
Hades Vs Chad I

BAM! Chad tapped the ground with his palm as he flew back, lunging to the sky. The divine magic flew in his body like lightning, "That punch," He glared down.

Hades smiled on the ground, [Pride: Feet] He stepped forward. Thud!

Chad felt Hades's presence disappear, appearing right behind him. He swung a back behind his back. Thwack! Hades countered with the same attack, sending Chad flying. [Greed: Copy]

"It's useless," Hades smiled, "You can't beat me with raw power. You have to use this."

KA-BAM! Chad landed on his feet, glaring up with glowing golden eyes. "Your powers are related to the seven sins, and you can't use more than one at the same time."

Hades scratched his chin, "HO? How did you know? I'm sure I didn't say anything. A friend of mine kept bugging me about it."

Chad squatted, charging his thighs with divine magic. "I can get a hit in if I forced you to need more than two at the same time." CRACK-BOOM! Chad lunged at a blinding speed.