

My dream that night was a traditional Westeros wedding (including Tyrion Lannister and Robert Baratheon) between me and Ye Zi Yun. And it wasn't even Shen Yue as a groom, it was an old me (tall, athletic, bald). There was a castle, a cake, music (Game of Thrones theme), and all the regular festivities. The bride was happy and beautiful shining smiles and trading words with our guests. I was acting all smug and giddy, while filled with dread.

There was Shen Hong, Ye Zong, the elders from both families and all sorts of important guests. Yet sister Xiu and brother Fei were absent, together, which brought me all sort of dark thoughts. Somehow, Zi Yun was so small - she looked even younger than she was, around eleven or ten, which was so wrong. There were toasts for unity, for a bright future, for many children. I saw a manic gleam in Ye Zong's eyes.

At some point, I could hear gates screeching and there were my brother and sister, with a couple of unfamiliar guys behind them. They have brought special presents: heads of Nie Li, his gang and Xiao Ning'er. For some reason, guests cheered happily at the gruesome gift. But I could sense that something was wrong.

Ziyun climbed onto my knees, she was drunk, she was trying to kiss me. It was surreal, then I heard sister Xiu calling for music, finally, I understood that it disappeared along with last guests arrival. And then it was the Rains of fucking Castamere, and arrows were flying everywhere. Guests were fighting with hosts, blood was flowing, body parts rolling on the tables and floor. A horrible sight and a bad omen for this marriage.

Somehow there was living breathing Nie Li (and gang) causing chaos, while the heads on the huge silver platter turned into those who brought them. Filled with rage and fear and I was running away trying to protect my bride. And then there was literally rain of burning arrows covering the sky and I could still hear that accursed melody. Then I was falling seeing my headless body from a strange angle and there was that bastard groping my wife with one hand and untieing his belt with another, while they were practically eating each-other faces.

Then I woke up in bed in my room breathing heavily, feeling scared, angry and safe.

A small bonus chapter for those who wants to see MC banging 13 years old girl.

Verynewcreators' thoughts