
Chapter 11: The preparation…

Sunday morning..

Driving his scooter while a guitar case was strapped to his back, Alex was on his way to the designated destination written on the note.

At the same time, he remembered what just happened yesterday

He didn't expect that an abyss fragment holder can interfere with his only authority. Alex asked Iris but he only knew that fragments are special, nothing else.

Alex was worried that the thing was able to get inside his safe space, if so then he won't be able to access to that world anymore. Luckily last night, he found out that the abyss holder had gone back to doing what it was before. Using its head to supposedly open the gate.

He reached the place after some time. It was a grocery store, but it was dilapidated. He got off his scooter. At the same time, he grabbed the bag by his feet.

He needed stronger firepower, something that can pack a punch. With its huge body, small calibers probably does little to nothing to it.

Going inside, it seemed like it was even more ragged than on the outside.

There were a couple of people inside, with most of them having tattoos.

Just when Alex was about to ask the cashier about the specials.

"This way" A bald man, came to him and gestured to follow him.

He was led to an employee's locker.

Then Just as Alex thought he was gonna move something and reveal a hidden door.

The bald man simply opened the locker and a passageway appeared.

Heading inside, it took a second or two before he came to a room where he could see some people doing something.

Packing stolen watches, phones, and money.

He could even see two people packing some crystal meth.

The place was a bit big. Alex saw where the armory is. It was pretty eye-catching.

"Alright.. you know what to do" After they reached the counter, the bald man said to the bartender and left.

The space look like a bar counter but instead of drinks, it was guns, shotguns, rifles, and pistols.

The bartender came to him. It was a woman, wearing a tank top, her left arm was full of tattoos up to her neck and piercings.

"What can I get you?" She said.

Alex spoke about what he researched last night.

"SRM 1216"

The woman said immediately

"What do you think this is place is?? A mall?"

"Then an XTR-12"

"We have none"

'Alright, maybe I was asking too much' looks like this place does not have much.

"Then a Benelli m4 "

"Coming right up," said her as she pick one of the shotguns on the left and presented it to him.

"I need accessories for it, sight and a flashlight"

Not saying anything, the woman reached underneath and handed put something on the table, it was a sight and flashlight that can be installed on the shotgun.


The woman crossed her arms and asked...

"How many?"

Alex was a bit embarrassed asking for too much as this is all deducted from his father so he just said...

"All of it"

The woman raised her brows when she heard that.

"I'm afraid your bag isn't enough for it"

She said as she eyed the bag he was carrying.

Hearing this, he briefly thought about how much ammo he needed and finally decided...

"Alright, I need 600 rounds of ammo"

Not asking any longer, the woman opened a huge chest by the side and grabbed an ammo box, and placed them on the counter. While she was doing that, he was placing the ammo in his bag.

After that, she said... "That's 600 shells, anything else?"

"Assaults' rifle, mk18, 900rounds of ammo" in case of the shotgun isn't enough.

"We only have 800"

"800 it is"

She once again grabbed the gun and ammo.

Now the bag was more than half full.

Alex learned and studied guns so he could at least show that he was indeed enthusiastic about it.

Before she could ask.. he said...

"Pistol, desert eagle 200 rounds"

After sorting the final gun he wants, Alex asked for extra magazines, holsters, and accessories.

Opening his suitcase, he places all the guns there.

The woman seeming couldn't hold back anymore and asked...

"What are you gonna do with it?? Rob a bank??"

Alex closed the suitcase looked right into her eyes and said.

"No, I'm just gonna fuck a monster up"

Then turned around with a guitar case on his back and a bag in his right hand.

The woman just furrowed her brows hearing his answer.


Back at his apartment, Alex then made sure to lock the door and closed the window. He was sure his father sent someone to watch him.

After that, Alex teleported to his base and unloaded the guns.

Seeing them, he couldn't contain his excitement, like a kid finding a new toy, he played around with it, created a target practice, and shot a few shots.

After wasting bullets or what he calls practicing and familiarizing himself with the guns.

He tried to think of a plan.

In the end, he thought that these guns aren't just enough.

He wanted to ask about grades or any types of explosives but that will be too suspicious.

In the end, he needed to rely on the internet. Luckily he already knows an alternative or should he say it was the mother of guns, Black powder. Or some he could get some powder from fireworks, whatever his little money could buy.

He ordered all of it on the internet. He should be able to get it in 4-5 days.

Just like that, Alex spent himself coming up with a plan.

For a couple of days, Alex familiarize himself with the weapon, scouted the abyss area, made a map, and even made an encyclopedia of monsters, though he got a feeling that it was useless

Thankfully unless provoke that fragment holder never leaves it spot.

At the same time, to avoid suspicion, he headed outside the city carrying his gun and intended to practice.

Thursday came and the black powder and other packages arrived.

For the entire afternoon, He used nearly half of it experimenting on how to effectively use it.

Alex wanted to order more but he was lacking in money.

So just as he decided to do the plan this night... His friend from college message him and asked to hang out.

He was planning gonna ignore it, but he saw someone coming as well so he agreed to it.

The plan will have to be delay tomorrow.


"Alex!" Someone shouted after Alex entered the restaurant.

Alex saw it was Jerry, it was a classmate in college. Along with two women, and three men. Alex headed towards them.

"What you been doing lately, you seemed out of touch"

Anthony said.. as Alex sat down.

"Ahh. I've been contemplating the meaning of life lately and how we should cherish it"

Alex answered. The others burst out laughing not believing his words.

"I heard Joseph got you a job interview but you never showed up.. what happened??"

This time it was Cindy a bit-tanned woman said to him.

"Something came up.. and I had to take care of it," Alex said simply.

The drinks and food came. Alex being the good Samaritan that he is.. didn't drink and only ate the food as they talk.

"Christine said she saw you in your father's restaurant... So do you talk to your father now?"

This time it was another woman that said it. Alex simply smiled stiffly and turned his head in her direction.

Short hair up to her shoulder, blue earrings, blue eyes, and fair skin.

"Only because of circumstances..." Then he turned his eyes away from her as a complicated rose inside him.

Lizzie didn't ask anymore and they continued to chatter till the restaurant closed...

If you like my works, please buy me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/casuallydreamin. Please comment for any misspellings and grammar mistakes as editing takes soo much time. Thank you~~

casuallychillingcreators' thoughts