
Corrupted End

Alma clenched his teeth as he recalled the princess's instructions: "Alma, remember not to use your mana or auras, just fend the beast off and buy Adrian as much time as you can." The words echoed in his mind, but they left him with nagging doubts.

Why must they avoid using their auras and mana against the monstrous beast? Wouldn't it be more efficient to unleash their power and attempt to slay the creature with it? These thoughts swirled in Alma's head, but he couldn't voice his concerns. The princess had been abruptly whisked away by the troublesome foreigner, who had become an unexpected catalyst for chaos in their once-peaceful city.

From the moment Alma laid eyes on Adrian, he knew the man would bring nothing but trouble to Faerielight. Sadly, his prediction had come true, as an unprecedented calamity had descended upon their realm. Alma surveyed the destruction wrought by the monster, and he couldn't help but be awed by the extent of the damage.