
Found in the woods

The Sheriff left Iris and went into the woods with his team; David knew what might be in the forest and about what Iris was speaking about and was really worried not only for the lad he was looking for but also for his team because he viewed most of them as family.

Still in that night, shun a bloody full moon down straight on the grounds which Jake lay half to death. Suddenly, Sheriff David and his team drew close to the stomp which Jake had passed and shortly after they came across small clues pointing out that someone or something passed through there. Thereafter a little while, David found the young lad, Jake lying on the ground filled with pain in a state of unconsciousness.

David and his team struggled to take Jake out of the woods while worrying and thinking about what happened there, whereas David already knew. His team was really frightened by the boy’s current state and tried to hurry out of the woods to avoid any of them getting hurt and ending up like him.

David noticed how uneasy and how restless his team was and then he told them saying “Hey, there is really no reason for us to be frightened by his situation. We are meant to be his protectors and to be of service t the people. So if we are scared who then will provide support and protection to them, Stand strong, we are all in this together. So let go of your fears because if this kid was awake now and saw us this way I wonder what his reaction would had been. “

After the Sheriff’s speech, the other officers began to gain back their confidence and became cool and rational and all yelled out in a vote of confidence to the speech the Sheriff gave.

After that the officers took Jake to the hospital while the Sheriff went on to Jake’s grandmother’s home.