
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasía
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103 Chs

10. The Flame brawler emerges

As the battle raged on, Viru, with a leader's clarity, quickly arranged his defenses. The archers, armed with bows and arrows, were positioned to take strategic shots from a distance. He commanded them to aim for the skeletons' weak points, focusing on the joints and the areas where the bones connected, to dismantle them with precision. It didn't work as efficiently as it worked on the previous skeletons.

As the sekeleton warriors started crossing the blazing wooden wall, Luther, zain, Rex and the goblins took it to the front.

Luther, zain and Rex were all attribute unlocked powerfull monsters now,.

The transformation of Luther, upon reaching third stage, was both remarkable and strategic. His previously bulky and cumbersome rhino form adapted, evolving into a more refined and battle-ready physique. This change was not just an enhancement of his natural attributes but a tailored evolution for his role in Viru's team.

Luther's joints, once stiff and limiting, gained a newfound flexibility, allowing for a wider range of motion. This adaptability was crucial in the heat of battle, where every movement could mean the difference between a successful strike and a missed opportunity. His stone axe, a weapon that he wielded with raw strength, now became an extension of his own body, its swings more powerful, precise, and far-reaching.

The most noticeable change was in Luther's head. The massive rhino head, which once hindered his vision and unbalanced his warrior form, shrank to a size more proportional to his humanoid body. This alteration significantly improved his field of vision and overall balance, making him a more formidable and agile warrior on the battlefield.

With these enhancements, Luther's role in the team solidified. He was no longer just the brute force; he was now a well-rounded ice warrior, capable of making quick decisions and executing complex maneuvers. His transformation was a testament to the dynamic nature of Viru's team, where each member's growth contributed to the collective strength and versatility of the group.

As the battle against the lich and its skeletal army continued, Luther's newfound ice abilities proved invaluable. He moved through the fight with a grace that belied his size, his axe finding its mark time and again

Zain's progression to the third stage marked a significant evolution in his capabilities, mirroring Luther's advancement while retaining unique characteristics befitting his nature. As a Korken Monster, his transformation enhanced his innate defensive qualities, molding him into a formidable guardian on the battlefield.

The most striking change in Zain was the considerable muscle gain, particularly in his forearms. They broadened to an impressive size, each resembling a small conventional shield. This anatomical enhancement wasn't merely for show; it provided Zain with a natural defense mechanism, allowing him to block and parry attacks with his arms effectively. His scaly skin, already tough, became even more resistant to damage, turning his forearms into impregnable barriers against enemy blows.

Alongside his physical growth, Zain experienced a notable increase in agility. Previously, his movements, while powerful, were somewhat hindered by his bulky form. Now, he moved with a swifter, more fluid grace, reacting quickly to threats and shifting his stance to shield himself and his allies. This newfound agility made him not only a steadfast defender but also a responsive one, capable of adapting to the dynamics of combat in real-time.

Zain's overall stature evolved to resemble that of a defensive earth knight, a courageous protector ready to stand against the most powerful foes. In the thick of battle, he was a sentinel, his presence alone a reassurance to his companions. He positioned himself strategically, using his body as a shield to cover the more vulnerable members of the team or to create openings for offensive maneuvers.

His slight control over the earth element allowed him to change the terrain of the soil, momentarily. It hindered the movement of the skeletons and gave him an advantage.

Rex's ascent to the third stage was a transformative experience, marking a profound shift in his abilities and appearance. The underlying human genetics, previously overshadowed by his goblin heritage, began to assert themselves, leading to a series of remarkable changes.

One of the most notable developments was in his hands, which became more refined and human-like. This evolution significantly enhanced his swordsmanship, granting him greater dexterity and finesse with his blade. The sword, once a mere tool of combat in his hands, now felt like an extension of his being, wielded with precision and grace.

Physically, Rex's body underwent a striking transformation. His muscles developed in a way that was more reminiscent of a human warrior, defined and powerful. This change not only augmented his strength but also balanced it with the agility required of a skilled swordsman. His skin tone shifted, losing much of its goblin green for a more human hue, further emphasizing his dual heritage.

Rex's facial features also evolved, aligning more closely with human characteristics. This alteration was not just cosmetic; it symbolized the merging of his two worlds – the human and the goblin – and his own unique identity emerging from that fusion.

In terms of combat capabilities, Rex's agility was now superior to Luther's, allowing him to maneuver quickly and effectively on the battlefield. His leg muscles, refined and strengthened, provided a solid foundation for swift, powerful sword strikes. His arms, muscular and robust, were capable of delivering forceful blows, making him a formidable force in any fight.

With these enhancements, Rex stood as a unique and powerful warrior within Viru's team. He bridged the gap between the raw strength of Luther and the defensive prowess of Zain, adding a dynamic element to their collective strength. His advancement was not just a personal victory but a strategic boon for the entire group, offering new tactics and possibilities in their ongoing battle against the lich and its undead army.

As Viru watched Zain hold the line, deflecting skeletal attacks with his shield-like arms, he knew that Zain's advancement was a crucial element in their continued resistance against the lich's forces. The Korken's transformation into a defensive bulwark underscored the adaptability and growing strength of Viru's team, each member's evolution adding a new layer of depth and capability to their collective might.

Simultaneously, Viru assessed the major updates he had received upon leveling up. Albus detailed a significant enhancement to the dungeon layout system, offering greater control and strategic options. However, it required Viru to make a crucial decision – to fix the location of his dungeon permanently.

He could never move his core and the location of the dungeon until another skill allowed him to.

This permanent dungeon could summon 10 subordinates as dungeon main hall guardians, but only of the second stage, as classified in Revara's hierarchy of monsters. These monsters would be the second stage evolved as freshly summoned.

The decision was complex, considering the potential advantages against the constraints it imposed.

Viru didn't have time to go through all the update information. He delegated the task to decide whether he should deploy the permanent dungeon or not. Albus could do a rapid positives and negatives analysis and tell him the right decision that hangs on the highest survival probability. Albus, upgraded and more efficient, processed the situation and advised making the village Viru's permanent dungeon. Trusting the AI's judgment, Viru initiated the process.

** Congratulations on your permanent dungeon**

A notification announced the creation of his first permanent light dungeon, and the core shifted into a new, invisible dimension.

This advancement allowed Viru to appoint a core guardian, someone to protect the heart of his dungeon. This guardian would always stay inside this space guarding the core until it's position is transferred to someone else by Viru. While Albus noted other functions of this new role, the immediate situation demanded focus on the present threat.

The most groundbreaking update was the Dungeon Master Privilege, which allowed Viru to unlock system classes for his subordinates. This revelation astounded Viru; it was a game-changer.

Upon consultation, Albus identified Pyra, as the only candidate who has reached the criteria. Pyra has the potential to unlock the flame brawler class.

It very much aligned with pyra's fighting preferences. It's was pure raw spirit that drove her into battles. She would make an outstanding fearsome brawler.

Viru did not hesitate. He chose to unlock Pyra's class. As he commanded his wish, a catalyzing transformation engulfed her in a blaze of crimson light shining like a star. When the light slowly dimmed, Pyra emerged larger, more formidable, with fists attached to her wings, enhancing her combat flexibility. Her skin got a reddish hue that highlighted her fire attribute. This evolution was not just physical; it was a surge in spirit and power.

Pyra, now a flame brawler, immediately demonstrated her newfound might. She dove into battle, her fiery fists landing a devastating blow on a skeleton warrior, obliterating it. This Ofcourse took a significant part of her strength but it was worth trying. This raised the moral in her group significantly. Her strength was immense, but it was her bravery and resolve that truly uplifted the morale of Viru's forces. Her transformation was awe-inspiring, a beacon of hope amidst the dire conflict.

With Pyra's evolution, Viru's team found new energy to continue the fight. Each member, empowered by the sight of Pyra's ascension, fought with renewed vigor. The skeletons, formidable as they were, began to falter under this relentless onslaught. Yet, the lich remained a looming threat, its dark power undiminished, ready to unleash further horrors upon Viru and his courageous band.