

Hazel POV

Well, yesterday was kinda a weird day but I'm glad it's over. Sam was behaving so salty towards me that I had to change seats. I don't know what his problem is, but I will surely find out. Right now, I'm getting ready to go to the mall. Stacey has already texted me that she will be here soon.

I went with a pink plaid gown that reaches below my mid-thigh, paired with a pair of white sneakers.

Ding! Dong!

That should be Stacey. Grabbing my black purse that contains my phone and other important stuff, I rush downstairs. I open the door, and a weird looking Stacey comes into very. She doesn't look weird, it's just the grin on her face that's creeping me out.

"No time to waste, Let's go!" she said grabbing my hand and yanking me out of the house.

"Bye mum, be back later " I yelled so that my mom could hear me. You know, I should really stop yelling because I might end up loosing my voice.


I couldn't think straight throughout the car ride. I wasn't even listening to what Stacey was blabbing about. I really need to talk to someone about Sam and I 's situation. I think I should talk to Stacey about it, I trust her, right? Yeah.... I trust her.

"We're here" she said, successfully bringing me back to reality.

"Cool! Let's go". I've made my decision. I'm going to tell Stacey everything that is going on between Sam and I.


After hours of shopping, precisely two hours, and multiple shopping bags, we decided to have lunch at a restaurant in the mall. This seems like a good time to tell her.

“Hey, um, can I tell you something?” I asked while staring at my hands, feeling nervous.

“Go on, I'm all ears” After explaining everything that has happened between Sam and I, she listened carefully to everything I was saying.

“Did you offend him in any way before you left?”

“No! I don't think so. We were best friends before I left.”

“If that's the case, just give him space, maybe that's what he needs”

“But staying away from him is practically impossible for me”

“Hazel, just try, it will be good for both of you to have some space, okay?”

“I guess so”

“That's my girl. Now let's hurry up so that we can go home” she said before devouring her food.


While walking towards Stacey's car, I spotted Sam's car nearby. He was coming out of the car with a boy that I think goes to our school. I raised my hand to wave.

“Remember, give him space” Stacey reminded me.

“Ok” I said, giving her a blanket look.

“Cheer up, you have all these new clothes to wear”

Suddenly, the two boys walked up to; the other guy flashing Stacey a smile.

“Hey babe” he said pecking her on the lips. Wait! What? She has a boyfriend and she didn't tell me. She's gonna have alot if explaining to do. Gaining my composure, u cleared my throat.

“Oh, sorry.... James, this is Hazel, my friend and Hazel, this is James, my boyfriend”

“Nice to meet you, James” I said, shaking his hand.

“So, you're the infamous Hazel Smith. I've heard alot of good things about you” he replied with a mischievous smirk. All this while, I could feel Sam's gaze on me but I didn't pay attention to it instead, I continued talking to James.

“We gotta go” Stacey said while hugging James.

“Bye babe. Don't miss me too much”

“Don't worry, I won't” she replied, hugging him one last time before walking away.

“Bye James. It was nice meeting you” I shook his hand again.

“The pleasure is all mine, milady” he replied while pecking my hand in the process. I could see Sam visibly tense up. He walked up to both of us, removed James hand and spoke in a dangerously low tone.

“Stop flirting with her. She. Is. Mine.” he said through gritted teeth. Huh? What did he just say? Maybe eat my ears are playing tricks on me. No! I don't think so, I heard him clearly.

“Hurry up, Hazel” Stacey yelled, bringing me back to reality.

“See you at school, James” I waved at him then turned on my heel and walked towards Stacey's car. You know what?... I'm really proud of myself, since Sam wants to ignore me, I'm ready to do the same. Two can play that game.

“What took you so long?” she asked.

“Just drive” I replied with a grin. I am so ready to play this game, Sam. So ready.


“I'm home” I yelled as I entered the house.

“How was your day, honey?” my mom asked from the kitchen.

“It was fine” I replied, running up the stairs to my room. Since Sam is ignoring me, I head to my window that gives access to my room. I shut my windows and closed my curtains preventing him from peeking into my room in the future. Oh.... This is going to be so much fun.