



The day of the mission arrives very quickly. Every made last-minute checks of their weapons, and they all went over the plans one more time to ensure everyone knew what they were doing; then, they all set off. They had to break into four groups as they had to target four different places at the same time. The imposter in the Ming Tung Jun Clan would be taken care of by the clan them selfs when the time came.

Anna waved them off as she headed back to the surveillance room to listen to what was going on; she knew they were all well trained, but she was still a little unsettled for some unknown reason; as she was busy listening, she got a call from her parental grandma.

"Hello dear, it's me, your grandma. I just wanted to check how you and your sister were; I miss you both. I know we did you wrong, but still, you are my granddaughters. I love you very much. I haven't seen what you apologise for it. The actions of your mother and father, only if I had known what they were up to would I stop them myself. We love you very much," she sighed.

Anna knew none of what happened or Was happening was their fault, so she held no grudge as this old couple was nothing but caring same for the rest of the family, but Anna couldn't forget that her parents were the ones who wanted her dead, which unsettled her still" hey grandma we are well how's grandpa and my brothers naughty as ever" she chuckled" and don't worry didn't blame anyone for what had happened it was my parents doing they paid the price with their lives, we have a lot to adjust to. After I have settled a few things, I will come to see you and know I like you very much," she smiled.

Grandma chuckled " yeah, they are, and your grandpa hasn't been well; he would like you to visit as there is still unfinished business he wants to all to deal with he asked me to tell you that he wants you all for lunch on Sunday, dear if possible " she sighed as she didn't know whether Anna would agree.

Anna knew they had unfinished business, so she thought, why prolong what needs to be done" okay, Grandma, see you all on Sunday, then I will tell Amelia as well", she smiled.

Grandma was surprised, to say the least, that she would have to plead more, but Anna had agreed; she smiled as she turned and put her thump up at Grandpa to say they agreed" thank you, dear, see you soon. Take care of your self bye" she smiled as she cut the phone.

Grandma turned to grandpa and her twins" they said they would come a least that a start. We will correct all the mistakes that were made in the past. Those girls have suffered so much thanks to my stupid son and daughter-in-law," she sighed.

The men looked at the old lady and agreed with her but didn't say anything as they knew what she was saying was correct. They just had to wait for Sunday to sort out many matters.

Anna looked at the phone; when she cut it off, she smiled and thought, what could Grandpa want to say? Well, I found out on Sunday; she turned to the monitor again to see what was happening, and she sighed as she couldn't see anything. She had to use her ears to find that they had all reached their designation, and they were observing their surrounding as they made their escape root from their locations.

Anna listened very carefully as she couldn't see where they were; she could only go off their views, hoping for the best; she talked to each team before in sync with the countdown they all entered.

Anna listened very carefully as she heard the gunfire and screams and then silent, after what felt like an averynlingbyime for Anna she heard them, they had found the children; the children were safe apart from the children were shocked and scared by everything that had that happened to them, they were all well apart from they sounded haggard and by the way they all drunk the water they had brought with them they had not been fed probably; those three team's headed back to the base.

The fourth team that was made up of Mu Xingyan was held up as they fell into the trap; they didn't realise that the entrance they entered was wired with explosives and was triggered once they entered; all the other exits and the windows had the same explosive around them they were trapped. To top it all of the communication went dead there were signal jammers too.

Anna panicked; she called Amelia and told her to get her weapons and meet her outside; she grabbed her gear; she might not be able to see, but her daughter needed her, and she would sit back and chew her nails, she would do or die to safe them,

Amelia was fast; she had brought the motorbike as it would be quicker to doge through traffic; they arrived at the warehouse as Amelia described the building and the entrance points.

Anna chuckled " well, the roof is out of the question, and the front exit is the way in, I mean, I could barge in there, but I could walk into a brick wall as I couldn't see what was in front, but the side, as a small window and it doesn't seem too wired could you check again," she asked her sister.

Amelia checked " well, your right, Blue Rose; this is our centre point, and it might be the only way out for all the children and our people", she commented.

Well, what are you waiting for? Let's break it; remember, don't make any noise as we don't know whether it's a trap or how many are surrounding this place," she sighed as she put her we on high alert; she found it strange she couldn't hear anything.

Anna thought they had left the place leaving the one inside to die, or they were lying in wait, so they killed them when they all escaped, but she knew it was the first as she couldn't even hear them breathe. For now, she should concentrate on helping the ones trapped inside first, then deal with what's outside one step at a time.

They both entered the building and walked around. Amelia could see the dead bodies all around, that's why there was nobody outside as they were lying here dead, she guided Anna around them then they wonder around trying to find out where all were trapped they came across a few rooms but they were all empty.

Anna heard it was panicked breathing; she walked towards it; as she opened the door, she was almost jumped by her daughter, who now had a knife in her hand" mama, what are you doing here" she yelled as she hugged her.

Anna" hey baby girl, too tight, can't breathe" she was being squeezed tightly.

"Mama, all the exits are blocked. How did you guys get in" Mu Xingyan smiled?

Mu Xingyan knew her mother would find a way if there were one; after all, she was her mama; then her Aunt walked in she leapt in her arms" Auntie, you too; wow, I am happy to see you, so how do we get out I am hoping it wasn't the roof" she looked at her mother as she knew she loved leaping from a building.

Amelia chuckled as she knew what she was thinking " no, baby girl, we found a window which was not wired; we used that we take all the children out through that" she looked to see how many needed to be rescued.

Anna felt that the children here were abused. She could smell a strange smell, and she was feeling sick as her it was telling her the girls, as well as the boys, were abused; she didn't know what to say at this point; she thought, get them out of here safe than deal with the rest" hey baby girl let's get you all home what says" she tried to smile but couldn't as her heart to feel what she was feeling.

Amelia placed her hand on Anna's shoulder and whispered," I know how you feel, but right now, getting them out is our priority and let's get the children out of here first. Then we deal with the aftermath, okay" she sighed.

Anna sighed" I know, but still, the aftermath is a lot worse to deal with than the here, and now these children will be traumatised for the rest of their life; who's to answer for that " she sighed.

Mu Xingyan heard what they were saying; she looked back at the children that were sexually abused and sighed; she couldn't begin to understand what they were going through; what she saw when she walked in here would give her nightmares for a long time, but these children lived through it how would they deal with she was outraged when she saw the state of the children she killed all the men that were here. Still, she knew there were more she promised herself she would find every last one and kill them too.

Amelia walked to the children" hey kids, how about we get you all out of here and clean you up and some excellent food? Hmmm", she smiled her best smile.

The children looked up at her; they looked at each other as well; they all nodded in agreement, as they knew their fate couldn't be any worse than what they had already dealt with. They walked forward; as they followed, a little boy came running and pulled on Anna's sleeve" please, Mrs can you save my sisters too? The evil men took them away", he pleaded.

Anna stopped in her tracks; she could feel the boy shaken" hey, little one, of course, I can. Could you tell me where they took your sister? Did you see" she asked.

" no, Mrs, I didn't, but I heard the man say that some men were coming over, and they needed my sisters for them, and they would use the boss's room," he told Anna.

Amelia walked over and said, " let me get these children to the exit first, then we will look for the other girls, okay" she then turned around and asked," please tell me if there any others missing so we can find them all," she asked.

One girl stepped forward and spoke," Mrs, my brother is also missing; he was taken when his sisters were taken, and my older brother was trying to protect me; they killed him; they took his body somewhere too," she cried her little heart out.

Amelia hugged the little girl" hush baby girl, we will get everyone, and your dead bro too will take everyone home, okay? Could you tell me if you know where they are" she asked.

The little girl spoke," no, Mrs, they blindfolded them before they took them away" she sighed as if she could be of any help.

Amelia hugged her again" don't worry, we will find them," they definitely would, she thought.

They got the children out and then went to search for the rest. Anna refused to go out with the rest and wanted to help find the other children. She knew she was stubborn, but she needed to do this.

Anna was listening for any sound that she could hear to guide her to where the others were beheld; she looked around to her surprise, and she saw Mu Zain smiling at her" need help, my little spark " he smiled like he always did.

Anna smiled back and thought where have you been; she asked where the children were. Mu Zain smiled as he pointed at the corridor; Anna followed his direction. He guided her to a door it was made of thick wood. It looked new, explained Mu Zian. Anna thought, that's strange; why would this be here?

As she opened the door, a boy came barging at her with a sharp object, yelling, " get away from my sisters and me, you an evil, vile human being, don't touch us, you disgusting people" he screamed as he lashed out.

"Hey, stop. I'm here to help, please ", Anna pleaded with the boy.

The boy was out of control; he was trying to protect his sisters; Anna wasn't angry at him; it was gathered as being Brave; she didn't understand that the Ming Tung Jun trained their children to fight from a young age so where were this boy's fighting skills? For now, she just had not to be injured. Still, too late; the boy cut Anna's arm with whatever he had in his hand; it hurt but not as the pain in the boy's pain as the guilt took over at what he had just done.

But the boy didn't stop; he was still going for Anna; she just moved out of the way; they were playing cat and mouse game; Amelia had walked into this scene, and she was annoyed at Anna for walking away and now injured, she was panicking the boy hit Anna, she immediately charged In front her sister and grabbed the boy he wasn't calming down. Hence, she knocked him out; his siblings, who were crouched in the corner, saw this and started to scream as they thought that Amelia had killed him just like their brother, who was trying to protect them.

Amelia turned to face them; she was furious at this point; she saw red when she saw her sister bleeding; she was going to shut the girls up too but reluctantly walked away, as she couldn't carry all of them.