
Shen Hong

At first, the father was angry for being distracted, but when he learned about the current situation, he changed his mind. He complimented me for my discovery, cultivation progress, and vigilance. He also ordered the creation of nightly observation posts on the tall trees, both in the city and in the expansion zone. He also tripled resources dedicated to the expansion project.

When brother Fei brought-up his griefs with big sis, dad asked for details and how the hell did he lose. Big bro told us a fancy tale of being ambushed on the street in the middle of the day (without any reason). That is when I cut in filling various details including time, place and situation. Shen Hong wasn't happy, he even slapped brother Fei. When the boy (and a few elders) asked for mercy, father has appointed to command one of our outposts.

Regrettably, my free time has run out and I had to go, letting things progress without oversight. No matter my contributions, fame or cultivation, the school was school. On my way out, I warned Yue'er about recent events and taught her how to use new defensive features. It was minor stuff but should be enough to stop even a silver ranker. When I was passing the market it was a lot quieter than a week ago.

In contrast, the school was the same. The lesson was martial arts once more and it was yet another foundation building, instead of sparring. The library was as quiet as usual. But unlike yesterday, Ye Zi Yun couldn't properly focus on research and was casting strange glances towards big sis. In the end, Shen Xiu got annoyed and asked what she wanted.

"That thing is, my dad just came out of isolation," - she began slowly. - "And there was a big meeting of the family elders. Most talks were about the woods and uncle Shuo's report. Then at some point, they all started pressing him to take teacher Shen as a wife." - She even blushed at the end.

"Don't worry Yun'er, I have no plan of marrying Lord Ye Zong." - Big easily clarified the misunderstanding. - "Brother Hong would still negotiate things with passion. And in a couple of months, things would change a lot."

"No, no, no, please don't misunderstand me." - The girl had a really strange expression, - "He is a really noble and kind man, who really needs a firm person like the teacher around." - She actually liked this idea, even her eyes were shining.

"I know, a lesser man would have succumbed to your elders a long time ago." - Sis was gentle, - "But, I have my eyes on another man. And even a kind and noble man, like lord Zong, won't like wearing a green hat." - she turned her eyes away.

"Ohh, that would be really bad indeed," - the girl turned crimson. - "Should I warn him about that?"

"Not yet, if he is wise enough to ask about my opinion, then I would answer honestly. Otherwise, I would just elope before the ceremony - it would save face for everyone." - Answered big sis honestly.

"That is wise." - Yun'er agreed - "I won't tell anyone."

After that, we turned back to our research. In the end, Zi Yun lost to me, while Shen Xiu was still in the lead in our little competition. On our way out, I told them a bit about my Demonic Beast Spirit. Zi Yun promised to catch-up soon and big sis reminded me about her condition.

This time Xiu'er came back with me, promising to add some interesting things to my defences. When we arrived, the compound was in a state of well-organized chaos. Guards, workers, and maids were running around doing their tasks. There was a small platform near the top of my pine tree and I could see another one being constructed three yards away. There was also Ren Ling (father's chief maid) waiting for me at home.

According to her, lord Ye Zong invited Shen Hong and me, Shen Yue, to dine with him tonight, which is why maid Ling was there to have me prepared... once again, it came down to a shopping spree with two women (Xiu'er and Ren Ling) picking things out for me and one (Yue'er) learning the knowhow. And I was hoping that dad won't start a civil war, at least before we properly fortified expansion region.

Time waits for no one. - It was the 8th day.

So while Nie Li would be flirting with Xiao Ning'er, heads of the major families would be re-forging their alliance, re-negotiating their shares of expansion territory and planning to make Glory City great again.

Verynewcreators' thoughts