
My first beast was a slime

Franz will be caught in a series of strange events that will reveal to him a truth that the world itself does not want him to know. Franz, with the help of a small slime, will embark on an adventure to discover what the world has hidden from him.

NoisyRainy · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Chapter 23: Ways to Become Rich, Part 4.

As Franz and Ron had agreed, they each managed to get a little manpower, fortunately Hans knew some people quite capable in alchemy.

Of course, all the manpower was reduced to rank 1 mana practitioners, someone else in rank 2 or rank 3 and the potion would not be profitable no matter how many sales Franz and Ron had.

The good part is that in addition to the time required to make the potion, there was not much difficulty in making it according to Ron's words.

Of course, because the potion was not difficult to make, the two took it upon themselves to create a spiritual contract under the supervision of a mana practitioner lawyer between all parties so that the potion recipe would not be disseminated, Franz was exempt from such a contract as he was the creator of the potion, though he promised to consult with Ron about any moves he might make regarding the potion.

As for the name he had decided on for the potion, Ron decided to call it Touch of Slime, in honor of Pom Pom, Franz had thought that it was not necessary, but Ron insisted on doing so, since, anyway, he had nothing to do with the creation of the potion, Franz then had to give up and accept the name "Touch of Slime", although deep down he felt bad for taking credit for something he didn't do.

Pom Pom was quite happy for the honor of having his name on a potion, Franz of course was happy for him as well.

Pom Pom had been depressed the past few days due to his abilities not being able to improve and he was also not able to pass the barrier that held him back at rank 1.

It was at this point that the limits of an iron beast began to show.

However, Franz had no idea what he could do to increase the chances of beneficial evolution, as these were varied and a slime had a wide variety of evolutionary branches, so it was difficult to say which was the best path to good evolution.

For the time being, he could only rely on teaching other good quality skills in hopes of increasing Pom Pom's quality to bronze.

A week passed and Franz and Ron managed to create 3 large boxes with the touch of slime, about 36 potions were put on the market with the help of the Moonflower association.

Soon the rumor of a potion capable of curing mana deficit completely began to spread among people and mana practitioners.

The latter, although skeptical, some took the risk of buying the potion, some out of curiosity and others out of desperation, however, the potion did not disappoint, being able to cure beasts and practitioners of mana, which was a surprise even for Franz, as it would never have occurred to him to test it on a person and he had even made it clear that the potion was only for beasts, but there was never a lack of the madman or the stubborn who ignored the instructions.

Ron, on the other hand, was the happiest to a certain extent, because profits would only improve for him if there were more customers.

So after only a week, Ron and Franz had to hire more manpower as they were unable to keep up and as Ron had said, Franz had to increase the price of the potion to almost 50,000 credits since even with so much manpower, they had become unable to cope and some clever ones had started to buy and resell the potion at a higher price, just as Ron had predicted.

After having caused such a stir in just one week, Hans had to do his best to hide Franz's identity as the creator of the touch of slime, although he also did not understand how he could create such a potion, it was his disciple after all and how his master had to support him.

The press, as annoyed as always, went to the main offices in the city in order to clarify who was the creator of the "Touch of Slime", admonishing that this potion could not be monopolized due to the importance it represented for humanity and mainly the tamers of beasts.

. . . . . .

Another week passed, Ron was no longer in the mood as good as he was at first, he even had to stay within the moonflower association, the press and some businessmen and pharmacists were just waiting for someone to leave the association to question him about the creator of the Touch of Slime.

- Damn greedy pigs, the good of humanity, the damn mud on my soles does better than you - muttered Ron who chattered his teeth with rage.

As he continued cursing, one of the workers he had hired approached him with a phone in his hand, looking nervous as he caught Ron's attention.

- boss, it is Maria Frost, the manager of the moonflower of this city -

Ron was shocked to hear the name, if that person had taken an interest in him, then the matter should have escalated to something quite serious by now.

Picking up the phone, Ron only heard a few words before the call hung up; You and your friend meet at the house of angels in three days, I'll be waiting for you for a discussion.

. . . . . . .

- You look emaciated - Nepheli said putting a large spoonful of food in her mouth.

Franz kept looking at his own food, he hadn't thought that success would bring him so much responsibility and calamity at the same time.

- I shouldn't have made that potion - Franz murmured, if he had known that he would get into so much trouble, he would have better think of some other option.

But just thinking that the painting "Serenity of a God" could fall into someone else's hands made him angry for some strange reason.

- Well, there's no going back, so at least rejoice, now you're almost rich – Nepheli said while still eating some delicious soups.

- Yes, I suppose - Franz said who returned to his meal, but suddenly thought of something - By the way, do you know where Hans is? –

- I think he went to an important meeting, so he said that we should train alone for another week - Nepheli replied after thinking about it for a bit, as fast as Hans arrived, he quickly left, just giving a vague explanation.

Ding Ding Ding

However, as if Hans had heard them, an incoming call from him rang on Franz's phone.

When Nepheli looked at Hans' incoming call, he said with a hint of mockery and pain from the hard days of training – Speaking of the devil –

- Don't say that or he will kill us later - Franz said who replied with some panic.

Hans was the first to speak as soon as Franz answered the call, he sounded serious, although it was not strange actually.

- Franz, in three days I'll pick you up, stay home for the time being, in three days I'll pick you up and your friend Ron and we'll go to the angels' house, we need to discuss things about the "Touch of Slime" –

Hans hung up the call and Franz could only sigh, why did powerful people always talk without explaining things? at least he already knew what Hans meant thanks to the fact that he had spoken to Ron just a few moments ago.

Of course, Nepheli was still oblivious to much of Franz's current situation, so she had to explain things to him, but not before telling him; Finish what's in your mouth before popping another spoon of food in.

- Yes mom - Nepheli replied mockingly and with a voice barely understandable by the food she was carrying in her mouth.

. . . . .

The next day, Hans was standing in front of a grandiose mansion guarded by multiple mana practitioners, the highest-ranking being someone in the 4th rank.

However, those who were really surprised by it, were of course the protagonists of all the commotion, Franz, Ron and Nepheli who had again sneaked into the group with the excuse of being worried about Franz, it was not entirely a lie, but he was in the group more out of curiosity than concern, for she trusted Franz fully as her friend.

- It's almost time for the meeting, so let's go in - Hans said.

The three of them nodded and followed behind Hans, but before they reached the door, Hans stopped in front of two people.

Seeing the two people, both Franz and Ron were shocked.

Author's Note: What do you think of the story so far? Too slow? Good pace?

I will try to upload the chapters earlier as soon as I get out, thank you for reading my novel and remember to leave your opinion.

I changed the name to my favorite song!