, well, you're screwed, buddy. You see, I'm here to teach you the secrets of seduction. How to conquer women and become a true alpha male."

He sat down on one of the surrounding chairs and observed me, occasionally jotting down something. I stood there, frozen with shame and fear.

"Let me be clear with you. You have zero chance with women with that appearance and lack of confidence."

I handed him what he had written, which contained an address and a meal plan.

"That's all for today. Your next teacher will arrive soon, and come prepared, we'll start your training. Oh, by the way, the course doesn't cover the venue cost. You'll have to pay for it."

It seemed like he expected me to pay for the meeting, which struck me as unusual, but I decided not to question it at that moment.

A few minutes passed, and the door opened again. This time, a woman with an energetic and confident demeanor entered. She had short, blonde hair, and her radiant smile seemed contagious.

"Are you my student?"

I nodded, wondering what to expect from this new instructor. She approached and offered her hand in a friendly gesture.

"I'm Leinié, your next teacher. It seems you've had an interesting encounter with my colleague. Follow me; our class will take place at the 5-star casino in the exclusion zone."

In my previous life, I understood that my bully, now the hero of humanity, banished the invaders to that place.

"Did the cat get your tongue?" Leinié remarked.

I looked at Leinié with fear due to her comment. It seemed like she knew something about my past, something I would prefer to leave behind.

I followed Leinié as we left the Love Motel and made our way to the 5-star casino. During the journey, Leinié explained that this place was a secret meeting point for the smuggling of a new mineral.

Discovered a few months ago. It was also the hub where you could find all kinds of underworld services and a gathering place for powerful people.

As we ventured into the quarantine zone, I could feel the tension in the air. The clandestine activity and the presence of that illuminating mineral in many of the buildings created a dangerous atmosphere.

Upon arriving at the casino, we entered its premises, and I was impressed by its luxurious and vibrant appearance. It was a stark contrast to the desolate and decadent exterior of the quarantine zone. The lively music and bright lights accompanied by all kinds of excesses intimidated me.

Leinié guided me through the different areas of the casino, passing by gaming tables, private lounges, and a stage where shows unsuitable for the faint-hearted were performed.

Finally, we reached a private room deep within the casino. It was an elegantly decorated space, but it also exuded an aura of mystery and secrecy. In the center of the room, there was a round table surrounded by individuals who looked imposing and confident.

Leinié addressed them with authority and respect, introducing me as her student and explaining that I was there to learn about the underworld and the secrets that surrounded it.

"My name is Victor, and I am one of the leaders of this circle. If you want to learn about the underworld and the hidden secrets that lie within, you must prove yourself trustworthy. Loyalty and bravery are qualities we value here."

One of those seated indicated that I should step outside for a moment to speak privately with Leinié.

Moments later, I could hear some moans.

I decided to take the opportunity to explore the casino while Leinié had her supposed private conversation.

I discreetly moved away from the private room and began to wander through the different floors of the establishment.

Walking through the casino hallways, I encountered a diverse crowd of people. There were avid gamblers focused on the gaming tables, enjoying the excitement and adrenaline they provided. Others delighted in exotic drinks at themed bars, engaging in hushed conversations while casting suspicious glances around.

I also noticed the presence of elegant women and men who seemed to be the hosts of the place, moving with grace and authority.

I began to notice subtle signs of suspicious activity. Whispered conversations, furtive glances, and secretive gestures were exchanged among certain groups of people. It was evident that the underworld was present in this place.

I decided to follow my instincts and veered into a less crowded side hallway.

The bright lights and loud music began to fade, and soon I found myself facing a slightly ajar door.

Intrigued, I gently pushed the door and entered a small, dark room. In the center of the room, a table was covered with documents and files. It seemed to be a clandestine meeting place.

I examined the papers, and my attention was drawn to a particular file. It contained detailed information about a parallel world espionage network similar to Earth.

At that moment, I heard footsteps approaching the room, and my morbid obesity was not helping at all.

The pair of individuals stayed outside the door, talking about the presence of Soviet and US spies in the casino. One of them mentioned smoke. The constant noise also seemed to come from where I came from. Could there be a fire?

Something in the air changed, and an intense cold froze everything around. Battle sounds could be heard from the other side of the door. Slowly, the door opened, and a humanoid figure with two tentacles emerged.

For a moment, it seemed to assess me, evaluating whether I posed a threat or not.

In an act of bravery driven by the need to survive, I decided to take a chance. I remained still, trying to convey a sense of calm and cooperation. Although I was frightened, I knew that making sudden movements or attempting to escape would only provoke a violent reaction from the being.

After a moment of evaluation, the alien shifted its attention to the papers. It took all of them and left.

I retraced my steps and found a desolate place engulfed in flames. After several minutes, I managed to escape and started walking back home. It took me a long time, but it would serve as an opportunity to lose weight.

It was already dawn when I reached the outskirts of the city.

"Now that I remember, we never exchanged contact information. I made the payment on the website without filling out any form. They will surely be asking about me."

Once again, that same sensation ran through my body, the intense cold coursing through every part of my being.

"You have too much fat for my taste."

A sweet girl of large proportions and a delicate face held onto me, pressing from behind. I could feel them, but that's not the point.

"I have come to understand that humans are governed by appearances."

The girl holding onto me seemed to be enjoying my discomfort.

"Now that there are no more spies, I hope to play with appearances with you."

I spent the rest of the week without contacting my instructors, pondering the hidden meaning behind it all. Could she be the one I needed to protect myself from my bully?

If that were the case, she should be in the same classroom. Only then would I find out.