
Eris 2

Sitting upon a regal, grand throne that radiated a pristine white brilliance, Eris, the primordial goddess of light, peered down at Adrian. 

It had been a while since their last encounter, and despite the passage of time, her beauty remained undiminished. An air of arrogance adorned her features, a familiar expression that had not waned.

Adrian couldn't help but wonder if his presence disgusted her as much as hers did him. 

The sentiments seemed mutual, locked in a dance of disdain. 

His recent attempt to test the limits of divine causality had summoned him before her, a confrontation that unfolded in her ethereal realm.

Reflecting on the situation, Adrian pondered the implications of the goddess's use of causality to redirect or teleport him away from potential harm. 

The experiment had revealed a measure of their constraints, allowing him to discern the limits of the divine forces at play.