
Aria Tellus Astrea Interlude

Humming along the gentle breeze of the fresh spring winds, Aria found herself lost in the moment, her voice blending seamlessly with the natural melody of the singing birds. 

With closed eyes, she swayed gently, her flowing hair resembling strands of golden honey dancing in the wind that filtered through the open window. 

The soft caress of the sun's rays highlighted her already radiant face and figure, casting her in a light that would make any fairytale princess envious.

As she sang, her hands instinctively reached out to stroke the smooth black hair of her lover, Andrian—or perhaps it was Ian now? the distinction seemed inconsequential in this blissful moment. 

A small smile graced her lips as she immersed herself in the music of her own creation. Though the words that escaped her lips may have seemed random to an outsider, to Aria they held a certain magic, a rhythm that resonated with her soul.