
My Fanfic Stash and Favorite online quests

Recommending the fanfics I like and I am also open to recommendations seriously though thats what it is but if you want a cooler and weirder introduction? well aheem....... I am a mere scribe that records good works of fanfiction history I am but one man nothing like the mighty archivists of ao3 still this is a work I enjoy I desire to share my own tastes of fanfiction I like perhaps its a selfish non objective way of doing things perhaps its done too biasedly but do you know what I say to those reactions? Than why do you care why do you come? I am doing this both for fun and from my own desire I never did it to neither lecture these people nor enforce my views on them they are free to take a look and if they don't like it they can just leave no one is forcing them to read my small archive and thats what it is a small archive of works I compiled which I like hopefully I will continue to expand it until the day I die :) Note: After so many people never bothered checking or not even bothering to think how websites work I am forced to write this first of all most of the questionable questing fics I post are in the nsfw creative works part of the site which requires you to sign up to the site so you become an offical member after that process that particular section opens up and no It does no ask money like patreon accounts of authors questionable questing is a free site you are given acces straight up after sign up process is done note that after doing the inital signing up they will want a confirmation done so they will send a confirmation request to your gmail or whatever equvelant you have for me it was gmail you need to confirm that first to open up previously locked nsfw section the same logic goes for alternatehistory.com fics where most of then I posted from is either from alien space bats or fandom sections so repeat the process Now If You can't find the gmail or email whatever post they send you to confirm from either site it might been actually stuck in spam section of your gmail so search the title of the site to look it up if it still exists and second of all....... those of you who constantly ask me the links.... those of you that actually do no bother to even read beginnings of the chapters I post.... before I go to the fic part I sometimes give my own introduction of the fic than I give the word count and bellow that is the links....... always in each chapter there is the links around the begining of the chps you people who ask just never bothered to check it up............ for those who are wondering why I am adding dash to the links after chp 193 and onwards well apparently webnovel admins like scre wing over writers so they made that if a link is posted normally it will not appear this is what I had to come up with for it to work Aside from all of this I am slowly posting this in ao3 too ^The Above Site One is no longer the case turns out ao3 admins can be sore losers who could guessed they would not care constant citation and links of original creators works and not taking credit for fics as still plagarism sigh

ScientistXxXx · Videojuegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
400 Chs

Gods and Wars by smilinganon

Link: https://fiction.live/stories/Gods-and-Wars/uiLn4PqZuFyER3Fag/home

( You are the child of a slave concubine. The one Kratos used to jam some gears hence your quest for vengeance)


This quest is inspired by my recent completion of God of War: Ragnarok, and before that God of War 3.

Your Father never loved you, and you never loved him.

How could you, when he did such vile things to your Mother? She was barely a woman grown when she caught the Sea God's eye. Barely older when she bore you into the world.

As you grew, you could do nothing but watch. Every attempt at rescue, every try at patricide was punished severely. Until you awoke into your inheritence. The only gift your Father granted you worthy of note.


Technically you would be a demigod, but only technically. For the line between such and true Godhood was merely of title. Your gift was great, your power intimidating to even the greatest of the Pantheon. To both your joy and grief. For Poseidon, your illustrious Father, finally grew worried at the idea of further escapades.

Thus, you were cast from Olympus. Down into Greece below, to live amongst mortals. It would've been another grand gift. If your Mother weren't left behind.

If you didn't know she suffered.

So when you saw a familiar corpse fall from the heavens, trailing blood from two empty eyesockets. When you saw the sea rise to swallow your new home. When plague spread and the sun died, you didn't contemplate the fall of Olympus as you helped the Greeks find refuge. Nor celebrate your Father's fitting end.

You felt fear for your Mother. And when you finally made it to the end of your arduous climb, days after silence fell over Olympus, only to find her in pieces. Used to jam a pair of gears and keep a fucking gate open.

You felt grief. Then anger. And finally, hatred. Hatred towards your Mother's callous, sadistic murderer.


The geneology of divinity is a strange thing. Kronos lord of time had sons who ruled storms, the seas and the dead. Odin lord of knowledge has the Lord of Thunder as his child. Thus it is, you have many possible destinies.


Your dominion is that of flesh, alchemy and biomancy. You cannot create life but shaping it comes easier to you than any other in creation. Your children will serve you loyally to the end in all their many forms.


Minion master

Versatile as hell

Creativity and morals only limits

cool art




likely God complex


The dead serve you, for you are the God of necromancy, undeath, and corpses. Your forces are legion, every corpse on the ground or spirit lingering in spite yours to command.


Zombie hordes


minion master

Draugr fall under your sway


Somewhat squishy


likely sociopathy


Your dominion is iron, stoicism, and durability. You are a lord of forge like your fallen Uncle, though not to the same extent. No, you specialize in the cold, unyielding strength of Iron as it's God. Your armor and weapons will be strong, nigh-unbreakable weapons. But they will be soulless things.



armor and arms worthy of a Traveler


Your word is Iron


Slow and steady

Likely apathy

Likely anger issues


Your dominion is that of light, healing, and purification. The rays of the sun bend to your will and only death in incurable. Many could likely mistake you for a superhero given the flight and lasers.





not squishy


likely messiah complex


You are alone


Strangely, this dominion takes the most after your father. For you rule the dark depths of the ocean where madness lurks. Your dominion is that of darkness, madness and the unknown.


Eldritch fuckery


space/time fuckery




you are alone

cannot lie