
My Fake Brother Is In-Love With Me Again

Zhou Yizhi had always hated this ‘brother’, her parents brought back home. He was outstanding in everything he did. At the age of 20, Zhou Yizhi simply didn’t bother to see him anymore and asked her parents for a sum of money and planned to go abroad, far away from Xue Xi. Unexpectedly, her plan did not succeed due to a car crash and became blind. When a donor came before her, she didn’t even hesitate and asked the doctor to operate her immediately. After the operation became success, the person she hated the most, did not appear in front of her ever again. Who would have thought that the person she despised the most, was willing to give up his sight just so she will not suffer anymore… When Zhou Yizhi wanted to see him, she received a shocking news that he died from a plane crash… She didn’t know how she came back to when she was 15 years old, but she knows that in this life she will definitely treat her brother better. ((Not my novel just my favorite)) ENJOY:)

Moonlight_diva · Adolescente
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5 Chs

3: Reunion

Two hours ago, Xue Xi suddenly found himself standing in the hallway on the fifth floor of the inpatient department with people coming and going, mixed with the smell of disinfectant, food, and sweat. The exhausted and complaining scenes filled with family members are very familiar, as if in slow motion.

He was still in a plane crash last second. The sharp call sign, the crowd screamed in horror, all the noise shrank sharply, penetrating through his eardrum.

In the next second, his pupils shrank sharply, lowered his head, and realized that there was no longer darkness in front of him.

He carried an old thermos bucket in his hand.

When she turned around, in the ward behind her, grandma described her as lying on her side haggardly.

The autumn of the sixteen-year-old year was extremely tormenting for Xue Xi.

In the midsummer, he worked outside from morning to night. He went out to carry mineral water to the restaurant at 4 in the morning. The salary was settled. It was not bad. During the day, he took two tutors and took out his competition awards. The tutor was easy to find, and the school teacher helped him introduce it. It was also very reliable. It was just a morning plus an afternoon class, and the salary was not much. In the evening, he will go to the Internet cafe to repair the computer and watch the shop, so he can solve the dinner.

The town where my grandfather is located is not big. No one knows that he is the son of the secretary of Haicheng who committed suicide. They treat him as an ordinary high school student.

After spinning for two months, although I was so tired that I went home and fell asleep every day, fortunately, in addition to buying medicine for my grandma, I was able to pay the tuition.

At the end of the summer vacation, the sixteen-year-old is finally much more relaxed.

Three years ago, he lost his voice overnight and couldn't find out the reason. Later, he simply didn't check it, and he was able to communicate with pen and paper, as well as saving medical expenses.

Fortunately, in the past three years, even without treatment, his damaged vocal cords are still gradually recovering, but maybe he hasn't spoken for a long time, and his speech is still jerky, so he tries to express with typing most of the time.

He thought he saw some hope in life.

For this reason, he also told Grandpa not to take some piecework work such as repairing shoes for a long time, and his eyes were broken.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, Grandpa developed a high fever without warning.

He was unconscious when he was admitted to the hospital and died soon afterwards.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal, not to mention that it is not the first time a teenager has handled funerals by himself.

He stood up in silence, went to the hospital to settle medical expenses, contacted the funeral home, and bought the cemetery.

The tuition fees earned during the summer vacation are thus empty.

The cold wave of autumn came overnight, and the leaves of the town fell out, showing the appearance of withered.

There is only one elderly and frail grandmother who is sometimes sober, sometimes confused, and dizzy at his side.

Then, the Zhou family heard about this and contacted him.

He still remembers his childhood, when he was separated at the airport and taken away by the two families. He clenched the five-year-old girl's hand as if he was holding the glass bead he wanted most. The pinch made her small hands red, and the circles of her eyes were also red. , Looked at him disgustingly.

But he didn't let go of the two adults.

His father hadn't become a notorious corrupt official in the news that day, and no one had shouted. He was still an elegant middle-aged man. He smiled and said to him whether he understood "the future will be long."

You and Zhizhi will meet again someday.

How can I think that when'someday' really came, he stood tensely at the door of her house, wearing old school uniforms and badly worn shoes, but he was stretched out after his grandfather's funeral, even though he knew he was going to see him. She can't change a pair.

He knew that he was embarrassed and embarrassed, and he could only bend over to wipe the mud spots on the soles of his shoes before stepping into the door, so that he could be decent when standing in front of her.

But she stared at him condescendingly, but still frowned.

At that moment, the throat was dry, and the young man had nothing but a little bit of self-esteem. He stood there to look at it, his heart was already overwhelmed, but his face was still calm. All the senses have been magnified, and then crushed into a ball. He had nowhere to hide, so he straightened his back and looked at her blankly.

She is still aloof. He seemed to have lost the qualification to hold that beautiful glass bead.

Xue Xi did not expect to be reborn and return to this autumn day after he suffered an air crash.

Grandma's violent cough reminded him. He quickly walked into the ward carrying the insulation bucket, put the insulation bucket aside, took out the paper towel to wipe off the sputum that grandma brought out when he coughed, and then threw the used paper towel into the ward. trash can.

He opened the thermos, and the aroma of hot rice and vegetables quickly filled the entire ward.

Grandma seemed to be in good spirits today, and she was still sober. Seeing him coming, she coughed and said: "Xiao Xi is here, what are you eating today? It's shrimp again... Xue Xi, listen to grandma, the doctor said I am healthy, no I need to be hospitalized! The hospitalization costs a lot, you take me back, I can also take some sweater knitting work, so that you will have the tuition... Grandma is only more than sixty, not old!"

She is more than 80 years old, the first half of the sentence is still sober, and the second half of the sentence is beginning to be confused.

Xue Xi shook his head. Taking advantage of her nagging time, she skillfully set up the small table on the hospital bed, took out the two dishes in the thermos and put them on top, took the cooked shrimp, and took out the shrimp thread. , Remove the head and tail, hold it to her mouth with chopsticks.

The young man's hands are clean and slender. He has held countless trophies three years ago, but there have been some small scars that are not easily detectable.

He remembered that grandma passed away on New Year's Eve a year and a half later. The Zhou family had already arranged for grandma to live in a good ward, hired a good nurse, and used the best medicine. When grandma passed away, she was very calm, just like her grandpa. What kind of illness, it's just that the fallen leaves return to their roots when they get older.

Once again, Xue Xi knew that he still couldn't change his grandmother's death. He could only make her feel more comfortable while she was still alive.

Although the old man said not to do it, she happily swallowed one of the clean, peeled shrimp caught by her grandson.

Seeing this, Xue Xi smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Will your grandfather's old friend come to pick you up in a while?" Grandma suddenly asked, after eating and drinking.

Her memory is chaotic, and sometimes she suddenly remembers things at the moment, which is no different from a normal person at this time. But most of the time, even Xue Xi couldn't remember anyone.

Xue Xi looked at the crackling rain outside, which was the autumn day when he saw her again.

He held the spoon in his hand and nodded.

Grandma seemed to think of something, her eyes dimly said: "Being funded, the pressure on your body can finally be reduced a little. Grandma drinks medicine all the year round, so it drags you down, and grandma can't bear it. If grandma is like your grandpa, die sooner. That's it, so you don't have to..."

Xue Xi frowned, held her grandmother's shoulders, supported her to lie down, and interrupted her.

The old man looked at the clean, long, handsome and silent boy sitting by the bed.

Others' children are carefree and arrogant, but her children have a lot of thoughts at this age and have to take on the responsibility of supporting the family prematurely.

Three years ago, that incident changed Xue Xi's destiny overnight. He was originally from a superior background and his future was brighter than anyone else.

She sighed in her heart and exhorted Xue Xi: "Although Grandpa Zhou is your grandpa's friend, it is after all the friendship of our old generation... Good boy, you went to Zhou's family and received support from Zhou's family. Remember to be grateful and do all the housework you can do. Except for tuition, you don't need to spend the Zhou family's money. Even if you spend it, you must write it down and pay it back when you are an adult."

Xue Xi pursed his thin lips slightly and nodded.

"Grandma knows that you are a good child. You don't have to say these things to you. You understand." She held Xue Xi's hand and exhorted softly: "Grandma can't help you, you can only rely on yourself. Now... Now that I have the help of the Zhou family, I will do my best to remember this kindness, but don't think about anything else. This time is different, you can't afford it."

Grandma had seen pictures of his mobile phone.

Grandma would sigh again and again when she was awake, and she would say again when she was not awake, it turns out that this is the girl from your grandpa Zhou's house, she looks so handsome.

In the previous life, he was just a sixteen-year-old man. Even if he was calm, precocious, and able to bear things, his inner core would suppress countless sharpness and sharpness.

And those inexpressible self-esteem has not disappeared in the past three years of family destruction, but gradually he squeezed into a ball, stepped on his feet, and became restrained and silent.

He heard the grandmother's words at the time, and was silent for a long time, and said in a somewhat depressing manner: "I know."

Now, it seemed that fate had run over him again. These words the grandmother said to him are exactly the same as in the previous life.

He looked at the old and tired face of his grandmother and looked at Qiu Yu outside the window. He was still silent for a while, smiled bitterly, and said dumbly: "I know."

Everything can be repeated, everything can be selected again.

However, two hours later, the boy's thin body still stood in front of the hospital.

He packed his things, looked up at the rain curtain, and quietly waited for the housekeeper from Zhou's house.

Does anyone like a beautiful but hurting piranha? Knowing that there will be no good end, but still reluctant to turn back?

Knowing that he and she will leave here today, he and she will have different destinies. But he still stood under this corner in the same way.

Repeat the mistakes and repeat the mistakes.

He must at least stop her from the car accident.

The housekeeper of the Zhou family hurriedly arrived at the same time. He was out to purchase supplies today. He received a Zhoudu call halfway through and took Xue Xi back to the villa from the hospital. So he came in a hurry and didn't even prepare an umbrella.

The boy Xue Xi from the previous life got into the car after getting in the rain, her thin lips tightened, and she tried her best not to show her cramps, and not to let the rain on her body wet some leather cushions. Hearing the butler's question, he didn't answer much.

Xue Xi in this life has calmed down a lot. Before getting out of the car, he wiped the place where he was wet with a rag beside his feet. It was just a hoarse voice and didn't talk much with the housekeeper, only exchanged phone numbers.

Before he stepped into the door of Zhou's villa, he already knew what would happen next.

She would stand on the stairs and look at him coldly, with disgust in her eyes, as if it was irritating that the rain on him soiled the carpet.

Then she went upstairs because she had no habit of eating dinner because she had dessert.

It just happened to be when Aunt He and the housekeeper went home once a week. In the evening, the people went back. No one arranged his room. He was left in the corner with his luggage for a long time.

In the evening, the housekeeper hurriedly called, saying that the room had not been arranged yet, and asked him to go to the room where the gardener usually lives for one night.

He was ready in his heart. Before stepping into the gate, he wiped off the muddy water from the shoes, making it cleaner than in the previous life. Then the wet school uniforms were crumpled into a ball and stuffed into the schoolbag, and thrown at the door of the villa together, so that rain would not be brought in.

Thinking that he was going to live in the gardener's flat house later, he didn't ask more about the housekeeper's room.

He stepped into the door of the villa, just wanting to meet Zhou Yi who was only fifteen years old.


The eyes are facing each other and everything reappears.

Everything around seemed to fade, Xue Xi's eyes could only fall on her.

She stood there condescendingly, fifteen years old, exquisite and beautiful, like a thorny rose under the scorching sun, disdainful of everything around her. It's no different from the previous life.


Xue Xi's throat moved, trying his best to suppress all the surging emotions in his eyes.

The future is long.

Xue Xi thought to himself that he could still look at her back for a long time in this life.

Seeing her, he settled in his heart, after staring at her for a long time, he planned to turn around and put his luggage in the gardener's room.

But who knows, I heard her say to him: "Brother, welcome home."

Xue Xi was a little stunned for a moment, suspecting that he had heard him wrong, but he looked at her face and saw that the expression on her face did not seem to be the tit-for-tat of the previous life, but was much more peaceful, even with some unnoticeable joy in his eyes.


But soon after looking at it for herself, she pulled the knitted skirt uncomfortably and returned to her usual expression.


Xue Xi smiled bitterly in his heart, I'm afraid he was wrong.

It is normal that this life is slightly different from the previous one. The time when I got in the car and what I did after getting in the car have changed.

Because he didn't talk to himself, Zhou's driver drove much faster, so he arrived at Zhou's villa about ten minutes earlier.

Perhaps what happened in this affected Zhou Yizhi's mood, maybe.


Although he was still a teenager in the previous life, although he never said it, his love was expressed too obviously, which might have become a burden to her, so she later escaped by going abroad. Before going abroad, she cried loudly and completely broke with her family.

The Zhou family was originally her home, and there was no reason to let her go abroad because he was an outsider.

In this life Xue Xi, despite the turmoil in his heart, he also knew that he could not repeat the same mistakes of the past.

He was determined to take a step back and not embarrass her in this life.

If she still rejects him very much, he will live in school.

Although the chance of seeing her is very rare, as long as she is safe and sound, he doesn't matter.

Thinking about this, Xue Xi raised his eyes and nodded to Zhou Yizhi.

Zhou Yizhi was overjoyed. Sure enough, his brother still treated himself as always. As long as he softened slightly, the relationship between the two could be eased. Make a good impression when you meet for the first time.

She looked at Xue Xi happily, waiting for her brother to say something--

She remembered that although his vocal cords had not fully recovered at this time, he was already able to speak dumbly.

But in the next second, the young man saw her, as if he had accomplished some task, he turned and walked out the door.

Zhou Yizhi: ...?

This time he only stood at the entrance of the villa for a while, did not even step into the hallway, and did not stain the expensive carpet.

He picked up the schoolbag outside the door, as if planning to walk directly towards the gardener's house.

The long and thin figure turned her back, and the hem of her clothes was slightly curled up by the wind, and suddenly disappeared at the door.

Standing on the stairs, Zhou Yizhi opened his mouth and was stunned.

...what happened? ? ? Doesn't your brother like himself anymore?

Don't you look good today? Or is it ugly? However, my dress and hairstyle today are exactly the same as my last life.


Zhou Yizhi was splashed with cold water and hurried downstairs, shouting to the housekeeper: "Uncle He!"

The housekeeper hurriedly put down the ingredients in his hand and ran over: "Miss, what's the matter?"

Zhou Yizhi said fiercely: "Call Xue Xi over for dinner——"

She knew that he had been hungry all day, and came here from the hospital again, and his stomach must be uncomfortable.

She suddenly remembered that she could no longer stretch her teeth and claws, who would like to be fierce all day long.

"Wait." Zhou Yizhi changed her soft expression suddenly, folded her hands together and whispered to the housekeeper, "Just say you let it, don't say I called him."

In any case, face cannot be lost.

Seeing her arrogant and arrogant eyes, she suddenly saw her ears reddish, rounding the corners to call people to eat, and the housekeeper was a little messy for a while:...