
Holy war 41

"Like I told you, both yes and no. I assimilated with him. It's ultimately up to you to decide, but for me, we are one and the same. Have you ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?"

Adrian asked as he knew foreign stories and concepts such as that shouldn't be new to her especially after his perfect memory transfer.

Lilliana frowned, trying to recall. "The Ship of Theseus? Isn't that some old philosophical paradox?"

"Exactly," Adrian replied, stopping to face her. "The paradox asks whether a ship that has had all its components replaced remains the same ship. It's a question of identity. If you replace each part of a person, piece by piece, until none of the original parts remain, is it still the same person?"

"But... you're not just replacing parts," Lilliana argued. "You assimilated him. You consumed his soul."