
The Reality Of the World

Jewel Sterling POV

Left. Right. Left again.

Where am I?


I spin around and take off again.

I crash into a wall. I forced myself to stop.

Think! Think! Think! I tell myself in a panic. 

I have to do this, I can't afford to loose.

But as panic and desperation set in, I force myself to admit something that will change my life.

I was LOST! 


Chapter 1

Paix Esper POV

I stare at myself in the mirror. It's a rare opportunity but I welcome it gladly. I am suppose to be brave and help others but I still don't get why mirrors are only allowed in the house once a month. Then somebody always comes and collects it. Usually my parents volunteer, it's what my tribe does. My tribe's name is Fierces, they teach to be brave, daring even, and then use that to help the others, save others. I shake my head to clear it and put mirror on top of the drawer. I walk out of the house and walk down the block to school. As I walk through the wooden doors inside a rush of cool air sweeps through me. I sigh relaxing my shoulders, I didn't realize I was tense. The wind also resurfaces a memory, Choosing Day. Today is the day that I get to choose which tribe I want to be in. Or at least the day that I take the test. Tomorrow is the 50th Annual Trifecta, it has 3 stages. In two weeks, after the competition ends, the winner will get the awards and they will announce which tribe the winner has selected and then the rest of us. Whether you stay with your family or make a new one is up to you. I have a chance of getting chosen, luckily I trained for it just in case. My grandma was a victor so before she died so she taught me and my younger sister Amber some tricks. This year is a twist however since every 10 years, to make it more fun, there is more competition. This will be the 5th time the twist will happen, and I am sure that it will be more dangerous than ever. I walk over to my tribe's  table and sit next to my friends.

" Hi, How are you?" I ask politely, the way my parents taught me. Sophie smiles in return and I can tell she is nervous. I look around trying to spot her twin Brooke but she is nowhere to be found. " Do you know whe.." I am interrupted by a woman coming to our table. " Your tribe will take the test first," she says briskly as she walks away, not waiting to see if we would follow her. Of course we do, standing up and jogging after her. We walk into the room with 20 desks, the other 12 year olds and I take a seat, I choose one close to the back. 

"You will each have 5 minutes to circle one of the three answers." She says passing out the tests face down. Once she is done she says, " Your time starts now!" I flip the test over and write my name. The question is.....

What do you value most in life?

1. Love and family - Amosire Tribe

2.  Money and Riches - Felicity Tribe

3. Bravery and helping others - Fierces Tribe

I choose the third option.

Chapter 2

Amoura Lock-Heart POV

I know I am beautiful, and fit right into my tribe but I just can't believe that. That is why when I made my choice, I decided to leave my parents and my younger sister behind, to join Felicity. Yes I am caring but I was always poor and I want to experience what it would be like to get amazing jobs and be able to afford beautiful things. But that will be after they announce the winner for the competition that starts tomorrow. I will tell my parents that I don't want to be por, but that isn't the real reason. I love my parents and they say they love me too, but they don't always act like that's true. What if they say that because they have too, what if they lie. So if they don't love me, I should be fine leaving them. Except.... My Sister... Sweets is probably the only one worth staying for, but I can't. I don't fit in, even though I have the personality and looks. I walk out of school and make my way home to a small little shack. I know a girl named Paix from another tribe and her house is twice as big as mine. It's a good tribe but I really don't like the mirror rule, so I'm left with the rich tribe. I notice something twinkling on the ground, a sapphire ring. I carefully pick it up and put it on my finger. Wow. Just wow. I trip and land on my hands and knees. I take off the ring and slip it into my pocket. Either it's cursed or I was too busy staring at my new treasure. I just can't return it because maybe I could change this for money. Maybe get more food, softer sheets, maybe even a bed. Yes I do not have a bed, I sleep on a carpet and thin sheets with a hard pillow. I nearly trip again, lost in thought, I shake my head to clear it and regain my balance. I jump across a crack in the sidewalk and keep walking. But as I near the house I know something is wrong, the windows are shut and the light is turned off. I pull out my key and unlock the door. I hesitate a second before tentatively stepping inside. I close the door behind me before I hear shouting coming from upstairs, shouting and crying. I creep up the stairs and stay hidden in the shadows as I watch my parents on the opposite sides of my sister's room. My parents aren't allowed to shout and they never break rules. That's when I notices the tears streaming down my mom's cheeks. I am glad my sister isn't here yet. Unfortunately I feel a sneeze coming and I can't stifle it in time.

" Amoura?" My mom calls out sounding wearing.

"Mom! Hi! Do you know where Sweets is?" I ask trying to avoid the questions about how long I have been there. However my plan backfires, because my mom closes her eyes, and gestures for me to come forward. She whispers something in my ear and it makes my world spin. I guess my parents really did love my sister. But I don't know how I am suppose leave them now.

Because my sister .....

Was ...
