
First Act 13: Night Punishments


Elena's sigh echoed in the quietness of her room as she replayed the events that unfolded at the cafeteria. 

A mischievous smile formed on her lips as she recollected the subtle annoyance and visible distress on Ian's face when she teased him about their relationship in front of Tristan and the others.

"Fufu, looks like even Ian gets annoyed sometimes. It was worth teasing him" 

Elena mumbled to herself, finding a peculiar satisfaction in having stirred up a reaction from the usually composed Ian.

However, her amusement was dampened as she shifted her gaze to her thigh, still bearing a faint red mark from Adrian's retaliatory pinch in response to her teasing. 

Elena couldn't help but admit to herself that she might have gone a bit too far with her bold and open banter. 

Adrian's quick and effective comeback served as a reminder that even she, the master of teasing, wasn't invincible against well-timed retaliation.