
What these dream’s meaning

We can't sleep cuz we both are llittle bit drunk,

Hey you can trust me but I should be the one who will be afraid cuz I can take care from my side only but from your side I'm not sure if you can. Handle and not gonna do anything fishy

Hahah stop it it's not funny

Hey listen we both can go and just sleep on our beds so there will be no problem



Then we both head towards room suddenly someone started to call me from air hey listen wake up otherwise I will make you pay for it ,

I asked if Jeonhoon also heard any guy voice

Hey did you heard someone voice other than us

No i didn't hahaha you are so drunk,

Maybe you are just tired,

yeah it's can be

We both went inside the room we both are trying to sleep but we can't so we start talking to each other and started to watch web series in our mac,

There was a intimate kissing scene that we both stopped watching it instantly but the room becomes full of awkwardness and Jeonhoon looked into my eyes I was also looking at his eyes suddenly he kissed me , hey

What are you doing

Let's be mine for tonight because I don't know why I always wanted to have you from very starting but I never knew exactly why I want you to be with me but I realised that I love you I know I never showed this side of mine to anyone but I want you to know please let me be your partner

Will you be my girlfriend

What are you saying do you have any idea you don't love me it's cuz of you are drunk

No I'm not I'm pretty sober to know my feelings towards you do you remember our first meeting

Yes I know when you kicked me into pool

No that's was not our first meeting our meeting was many year's ago

Did you remember a boy used to play with you when you was kid

That boy is me ,

I loved you from that time I just don't want to tell you by myself I want you to tell me first that you love me ,

Wow really you are that mutebutton where did you went that day , why didn't you tried to contact me where have you been,

Actually I had my problem that time that's why I was unable to contact you ,

Hey let's talk about it later tell me will you be my girlfriend

Hmm let me think but I want to tell you that I also liked you a lot since childhood I was always been waiting for you to come that's why I never been in relationships,

Then be in relationship now

What should I do

Continue ❤️💕💕💕

Thanks for love 🤎