
New roles

From the earliest memories of my childhood, perfection seemed to be the guiding theme of my life. 

While other children were immersed in playful activities and the simplicity of their youth, I found myself secluded in my room, delving into subjects that typically only hopeful adults would dream of comprehending.

Intelligence, skills, beauty, power – the list seemed endless, and I was bestowed with every conceivable advantage. 

Born into the most prestigious family in the empire, the Tellus, our lineage held a position of unparalleled trust. 

We were the empire's esteemed sword, our honor and authority second only to the emperor himself, surpassing even the other members of the royal families.

Such heights of prestige came with their own set of privileges and responsibilities. 

However, despite the grandeur and significance of my family's standing, most of my days were plagued with a persistent sense of boredom.