
First Act 35: Phase two

'Fuck… I let my emotions get ahead of me'

But seeing Elena coughing up blood like that made my body move instinctively, and I immediately jumped towards their direction. Elena and the princess loked at me with confusion, uncertain about my intentions.

The high-grade potion in my hands felt fragile, almost shattering undeor the pressure of my trembling fingers. 

Although my sole purpose was to heal Elena, the reality was that I was currently playing the role of the Villain. 

Kindly giving her a potion would only lead to more confusion, potentially jeopardizing the plan we had in motion.

But I really wanted to hug and apologize to her right now….

"Saintess, Princess!" 

Tristan's urgent shout echoed from the distance. He swiftly dodged an attack from the Orc Lord and dashed right through, closing the gap between us in a matter of seconds.