

It was already pretty late at night, and Jake was still out hunting down the creature in the forest. The creature on the other hand did not notice Jake until he (Jake) made a mistake of getting too close and his scent was noticed.

When the creature noticed, it decided to lead him into a trap and then eat him, and since it was a full moon its powers would be strong enough. Then the creature led him into the trap and Jake didn’t suspect this until it was already too late and got caught up in its trap.

Jake was kind of scared because he did not know what he was following or where he was, the creature came out and tried to eat Jake up alive but unfortunately for the creature Jake managed to be able to put on a good fight.

While all this happened, Jake still hadn’t figured out what the creature was, but suddenly in a momentary flash of light, he was able to see some parts of the mysterious creature and saw it was a werewolf which possessed bloody red eyes, claws as sharp as well-sharpened knives and a face and body full of fur.

Suddenly Jake’s heart rate spiked and he became really scared and afraid to move, the werewolf clawed him and bit him and left him almost half-dead. Jake was on the ground unconscious and beaten up.