

I took a carriage to bring Yue'er home. Along the way, she told me all sort of things about 'big sister Yun' (including birthmark on her chest). Turns out the young lady wanted to hear about me and told about herself in exchange. Xiao Yue was smart enough to see benefits in this trade and to keep quiet about really private and secret stuff.

When we arrived there was a family guard waiting for me. According to him, elder Ming wanted to see me right away, while was still in isolation. So instead of going to school, I had to explain how I spent the night. I told him the truth, how brother Fei was acting suspiciously, how I warned Ye Zi Yun and Shen Xiu about that and was invited to City Lord manor in return, how I spent time befriending Zi Yun and Feng Ruo to strengthen our family.

He said that I should have warned one of the elders about Fei, instead. I answered, that normally only elders and patriarch could tell Fei to do something. Naturally, there was outrage on behalf of himself and others. I had to remind him that we were discussing Shen Fei the Pedophile and that if elders were caught assisting those kidnappers it would have been much worse than Fei trying to rescue his friends.

And since we already met, I told him about my breakthrough to silver rank and asked to give me gold-ranked fire wolf demon spirit to merge. He nodded and told me to pick a treasure from the family vault (as a reward for such fast progress) as well. Despite being rather new, our family had a lot of stuff of high quality or mystery.

Unlike Nie Li, I couldn't identify any special world-shaking treasure. So I decided to pick a weapon with history to try forming Fullbring (like those guys in Bleach manga). In the end, I took a staff, which had a presence to late silver, early gold rank. According to the catalog, it was the Earthshaker! 150 years ago, city lord Ye Hong (legend rank) used it to scatter a demon beast hoard 100 million strong, burning most of his and staff's power in a single strike. When my father was born and named after the lord Hong, this treasure was gifted to our family with a wish for him to achieve the same strength. It was perfect!

I took it to school with me. I got there by the end of the day's lesson about survival in the wild. I caught Zi Yun and led her to Shen Xiu's office. Big sis was there, the left side of her face was violet-blue with a giant shiner. According to her, brother Fei would need a year to heal the hand that did it. And she really got the power-up by draining soul force from big bro, which brought her up to the gold rank. She told us about the fight, the explosions, the ambushes, the pursuit. She also noted that since she was one fighting Fei, the family would simply call internal matter and bring Fei back by the next morning.

Then I revealed my own breakthrough to silver rank, which earned me a kiss on the cheek from big sis and a hug from Zi Yun. It was a good time to be me. After that, we went to the library and continued studying Inscription. There was a lot of untraslated books, yet finding the ones on the three known Patterns took time. Shen Xiu won once again, but the margin was much smaller this time. The last hour was spent comparing our notes again.

Soon both Nie Li and heads of major families would begin acting, disturbing the current balance.

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