
Holy war 33

"Do you wish to sleep?"

"Yes," Adrian replied. Right now, he did not want to do anything else. The constant worry he had felt for what could have happened to Elena during the months he was away had been eating at him ever since he woke up with his newfound soul and powers. He had always thought it was his fault that she was kidnapped, so when the relief came and Elena was finally in his arms, he really didn't want to let go of her.

Nyarla nodded at her younger brother's request and opened up a portal nearby. "Well then, I'll leave you two alone. And don't forget, Adrian, two days from now the other girls will soon wake up. It would be better if you finally master controlling your powers by then, as it would be a hassle explaining everything to them."

"Got it..."

With Adrian's confirmation, Nyarla vanished into the portal she had just made.