
My Friend the Hunter

“What do you want?!” I yelled out, my brows furrowed in an uncomfortable position. “I want to be your friend.” The darkness responded. A slight rasp adding an eerie tone to the faceless voice. I felt myself grow uncomfortable as I stood in the caves dark center. My senses were on high alert as goosebumps raised upon my skin. “Why would I want to be your friend?” I asked. Nothing responded. I let out the breath I was holding and figured it was time to get out of this creepy place, but before I could turn and leave a somber voice echoed out. “Because I’m the last of my kind as well.” —— Maya is the last elf. Ever since a disease killed off her brethren, she was faced to navigate the world alone. However, when she stumbles upon an unknown figure, the stakes are raised and her world is about to change once again. WILL BE POSTED ON RoyalToad.com

Ayam_Bertal · Fantasía
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3 Chs

PROLOGUE: I Should Probably Forget

I was fourteen when the war started.

"Maya Kenwood!" A deep voice announced, scanning the area for any raised hands.

I kept a straight face and nervously lifted my hand. The choosing had begun, my very first choosing to be exact.

Three different groups and each had a different goal. Group one: run in and deploy the bombs. Group two: stand guard and watch for any enemy figures. Finally, group three: watch and wait for the second group to arrive back and then, set off the bombs. If they did not arrive back within seven minutes, they were assumed dead and the bombs would be set off regardless.

The line I stood in contained around a dozen elves of our age proximity, 11-14. Many older elves sat and watched as their younger counterparts were being sorted. Most of the older figures were sent out as spies to find out the trolls locations. Trolls used to move alone, but since the war erupted, many began moving in large groups. Which was beginning to become a big problem for us.

Three fingers went up as our leader settled on my chosen group. I tentatively walked forward and looked towards the accumulation of elves assigned in group three. Looking around the area, I spotted my friend Lila. My eyes widened as I saw her being placed in group one. The exhale I let out was shaky as I looked on with dread. It was unlikely she was going to make it.

Being elves we were a bit slow, yet our strength and magic made up for it. Lila has always been a slow runner compared to others of our kind. An elf with low speed and strength, but she had great ability with magic. She always tried to teach me spells, but they always evaded me. It was something I was not proud of, an elf who could not use magic.

I am a half-breed, though I do not know what else I am. Half elf, half who knows what. Im slightly taller than the others and my brown curls make me stand out like a sore thumb. A 'normal' elf usually had straight, blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. I had unruly brown curls with dull green eyes.

I heard a stomp and after two beats of calming myself, I started stomping along with my brethren. As we continued our steady rhythm, a deep growl reverberated within the dense forest in front of us. The operation had officially begun.

"Okay guys, you know the plan. Move as quickly as you can and don't get caught." Our group leader spoke out.

As for our full out operation, the goal is to kill as many trolls as we can. Being assigned at this young age used to be highly uncommon. However, since an unknown disease began to spread a couple months back, our species had declined horrendously.

We call this disease 'numbers'.

This disease isn't typical of any other known illness. Once you are seen with a little panel of numbers on your right shoulder, you can begin counting your days till death. The numbers can range from a mere ten days to a year for your time left. No one knows how you catch the disease and without that knowledge, there is nothing to prevent it.

I looked forward at the rusted old building surrounded by a canopy of trees. This was a prime place where the trolls hung out.

My group members and I stood side by side as our leader went down the line. I was handed a metallic remote with a small circular button. A feeling of nausea washed over me as I knew its intended purpose. To kill.

Although we were assigned to kill for a "good cause," I could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt.

I looked to Lila again and she gave me a thumbs up. Before I could respond, group one was given a command. All I could do was watch as they ran towards the building. Suddenly, Lila tripped and fell to the ground. I could not hide the wince my body emitted. Before long all of group one were inside. Nothing but wits and magic to defend themselves.

Group two surrounded the premises, alert for anything out of the ordinary. I scanned the area and felt sweat pooling inside the palm of my hand holding the remote. The remote slightly slipped and I had to clench harder to keep it from falling out of my grasp.

I stood perfectly still, though the ongoing rush of adrenaline racing through me had my heart pounding. Three minuets had passed and only two of group three had returned. Neither of them were Lila.

My eyes scanned the building as several of the elves returned. None of them were my friend. Five minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Lila.

I strained my eyes desperately, trying to see within the building. I searched for any trace of my dear friend. My anxiety pierced my soul as the seven minutes became increasingly close to completion. This could not be happening. Why was she taking so long? Did something go wrong?

A feeling of hopelessness welled within me as the first bomb was set off. The seven minutes were up.

Then, I saw Lila running.

"WAIT!" I screamed out to the bombers beside me, but it was too late. Before she came clear several other bombs echoed that first bombs call. I saw her horrified expression as she was thrown down by debris. Stricken with grief, I let myself fall to the ground. I crumpled in on myself as the sounds of chaos filled my ears.

My best friend was dead.

Nothing was coherent as my vision became blurred with an onslaught of tears. This was not fair. Why did death welcome her so soon? My body shook with intensity as I choked on my quiet wails. All I could do was let my tears hit the ground as I began humming. A somber melody making its way out of mouth. The tune sends the dead's magical energy to the heavens, reuniting it with their the soul. My tear filled eyes looked towards the sky as I sang.


The sun above lights your way into a land of promise

The heavens announce your name, you will be embraced within the sky

May your soul be guided and rest within the clouds

Safe amongst those who were once alive


A gust of wind swirled around and caressed my wet cheeks. I opened my eyes to see a visage of my friend. She stood in front of me and I reached out to be met with nothing. I stared at the ghostly image as I began wiping my eyes to get rid of my blurry vision. Soon, the image of Lila dispersed. The wisps of her circled me as I began hearing whispered words. "Run." It said. "Get out of here."

A scream rang out and startled me out of my trance. I looked to where the scream had sounded and my eyes widened in horror. Several of the group one elves were laying on the ground, spazzing with seemingly no control over their body. Before long the spazzing had stopped and all of the elves laid still on the ground. My body was frozen in place. The amount of emotional pain I was experiencing sending a throbbing pain throughout my head.

I barely heard our leader call out a command. Several elves ran to the leader and lined up. Many were in tears. My legs refused to move as I stayed glued in place. Looking at the growing group of elves forming before the leader, I noticed something sitting on their shoulders.

Their was a number.

I started hyperventilating. Every shoulder I looked upon contained a number. The number '1'. This number was never witnessed before. I watched as elves peered towards their right shoulder. I saw how fear etched its way onto their faces.

We are all going to die. The feeling of immense doom washed over me.

Everyone began holding onto each other as I stayed put, watching them all begin chanting in unison. Our leader eventually sagged in defeat and joined in the melancholic chant. I startled as a soft grumble resounded within the bombed remains of the building.

Trolls. Some were still alive. This was it, the end of our race. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to force myself to walk towards the other elves and join them in the last hurrah. However, the voice from earlier came back in a whisper.

"Run." A soft voice rung out. The grumble from earlier resounded again. It sounded much louder and the elves chant grew louder in response. I felt conflicted. My body had given up, but my spirit was still up and running. I stood, trembling and scared. Then, the voice called again.

"Run." It stated louder than before and that pulled me out of my conflicting thoughts.

I ran. I ran away from the chanting and away from the oncoming terrors. My heart was bounding and my blood was rushing quickly throughout my body. The chants and grumbling became background noise as I ran deeper into the forest.

I eventually stopped and began shivering, but not from being cold. The shiver that coursed through my body was filled with heavy emotion. Falling to the forest floor, I curled into a ball. Even if I survived today, tomorrow would be my last. The image of the number '1' aligning all my brethren's shoulders stuck within my mind. I was too afraid to check my own shoulder.

I eventually closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness. Whatever was going to happen was in the hands of fate at this point. If tomorrow was my last, then so be it.