
The pain's gone?... How did you know it would work?

“Jake, can you still eat your meal?”Nana asked Jake. “I wish I could finish this wonderful

meal, Nana but no, I can’t the pain from my ears are just getting more and more

intense.”Jake said with agony on his face.

“Don’t worry about it, dear. We just need you to get checked up, I’ll put the food in the

microwave till we get back.”Nana said.

“Okay Nana… So are we going to the hospital then??”Jake asked.

“Yes! Elizabeth dear, Can you help me take him to the car? I want to call the hospital.”

“Okay I will Nana”

Liz just about finished her meal and was getting worried as she looked at how red Jake’s

ear had become.

As she took Jake to the car, she asked,”Jake, are you okay?? That looks so painful, are you sure you’ll be okay?” Jake looked up to her, and said smilingily “What do you take me for? Of course I can take

a minor wound like this, no problem! After all, I’m still Jake your best friend.”