
Holy war 31

Walking around the grand halls of the white castle, Lilliana trailed behind Adrian. Although she was still reluctant to use her powers for the purpose he requested, she couldn't help but follow him. It was the better option than being left alone in her cell.

"Hey... are you really Adrian?" she asked, trying to confirm the things he had said to her just moments ago.

Glancing at her slightly, Adrian smiled and nodded, realizing that she was still reluctant even after everything he had shown her. As someone who had shared all his memories with her, she should have understood by now just how true all his words were. But that level of skepticism was only normal, especially when dealing with things of his nature.

"Like I told you, both yes and no. I assimilated with him. It's ultimately up to you to decide, but for me, we are one and the same. Have you ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?"