
My Flawed System

Jason, a young man trapped in a relentless cycle of rebirth, struggles against a ruthless and enigmatic system. After enduring 99 lifetimes filled with harrowing decisions and profound ethical dilemmas, he is haunted by the atrocities he's both committed and witnessed — a direct result of the system's merciless dictates. With each lifetime, he's forced to commit unspeakable acts or face death and the agony of reincarnation. In his original life, Jason was a man of principles, but his initial entanglement with the system remains shrouded in mystery. This ambiguity adds to his torment, as he grapples with questions about his fate and the system's origins. As he approaches his 100th reincarnation, he wrestles with the karmic weight of his past actions, which have left an unforgettable mark on his soul. The system, operating on a complex set of rules, appears to have an underlying logic, though its ultimate purpose is as elusive as it is cruel. It forces Jason into scenarios where moral lines blur, such as choosing between saving a life or causing destruction, thus challenging his notions of right and wrong. He grapples with the weight of his past actions and their karmic repercussions. This coming life is shrouded in mystery and possibility: Could it bring the redemption he yearns for, or merely extend his cycle of suffering? ----------- This novel might not be for everyone as it will take a while for it to get to the fantasy genre that I created it to be. All I ask is that you bear with me, and if slow starters aren't for you, then this might not be your novel, but I still encourage you to give it a 3 chapter shot. Thank you!

KeyFai · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Why Me…

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…


"Mom, it was a great idea to come here this year. I love you so much, and I will always love you," Jason exclaimed, his voice full of gratitude as they stood amidst the lively crowd in Times Square.

Sarah smiled at her son, her heart full despite the year's trials. After losing her job as a waitress, she had tried to shield Jason from their financial worries, but the strain was evident.

Their lives had taken a stark turn, leading them to a homeless shelter. Sarah had observed Jason's spirits wane over the weeks, especially since his 18th birthday a week ago, a day that should have been a celebration.

Flashback to a week earlier, in the dim light of their shared room at the shelter, Sarah had quietly marked Jason's transition to adulthood. "Happy 18th Birthday, sweetheart," she had whispered, presenting a small, homemade cupcake. "Make a wish."

Jason, touched by her gesture, had whispered back, "Thanks, Mom. But remember, we need to save every bit we can. I'm an adult now."

"I know," Sarah had replied softly. "But everyone deserves a wish on their birthday."

Jason blew out the makeshift candle, his heart heavy with a silent wish for a better future for them both.

That's when it happened.


A holographic screen appeared out of thin air.



But then, the system glitched, unable to find any Karmic retribution in Jason's past, present, or future lives. The screen flickered and went dark.

Now, as the New Year's celebration continued around them, the system reactivated.




Jason's heart skipped a beat. "Not now," he thought.

"Happy New Year, Mom," he managed to say, masking his growing dread.

Just then, the system presented the horrifying choice along with a countdown timer. Jason's breath hitched. He looked at his mother, her eyes shining with hope and love, then at the joyous crowd around them. His mind raced. This had to be some sick joke, a terrible mistake.

"Jason, you look pale. Are you alright?" Sarah's voice was laced with concern.

He struggled to respond, his gaze fixed on the haunting words and the ticking countdown on the screen only he could see.

"Mom, I... I need a moment," Jason stammered, stepping back. As he wrestled with the impossible choice, a deep sense of injustice filled him. Why him? Why this cruel game?

"Mom, I think I saw something... I need to check it out," he lied, desperate to buy time and find a solution.

Sarah looked worried but nodded, "Be careful, Jason."

As Jason moved through the crowd, his mind was a whirlwind of fear and confusion. He needed to find a way out of this nightmare. But how? The stakes were unimaginable. His mother's life, the lives of innocent people, hung in the balance of a mysterious, malfunctioning system, with only an hour to decide.

Hello everyone! This is my first novel and I wanted to start the first chapter a little light to see if it’s well received or not. I welcome any and all critiques. I hope that reading this is enjoyable for all.

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