
My Fate In a Story

In the world of a novel different from planet earth, there were ghosts that evolved and were no longer just paranormal things, they had become a real threat that devoured and ended the lives of humans, after this event humans also evolved to face the ghosts, but failed in the attempt and ended up being defeated unilaterally by the ghosts. Javier Lenz, a 22 year old university student, who had read the novel, was transferred to this world by a divine being who wanted to give a happy ending to this work, offering Javier a deal that would change his life and his fate.

Klazz · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Records of this hell called novel.

We start from the fact that this novel is set in a fictional world that has nothing to do with earth.

This world is called 'Prosperia' and is divided into 4 large continents, Sylvania, Nivalia, Auroria and Valoria, all with a great history and in turn with riches both economically and culturally.

Once ghosts evolved, they ceased to be just paranormal things and became a real threat to human life.

And just as ghosts evolved, so did humans, eventually releasing energy from the body in the form of 'aura', which could wipe out ghosts.

Each continent created its own great hunting academy, like an artificial island in the ocean next to it, immense islands that were twice the size of the Galapagos Islands.

And so, in the academy and continent of Auroria, this story began.

The beginning of the novel has a calm and happy atmosphere, in which you are entertained with all the events that are organized by the academy, simulation of battles against ghosts and cleaning of abandoned cities, both terrestrial and underwater, they made tournaments, competitions between hunters and in turn between academies, either group and individual.

That well, it worked to develop the hunters in the fights against real ghosts, the organization decided to remove the real threat that the ghosts had in the simulations, for the sake of the apprentice hunters.

At the beginning of the foundations of the academies, simulation rooms were created in which you could experience the real enemy that were the ghosts, they were also used as competition, but it was not a regular thing.

These simulations represented the ghosts so well that, as a result of the first tests that were done, many apprentice hunters who attended these simulations opted to give up and leave the academy for their mental health.

The big reason for this event, was because of the 'fear' that the ghosts produced, even if it was only a simulation, they made you slowly lose your sanity in every encounter you had with them, even professional hunters when fighting against real ghosts, reached the point of having hallucinations, so much so that some could not sleep and ended up committing suicide.

And to prevent the new hunters from dropping out, they removed the mind games played by the ghosts from the simulation, and left them alone with their supernatural abilities, which were also powerful in themselves.

The hunters were not used to this loss of sanity and until the end of the season the ghosts massacred with everything, the story became a world without light, without hope, countries disappeared and governments were overthrown by their own people.

Forced, they had to make an alliance to prevent the extinction of the human race, which, despite having the best hunters in the world together, was beginning to come to an end.

All the existing types of ghosts had begun to evolve and acquire intelligence.

As time goes by, we observe the progress of Erick's mental health decay and his allies, who are being mercilessly eliminated little by little, now that I think about it, this is not at all a novel that Mom would write, she always guided the story, whatever genre it was, to a happy ending and she would never make it a tragic novel.

In the end the humans themselves ended up ending up with themselves, some full of greed in search of power for their own good, which is in vain if everyone dies, and if you add to that an evil that triumphs over good without giving it any kind of chance, even if the story stayed only in the first season, the end is more than obvious.

Once I recapped everything involved in this novel I responded to Liz.

"So why are you asking me, a college kid who doesn't know what he wants in life, to change the course of an entire world that is falling apart?"

"[My 'Lord' is sure that you, you are the right person to change this story]".

"That 'Sir' guy, you said he can do anything he wants possible, am I right?".

"[Yes, that's right and I know what you'll say, 'If he can do everything he wants possible, let him change this story himself']".

"Wow, you seem to be a mind reader now, you're right, why can't he?".

"[My 'Lord' is forbidden to interfere directly with this 'class' of stories]".

"What do you mean by this 'class' of history?".

"[I'm sorry Javier, but I can't explain any more, unless you want our heads to roll on the floor]".

"Holy cow, what a peace of mind, will I get any kind of help from you?".

"[You will have it and also you already have it, having read the whole novel, you are the one who knows the most in this world where the secret things are to make you stronger]".

"You are right, although I consider that it is not enough, but I will leave it in your hands in any case".

"[You can trust us Javier, we will do our best to make our relationship the best]".

«I have a feeling history isn't going to be the only problem here».

"Then tomorrow we start, for now, let me sleep please".

"[See you later Javier, enjoy the adventure]".

"Yeah, yeah, like I'm going to enjoy it, see you later".

At last the conversation is over and my doubts have been clarified.

I closed my eyes and thought.

"...I hope you're not lying to me, mom, dad, little brother, I'm coming for you, wait for me".

"Next day in the morning...

"I'm here...ready to face this reality".

I looked at my classroom door.

['Novice - Vermilion Class']

Novice referred to first-year trainees, while Vermilion was just the name of the class.

And, as a coincidence of life, I knew about this class, since it is the one in which our beloved protagonists are in.

I knew what this class was going to turn into, Asier being the biggest culprit, he was going to turn this room into a riot along with his gang, who looked like thugs.

Probably if I show a weak side in front of them, they will torment me for the whole year.

I took a long sigh and calmed my nerves.


After catching my breath, I put on a straight face and quietly opened the door as if nothing was wrong.

The interior was sleek, white, futuristic and with four long, cascading desks.

I looked for a seat to sit down and looked around the room and saw Asier in the back row, on the far right, asleep with his hands in his pocket, poor devil.

Next to her was Vannia Avellaneda, Asier's childhood friend, chatting with her friends.

I also saw Sofia Asan and Evelyn Casal in the third row on the far left, both who had just met, talking to each other.

And finally there was Erick Stein, alone, in the front row on the left side, resting in his arms.

"I was always a dedicated student at my school, I was president of the student council and became the standard bearer of my class".

"My best path is to go for the theoretical, so my seat will always be in the front row and since getting close to the protagonists is a must to pass this story on to me, I won't think twice about it".

I sat one seat away from Erick's seat.

I looked ahead and reacting like a primitive man, I opened and closed my eyes again and again, I was stunned before a projection screen to show holograms.

"...I knew the academy was futuristic, but this is amazing".

Looking at that, I couldn't help but remember my times in high school, they really were the best, once I moved on to college everything started to decline since my father's death, I stopped worrying about my grades that started to go down, but I made the effort for my mom and tried to keep up, but my head wasn't helping me.

I will now be more focused than ever and cannot afford to fail.

I glanced at my smart watch, which the academy gives to its hunters and it was only 7 A.M., when classes started at 7:30 A.M.

"I will rest until the teacher arrives and the class begins".

I put my arms on the table and dropped my head on my arms and closed my eyes.

Until a great roar sounded that made me open my eyes and raise my head quickly.

I looked up and saw a professor standing behind the podium.

"Very good morning to everyone here present, now that you are fully awake, I will introduce myself".

"My name is Ray Reyes and you can call me Professor Ray, I will be tutoring this course for the entire year".

"Ranking 6426 in Auroria, World Ranking 23540, in the Hunter's Association rankings, I am a grade 4 rank, I hope you liked my cover letter".

Everyone was amazed at such words and it was clear, a top 20000 among 5 million hunters in the world, is not someone normal, but someone very powerful.

At the positive reaction of all the trainees, the professor seemed to like it and let out a slight smile.

"The first day at this academy will feel special, some may not have been able to sleep because of the excitement".

"Here at this hunter academy, you will experience real combat situations and get a taste of how scary the real world is".

"Following on from this, in every existing academy in the world, the only indicator of your success will be your grades. The guilds will look at your grades, so your exams, both theoretical and practical, will be graded accurately. If you do not perform adequately, you will have to repeat the year and there will be no excuse, the number of times you can repeat the year will be twice, the third time it happens you will be expelled. If they can't manage to leave here as well trained warriors, they will become criminals or mercenaries, which will only be easy prey for our real enemy which are the ghosts and I don't think they want that".

After giving this speech that put all the trainees in total seriousness, the instructor paused and analyzed the face of each trainee.

"I can observe several familiar faces here, I expect a lot from you guys".

I turned my head back and saw all the seats full, among them of those who were not there before, they had arrived, Princess Esther Jeune, who sat behind me in the second row, Kyara Flores, she and Erick looked like rivals so she decided to take her distance from him, she also put herself in the first row, but the opposite side to Erick, and lastly, Prince Leon Giler who was on her same side, but in the back row.

Since I arrived, until now, those I named are the protagonists of this class and part of the allies that accompany Erick in his journey.

"Remember guys, in this academy, you will have to confirm the things you have learned so far, further improve your skills to use them in combat, you will not be taught anything from scratch, we just perfect what you have learned so far".

With that Professor Ray finished his speech and announced.

"How is your first day guys, today there will be no special training, what is scheduled for today, is our first task, the selection of main weapons".

I was waiting for this moment, the weapon selection, for some reason I am post '433' but in my mind there is no memory of what this body did before and the type of weapon I used.

"Any weapon you can think of should be found in this warehouse, take your time and choose".

"Once they found what they wanted, stand in front of their gun and they will pick up the training gun, even though they are 'training' guns they have no reason to despise them, as the market will pay $50 for each of these".

There were an infinite number of weapons, more than I could imagine in my life, I could keep going and keep finding different weapons, swords, daggers, rapiers, machetes, sickles, axes, katanas, bows, pistols, whip and even gloves for martial artists.

"Choose with caution, once you choose your primary weapon, it cannot be changed back until you finish or repeat the year".

Among the almost 200 people in the room, most of them chose the common weapons such as sword and spear, among them Leon and Vannia with the sword and our protagonist with the spear, but the others chose something different, Asier chose the axe, Evelyn the rapier, Sofia the martial arts gloves, Kyara the katana and, finally, Esther Jeune chose the trident.

I clearly knew nothing about those guns, except for one, which stuck in my mind thanks to my dad, which I'm looking for and can't find.

I kept walking and walking through the warehouse among the large amount of weapons looking from one side to the other.

Until I found it in a lonely corner, I'm sure it's not the best weapon, but it's the one I know best and the one my dad taught me how to use when I was 15 years old, until the day he died.

A great ranged weapon. The crossbow.