
267: THE END



After Anna re her treatment at the hospital as well as Master Chung, her liver made a full recovery; she was worried for no reason as her heart would be in going process, but she was told as long as she took good care, she could live a good healthy life.

Anna wasn't greedy but very grateful that was good enough. She accepted that she was no longer part of the underworld; it was hard very didn't first, but she soon learned what was happening around her. She never stopped her morning training as it kept her fit. She spent time with her husband, who drove her insane with his love; she sometimes thinks that that might be the thing that kills her, not a bullet; she spends time with her kids and grandkids she finds out that they are just like their parents as they were young, she so wished she could see them, Anna know she missed the thrill of a mission she was made for them but know she had to accept that she was no longer that person.

Mu Yazhe made sure that life didn't change just because she wasn't going on a mission, he took her out on the bike he took her to,the beach as she was no longer scared of the water, they would walk around hand in hand, he knew his wifey looked very pretty, she would get commends and if left alone she would always get chatted up which he hated the most as she would be chatted by younger men old enough to her sons, he knew she omit lived Jim but that didn't mean he wouldn't be jealous.

And the worst would be Anna would chuckle at her jealous husband; he would sulk she would coax him. The days passed nicely, and from time to time, the kids roped her into planning a mission. That's all she would do; she didn't ask to come along, which was enough for her; Mu Yazhe thought she was content with this life now.

Anna would help byt it would always hurt inside that she couldn't go on these missions, she tried to press the urge down she fought with her self every day, she would help plan a mission then she would play the actions in her head but that wasn't either thrill the adrenaline rush through the body, the risks the not knowing what lay ahead she missed it all, she kept it hidden well, as she doesn't want to risk anyones life, she knew when to stop so she let it be.

One morning Anna woke she thought she was mistaken she saw the light, it saw a blurry white ceiling she closed her eyes and opened again the same blurry white ceiling she could about make out what it was. She looked around, and she could see objects in her room. They were blurry, but she could see and make out where everything was; as she was trying to get her head around this, her eyes landed to where her husband was sleeping and saw the blurry figure sleeping; she sat up in a hurry she rubbed her eyes and looked again she could see blurry things.

She wanted to scream in happiness, but she was too shocked. She wanted to tell Mu Yazhe but was scared in case it was a passing occurrence; then, she was back in her darkness. She would wait and see, then tell him if it stayed; she got up, walked to her cupboard and took her clothes out went to the bathroom. She could make her way around as she was use to the house's layout.

As Ann was finished she seen Mu Yazhe stirring in his bed he was patting the place where 'Anna sleeps and there was nothing he sat up to see Ann in front" where are you going so early come back to bed" he mourned.

Anna smiled" get up since your awake and come train with me" she smiled.

" hmm no thanks I have no intention of getting my arse handed to me, you train to,hard it hurts these old bones can't take it no more" he was complaining.

Anna chuckled softy she smiled as she walked out she wanted to see what else she could see; she was excited she walked out of the house to the training ground she could make out people training they were practising; she stopped and looked for, long time as she watched them fight she still was amazed at this development, it as she could see, well not clearly but still see which was terrific for her.

She didn't know whether it was permanent or just a short time but was grateful nonetheless; she saw a little figure coming her way. She watched as it passed by her, heading towards the stream from the giggle. She knew it was her youngest granddaughter Mu Armani. She was fast, but she was heading towards the stream; Anna headed behind her to make sure she was safe; as she made it closer, Anna realised this little firecracker had no brakes, but before she could step over the bank into the stream Anna grabbed her, she hugged her tightly.

Anna heard her granddaughter mumbling something it sounded like water, water splash, splash, then Anna realised that she must have thought it was her little swimming pool in the back garden " ah baby Armani that is not your pool, that's dangerous. It will hurt you" she walked back with her in her arms.

As she did Mu Armani mother was going frantic looking for her she let out a relief when she saw the pair walking to wards her she was how ever surprised that her mother in law who was blind avoided every pot hole and rocks while walking back, and she walked around the bush, she now wonder could her mother in law see.

As they got close she stepped out" hey mama I will take her but mama how did you avoid all those pot Holes just now even went round the bush can you see?" She asked.

Anna chuckled " I will let you in to secret. I was able to see a little all blurry, but I still see why I was able to see firecracker run past me. Don't tell anyone yet as I don't know if it's permanent or temporary" she was pleading.

" oh that's brilliant mama I won't tell but thankfully you able to see at the right time too, as I don't know what would happen today her father will kill me. She is his heart, he's too protective over this one; and this little firecracker knows it too well" she chuckled.

" ahh I think daughters are always the apple of their father eyes mine were the same she is definitely a firecracker she has mumbling angrily all the way back even call me bad grin " she smiled telling her daughter in law.

Zhi Laquan chuckled" she is very feisty if she doesn't get her way, her father has spoiled her too much letting her get away with everything and this firecracker knows how milk it extra when he's around, what am I gonna to with her eh any advice " she asked her mother in law.

Ann a thought about" well I was always the strict parent and Yazhe was the softy but there was unspoken rule that he didn't interfere in punishment of the children, although he coax them after wards, that's where I will talk to my son and set boundaries that he will have to follow leave it with me" she told her daughter in law.

Zhi Laquan was a-little reluctant but knew it had been done she was frustrated by this little firecracker behaviour" mama if you could that would great" she smiled happily but Anna couldn't see that much yet.

As her son arrived, she watched him interact with his children, she knew that the youngest was his favourite, from the moment he arrived, he had her on his shoulder he didn't put her down until it was night time and then he coaxed the little firecracker to sleep, but she ended up on his chest he didn't mind he fell asleep with her there, Anna watched the way her son and his father and daughter relationship, and that if Mu Yazhe and his daughter's relationship it was the same this father and sons spoiled there daughters a lot, then she remembers her up bringing and his she graves for this all her life, and when she thought she found it if were all lies, she was slightly envious but happy that they all had this incredible bond, she didn't like the task of disciplining her children on how to raise their children but needed to set rules otherwise he wouldn't be able to train her later, and this is something they couldn't afford each child needs to be able to protect his or herself.

The next morning she called her son Mu Musin to her room" hey son can I talk to you" she asked.

" of course mama I will be there" he replied while entering the room.

" I want you start the training with your youngest Armani as she is the right age she could learn a few moves" Anna wasn't asking she was telling him.

" mama she still a baby yet maybe in another year she will get hurt" he pleaded he couldn't see his baby girl get hurt.

" well my dear rock whether you want her to not she needs it as she can't even swim and the children in this house are taught to swim at 2 years old, as we have a stream running at the back of the house it's dangerous, and she has no sense of danger, she very bubbly and chatty anyone wants to talk to her she walks off with, there's no stranger danger with her eithe, you know what kind of people we are, you don't need to be reminded" Anna didn't want to sound like she was being cruel but sometimes it had to been done.

" mama I knew what's good for my baby girl I will teach her when I feel she is ready so don't interfere in this matter" he got angry and walk out.

Anna looked puzzled and she thought that things have changed once respectful children were very rude, okay you don't want to listen to nagging grandma, it was so old school Anna relised that the kids these days had no patience, she didn't know what she could say that would make the scene any better she saw her son taking her daughter back towards the room.

In the evening the atmosphere was tense everyone ate quietly, Mu Yazhe couldn't take it anymore" ok what is the matter why is everyone so quiet? Did something happen that I'm unaware of" he asked.

Mu Musin spoke" nothing dad" he didn't want to say he was very rude to his mother.

Anna looked at her son then her husband then his baby girl, she could make out where they were all sat, she didn't say anything either she ate her food as she moved to walk out her hand was held by her husband's who pulled her back to her seat.

" nobody move until someone tells me what's going on" Mu Yazhe demanded.

Normally at dinner time everyone chats away telling each other about the day, today was different the silence was deafening you could hear the utensils clattering against the dishes, which made everyone more tense nobody would speak thinking what happened.

Mu Xingyan spoke" daddy honestly I don't know it was like this when I walked in so I didn't speak either" she answered.

Mu Xujui signed " I don't know either why everyone was quite I was watching everyone lips I thought my batteries on my hearing aid had run out that's why I couldn't hear anyone " he looked at his older brother.

Mu Kiera spoke," well, daddy, I'll tell you, mama said to the elder brother that he needed to put Armani into training. The elder brother said he would do when he felt it was right and when he was ready, and mama should mind her own business, that's all," she explained.

Mu Yazhe looked at his elder son for the answer" well son what happen" he asked.

Mu Musin looked at his sister the busy body" well I didn't say wrong everyone should kind of mind their own business I will train Armani when I'm ready she is too small yet let her have her childhood we didn't get to enjoy our childhood" he complained.

Anna tensed up; she thought, did she take away her children's childhood? She promised herself she wouldn't do what her child and her grandfather did, was she wrong and never knew it? Why did her kids never tell her this before " I'm sorry you feel that way, but as I told you, we don't come from a normal family background? Our children need to learn early; I'm sorry if you feel I took away your childhood; I didn't think I was sorry; I only thought k was don't what was best. As for interfering, I'm also sorry about that too," she said. Again as she got ready to walk out.

She had a lot to think about she ruined her children life like hers was ruined, she never wanted this life for her children they were pulled in to it, they had no choice, she was extremely guilty now she gulped her saliva and he was right she was his child she was the grandma he knew his daughter best and decided for her, who was she to interfere she should keep her big mouth shut in future.

Mu Yazhe pulled Anna back to sit this want over just yet" how dare you speak to your mother like that you were raised better, and when was wanting the best for your children taken your childhood away you had everything you weren't deprived of anything you asked and you received, you were taught the value of having those luxuries in your life. That's the way all children are raised, and you know full well these are not ordinary children and what their background is, but yet it chooses to be ignorant about it, your mother never did wrong by you any of you, you were loved by all so where is this hostility coming from" he didn't feel that anything he said was wrong the way he brought the children up.

Mu Musin sighed" I know we were loved and were not from a normal family but mama was very strict in her training with us I don't want that for my child that's all it's not that I wouldn't train her just not yet" he didn't want his angel to suffer.

Anna sighed maybe he is right she didn't want anyone to argue as the tension rose" okay that's your decision leave it at that shall we it's not big deal" she was about to leave this time.

Zhi Laquan spoke" I think what father said is right you spoil her too much she needs to know where her boundaries lie , if mother hadn't saved her earlier she would have drowned she ran straight for the stream, she didn't stop, she was told she's forbidden to go that way, she doesn't know when she is in danger she throws the biggest tantrum and smacks and bites, that's is not right way to bring up a child" she finally let it all out.

She showed her arm where Mu Armani had bitten her it was very deep she bit every hard, Anna was the only one that couldn't see as everything was still blurry so she didn't know why everyone gasped, Mu Musin spoke " you her mother it's nothing you just being to dramatic she will grow out of it" he sighed he knew that his daughter was out of hand he was to blame his wife constantly told him that he was spoiling her but he didn't think it a problem.

Mu Yazhe spoke the children were still seat in the dinning room so he kept his voice low" Musin if someone outside did that to your wife what would you do them" he asked.

" Mu Musin looked at the bite marks then at his wife who had grievance written all over her face" I would kill them" he knew it was wrong but the other person was his precious baby girl.

" but yet you allow your daughter to hurt your wife everyday where is that fair on her for peat sake it's like we're asking you smack your child we're asking that you teach her right from wrong, and there a consequences for her actions, you need sort this out before it's too late if your mother hadn't been there your daughter wouldn't be her with us now, thinking about that it's scared me to my core I think it should scare you too" he said with a stern voice but gently.

Mu Musin realised that he had to do something he had been to soft on his daughter and unjust to his wife" I'm sorry Laquan and I will start training with training Armani straight away and teach it's wrong to bite and smack" he sighed as he looked at his yet oblivious child.

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna " how did you know that Armani was in danger" he asked.

Anna, without thinking, spoke," I saw a blurry little person running past me. First, I saw things, but when she spoke knew it was a firecracker, and I also knew she didn't know how to swim; then I noticed it headed straight to the stream. It didn't look like she was stopping anytime soon. She was squealing happily, yelling water, splash. I think she thought it was her little pool in the back, so I chased her just in time, caught her, and then she bit me angrily, too. She is very hot-tempered, we need to build some sort of fence around the river for future mishaps not to happen. After the struggle to keep hold, I brought her back only to see Laquan worried out of wits she couldn't find Armani; I told her she needed to teach her how to swim, mainly because we have the lake at the back of the house and also discipline as it's essential " she told everyone what happened.

The bit they all picked up,on was blurry" you said blurry can you see" asked Mu Yazhe.

" hmmm well not clearly but blurry images I can make out where your all sitting and from your voices I can talk who,is sat there " she told them.

" that's great we go see the doctor tomorrow then" said Mu Yazhe.

Anna thought great, more poking and prodding by the doctors.

" sorry mama I didn't think before I spoke you were only helping and I'm glad even if it's blurry you save my baby girl and I will teach her how to swim, and I will also train her too" he sighed as he looked at his precious he didn't know what to do, with her she was smiling at him not realising what she had done.

He then looked at his wife" worth honey for letting her bite you and saying that your her mother" he patted the back of his wife.

Anna smiled" it's okay you were right too it's your child your decision and I'm sorry if you feel I was unfair and strict to as you were growing up I thought I was doing my best with you all but you learn from your mistakes right, I thought if I make you tuff and strong, then nothing can hurt you, the more bad things happened the scared I got, the more I trained you all, but I forgot that you were still children, I know that you never enjoyed that other children enjoyed as they grew up like I said you weren't normal you were extraordinary children while others play video games and played with dolls and played and seek in the backyards, you were saving humanity and played with weapons, and the world was your backyard" she smiled at her children.

They all understand what they are and how they are not like normal society, they were born into the underworld, and they all lead double lives, but that is part of the thrill of being them; they see places and experiences that even an average human wouldn't experience in their lifetime, so they were happy with the roles they had in there lives. It was all thanks to this one crazy blued-eyed omen in front of them.

Mu Xingyan asked," mama will you come back to the underworld after you can see" she wanted to know. She was excited.

Anna thought about it and then answered," no, I won't. I want to live this life I'm living now. That is your world. You deal with it; I've retired; that's the way it would stay", she replied.

There were a lot of sighs she heard, but this was the end for her. She had lived a very hectic life now. She wanted to slow it down and take the simple things in life and appreciate them; she finally closed this chapter in her life, child, and looked forward to what lay ahead.

Anna was looking forward to lazing around the house and going on dates with her husband. She stayed out of everyone's way and let them live their lives and make their own mistakes and learn from them; her eyes didn't improve, but blurry was good too. At least it was dark all the time. She hoped maybe one day her eyesight would return; she was pleased she was going to grow old with the man she lived with and a crazy family that she adored.

The end