
My Flawed System

Jason, a young man trapped in a relentless cycle of rebirth, struggles against a ruthless and enigmatic system. After enduring 99 lifetimes filled with harrowing decisions and profound ethical dilemmas, he is haunted by the atrocities he's both committed and witnessed — a direct result of the system's merciless dictates. With each lifetime, he's forced to commit unspeakable acts or face death and the agony of reincarnation. In his original life, Jason was a man of principles, but his initial entanglement with the system remains shrouded in mystery. This ambiguity adds to his torment, as he grapples with questions about his fate and the system's origins. As he approaches his 100th reincarnation, he wrestles with the karmic weight of his past actions, which have left an unforgettable mark on his soul. The system, operating on a complex set of rules, appears to have an underlying logic, though its ultimate purpose is as elusive as it is cruel. It forces Jason into scenarios where moral lines blur, such as choosing between saving a life or causing destruction, thus challenging his notions of right and wrong. He grapples with the weight of his past actions and their karmic repercussions. This coming life is shrouded in mystery and possibility: Could it bring the redemption he yearns for, or merely extend his cycle of suffering? ----------- This novel might not be for everyone as it will take a while for it to get to the fantasy genre that I created it to be. All I ask is that you bear with me, and if slow starters aren't for you, then this might not be your novel, but I still encourage you to give it a 3 chapter shot. Thank you!

KeyFai · Fantasía
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3 Chs



Jason's heart pounded in his chest, a rapid drumbeat echoing the chaos of his thoughts. The absurdity of the situation clashed violently with the cold, hard reality of the countdown timer glaring at him. He ducked into a shadowed alleyway, the noise of the crowd fading into a distant hum. The stark contrast between the joyous celebrations and his current turmoil was jarring.

"FUCK!" His voice echoed off the grimy walls, the solitary word hanging in the air like a verdict. "This can't be happening. It's got to be some kind of sick joke," he muttered, pacing back and forth. His mind raced with possibilities - was this a hallucination, a twisted prank, or something far more sinister? The thought that he might be experiencing a mental breakdown seemed terrifyingly plausible, yet the vividness of the holographic timer argued against it.

Taking deep, steadying breaths, he tried to calm the storm inside him. But the ticking clock in his mind wouldn't stop. He couldn't shake off the weight of the decision forced upon him.

Gritting his teeth, Jason stepped out of the alley, squinting against the bright lights of Broadway. The world seemed to move in slow motion as he made his way back to his mother.

"Jason, are you ok? Did you find what you were looking for?" Sarah's voice was laced with concern, her eyes searching his face for signs of distress.

"No, Mom," Jason replied, his voice a strained whisper. He scratched his head, offering an awkward smile. "It must have been my eyes playing tricks on me." The lie tasted bitter in his mouth, but he couldn't bear to worry her with his unfathomable burden.

Sarah studied him for a moment longer before letting out a small sigh. "Ok, sweety, as long as you're ok." She tried to mask her worry, but her eyes betrayed her fear.

They resumed walking, meandering aimlessly down Broadway. The vibrant neon lights of the theaters and the cacophony of laughter and music from the celebrating crowds created a surreal backdrop. Jason's mind, however, was far from the festivities. He chuckled bitterly, a sound devoid of any real humor, as he pondered the absurdity of the "mission." "How would I even...?" The thought was ludicrous, impossible. Yet the threat loomed over him, undeniable and terrifying.

He stopped abruptly, a cold sweat breaking out across his back as the timer reappeared.

"No, this can't be..." he whispered, his voice barely audible above the din of the crowd.

"Jason, you're looking really pale. Are the lights and noise too much?" Sarah's voice trembled with concern. "We don't have to stay here. We can go back to the shelter..."

"No, it's okay, Mom," Jason said, forcing his voice to sound steady. He pulled out his phone, his fingers trembling as he typed. Desperation clawed at him as he searched for any explanation, any precedent for what was happening. Could this be a delusion? A symptom of an undiagnosed mental illness?

"Schizophrenia?" he muttered under his breath, scrolling through a list of symptoms. "Visual hallucinations... but this feels too real."

"JASON!" Sarah's voice, sharp with worry, cut through his thoughts. "You're scaring me. We need to get you checked out."

He hesitated, then shook his head. "It's nothing, Mom. Just feeling a bit off, that's all," he lied, his gaze drifting away from her concerned eyes.

"Mom, do we have any weird diseases that run in the family?" he asks slowly, with a hint of desperation in his voice.

"No, sweety, we don't. Why do you ask?"

His question about family diseases caught her off guard. "No reason, just curious," he deflected quickly, not wanting to add to her worries. He couldn't bear the thought of causing her more stress, not after everything they had been through.

As they spoke, Sarah hesitated before revealing her observations about his behavior since his birthday. Jason felt a pang of guilt as he realized the depth of her concern. She had been quietly observing, silently worrying.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll find a way to make things right," he reassured her, his voice firm despite the turmoil inside him.

Their decision to get hot chocolate felt like a small respite in the midst of chaos. But as Sarah mentioned the closing time, Jason's gaze involuntarily flickered to his phone.


A sense of resolve washed over him. No matter what, he would protect his mother, even if it meant standing against the world itself. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. The weight of the decision, the bizarre reality of the countdown, it all felt surreal. Yet, there was a part of him that knew he had to face it, head-on.

As they walked, Jason's mind raced with plans, scenarios, and possibilities. How could he outmaneuver this nightmarish situation? What could he possibly do to prevent the unthinkable? He glanced at his mother, her face lit by the glow of the streetlights, her expression a mix of concern and love. He couldn't, he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

The night air felt colder now, the festive lights somehow less bright. The countdown continued, each second ticking away with relentless finality. Jason knew that whatever choice he made, whatever path he decided to take, it would change everything. But as he looked at his mother, he knew there was really only one choice he could make. He would do anything to keep her safe. Anything.