
My Flawed System

Jason, a young man trapped in a relentless cycle of rebirth, struggles against a ruthless and enigmatic system. After enduring 99 lifetimes filled with harrowing decisions and profound ethical dilemmas, he is haunted by the atrocities he's both committed and witnessed — a direct result of the system's merciless dictates. With each lifetime, he's forced to commit unspeakable acts or face death and the agony of reincarnation. In his original life, Jason was a man of principles, but his initial entanglement with the system remains shrouded in mystery. This ambiguity adds to his torment, as he grapples with questions about his fate and the system's origins. As he approaches his 100th reincarnation, he wrestles with the karmic weight of his past actions, which have left an unforgettable mark on his soul. The system, operating on a complex set of rules, appears to have an underlying logic, though its ultimate purpose is as elusive as it is cruel. It forces Jason into scenarios where moral lines blur, such as choosing between saving a life or causing destruction, thus challenging his notions of right and wrong. He grapples with the weight of his past actions and their karmic repercussions. This coming life is shrouded in mystery and possibility: Could it bring the redemption he yearns for, or merely extend his cycle of suffering? ----------- This novel might not be for everyone as it will take a while for it to get to the fantasy genre that I created it to be. All I ask is that you bear with me, and if slow starters aren't for you, then this might not be your novel, but I still encourage you to give it a 3 chapter shot. Thank you!

KeyFai · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Please Don't Do This


The cold air sliced through the festive atmosphere, catching in Jason's hair and offering a fleeting moment of clarity amidst his turmoil. A heavy decision loomed over him, tinged with fear of unknown consequences for non-compliance. The vibrant lights of Times Square seemed to blur and twist as his mind raced.

"Mom," Jason began, his voice strained, eyes darting away to hide his inner conflict.

"You're right. I'm not feeling well. I think it's best I head back and get some rest."

Sarah's expression clouded with worry, her eyes reflecting the bright New Year's lights.

"Ok, sweety, we'll go back together then."

"No!" Jason's response came out sharper than he intended. He quickly softened his tone, "Please, enjoy the rest of your night. I'll make it back on my own. I promise to call you."

Reluctantly, Sarah conceded, her maternal concern etched in her furrowed brow. "Alright, but please call me when you get there."

Jason pulled her into a tight hug, a mix of love and unspoken fears. "I love you, Mom. See you soon," he whispered, his voice thick with emotions he dared not show. The hug felt like a lifeline, a fleeting connection to normalcy.

"I love you too, Jason. Be safe," she replied, her warmth enveloping him, grounding him for a moment longer in a reality that was rapidly slipping away.

Turning away, Jason's resolve faltered, but he forced himself not to look back. The relentless countdown echoed in his mind, a stark reminder of the nightmare he was trapped in.


"Dammit," he hissed under his breath, threading through the crowd. The absurdity of the "mission" clashed violently with his rational mind.

"Could this be a delusion?" he wondered, grappling for any other explanation. Each step felt heavier, each face in the crowd a mask of joy he could no longer wear.

The lively atmosphere of the night now seemed surreal, a cruel contrast to the storm brewing inside him.

"It should have been a perfect night," he lamented silently. The laughter, the music, the countdown – it all felt like a distant echo, a world apart from the cold dread enveloping him.

Reaching the shelter, Jason hastened his steps. The building, once a haven, now felt like a trap, its walls closing in on him. He bypassed the dimly lit common area, shadows lurking in the corners, making his way to his bunk in the dark. Collapsing onto the bed, he lay there, fully clothed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his heart pounding in his chest.


Prayer had never been part of Jason's world, but in this moment of desperation, he found himself silently pleading for a miracle.

"Please, just let me be losing my mind," he whispered, his voice barely a breath in the stillness of the room.

The countdown mercilessly ticked on, each second a hammer strike against the walls of his sanity.

[6 SECONDS... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...]



Panic engulfed Jason. His body ceased to obey his commands, becoming a puppet to an unseen master. He tried to speak, to move, but his body wouldn't respond, betraying him.

"What's happening to me?" he screamed internally, but no sound escaped his lips. His mind became a prison, his consciousness trapped in a body no longer his.

His body abruptly leapt from the bunk, moving with a purpose that was not his own. As he marched towards the exit, an elderly woman entered, her face creased with a kind smile.

"Hi, Jason, Happy Ne-" Her words were cut off abruptly as Jason's body, acting against his will, struck her with a backhand blow. The sound of impact was sickening, a physical manifestation of internal horror. The woman crumpled to the ground, her expression of surprise and pain frozen in time.

"No! Why?!" Jason's mental screams were a cacophony of horror and disbelief, tears streaming down his face, even as his body remained impassive and cold.

His body moved on, driven by the merciless command of the system, leaving Jason a prisoner within his own mind, screaming silently. The shelter, once a place of refuge, now felt like a stage for some twisted play in which he was the unwilling protagonist.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" he wailed internally, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and despair.

"I've always tried to be good, respectful... What does any of this have to do with karma?" The word 'karma' echoed mockingly in his mind, a cruel joke against his current helplessness.

As his inner turmoil reached a crescendo, a new message appeared, chilling him to the core. It was as if the system was feeding off his fear, becoming more relentless with each passing moment.

"Please, no more," he thought desperately, his plea echoing in the void of his mind. But his body continued its relentless march, each step a betrayal of his will.



The words flashed ominously before his eyes, a stark command that felt like a death knell to his soul.

"Not Mom, please, not her," he begged internally, his mind racing for a way out, any way to stop this nightmare.

Jason's body, now a vessel for the system's cold intent, moved with mechanical precision. The streets outside were still bustling with revelers, unaware of the tragedy unfolding within him. He felt like a ghost among the living, a specter of despair amidst the joy.

The walk back to where he left his mother felt like an eternity, each step heavier than the last. His mind was a torrent of emotions - fear, guilt, desperation - yet his face remained an emotionless mask, betraying nothing of the battle raging within.

As he approached the spot where he had left Sarah, his heart pounded against his chest, a futile protest against the inevitable. He could see her in the distance, her figure illuminated by the neon glow of the city, still holding onto the cup of hot chocolate, a symbol of normalcy in a world that had turned upside down for Jason.

"Mom..." he thought, his mental voice breaking.

"I'm so sorry."

Jason's body halted a few feet away from Sarah, who turned around, sensing someone's presence. Her smile faded as she saw the vacant look in his eyes.

"Jason? Is everything ok?" she asked, concern quickly turning into alarm as she noticed his odd demeanor.

Jason wanted to scream, to warn her, to do anything to stop what was about to happen. But he was trapped, a silent witness to the horror that the system was forcing him to enact.

As Sarah stepped closer, confusion and worry etched on her face, the countdown for the new mission began.


In that moment, Jason realized the true horror of his situation. He wasn't just fighting for his own sanity now; he was fighting for the life of the person he loved most in the world.

"Please," he begged silently, "someone help me."

But the streets were filled with laughter and celebration, the world oblivious to the nightmare unfolding on a quiet corner of Times Square.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I would appreciate it.

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