

Muhtar has greatly enhanced my senses. So I have clearly seen brother Fei despite the distance. He was riding in palanquin along with elder Yan. His right hand was bound in some kind of contraption that looked suspiciously like a crocodile head biting it off. There were guards, servants, and maids running around. Then they suddenly stopped a bit before the family's compound.

I saw Fei arguing with elder Yan. Big bro was waving his left hand, stomping his fit, and screaming with spittle flying from his mouth. Elder Yan was unimpressed, allowing his charge to release the steam. Finally, when brother's wordstream has died down, uncle Yan said a few words, which was enough to pacify him completely.

Then I saw, big sis walking towards them. Suddenly she disappeared mid-step and reappeared right in front brother Fei holding and caressing his left hand. Elder Yan took a step towards them but somehow tripped and barely kept his balance. She said a few words, waved her hand and there was another her down the street walking towards her house, then the one next to big bro disappeared in flames.

Brother began screaming orders once again, but this time I heard a note of fear in his voice. Procession reorganized and marched straight to compound gates. Then they finally passed the gates and I could see news spreading like ripples with lights coming to life here and there. A few minutes later, I could see various elders gathering at the central hall. There was also a few messengers running from our compound in different directions.

Yet, the father's cultivation chamber was closed still. Such big gatherings, especially in the middle of the night, were rare - Shen Hong didn't trust elders enough to let them scheme unimpeded. Elder Ming was chosen for his weakness, he was the weakest elder, appointed by dad's decision, so his everything was dependent on dad's wellbeing. And he was the only person authorized to call Shen Hong out of his isolation.

There was a number of gold-ranked guards station around the council chambers, so I couldn't just sneak close and eavesdrop on them. Muhtar's current stealth ability wasn't enough to breach such tight security. So I just kept watching. And I had a strong suspicion that big sis must have marked brother Fei with some kind of spying inscription. Currently, in Glory City, her insight should be second to Nie Li.

As I was watching our compound and messengers running down the streets, I have noticed a slight increase in illumination in a couple of other places outside our compound. I climbed a tall pine tree growing in my courtyard (to get a better vantage point) and discovered that increased illumination was coming from Divine family compound and the City Lord manor with numerous sparks running down the streets around them.

It was big news! I was pretty sure that Ye Zong and Chen Zhenlong came out of isolation, learned of recent development and began acting to expand their share of new lands. It was a key moment, if Nie Li knew about it, he would have given an arm and a leg to keep Shen Hong isolated just for a few more hours. Which is why I went straight to the Elder Council Chambers calling for Shen Ming to come out. I was restrained by the guards, but once they heard my news, they brought me right in.

I caught frothing brother Fei arguing with the council to bring the father out, while they were trying to calm him down and delay. But as soon as they heard my new, they all started screaming at elder Ming to go do his duty. Even Fei was caught by surprise at such a sudden turn of events. It was kind of symbolic that Shen Hong came out from his isolation along with the rising of the sun.

When Nie Li would find-out about this event, he would be kicking himself for missing such a great chance to mess with Sacred family, because he was hunting horned sheep. Poor bastard, lol.

Verynewcreators' thoughts