

Nurse Belle works to save lives while Ceres assassinates people. In an extraordinary twist of fate, these two souls now occupy the same body. If that wasn't bad enough, Ceres found out that the person she killed became Belle's colleague in this life. Worse, she still loves him. However, Belle wants no part in letting this man into her heart for the second time. Her body -her decision! And that's NO TO DR. ELIEZER RIVERA. Unfortunately for her, Ceres has a lot of ways to throw her plan in disarray. * *Excerpt* He was the gentlest doctor I know. He took care of me and did his best to help me regain my memories; those that include my fondest encounters with him and the worst. His gentle smile was the one that captured my heart. Yes, he was the gentlest doctor. He should be. That was what I thought! So, why am I locked between this damn wall and his arms?! What is he planning to do?! Why is he looking at me as if he wants to devour me?! (Ceres, help me.) Belle called forth to the woman hiding in her subconsciousness. Her heart wasn’t prepared for this. And her eyes! Oh, her eyes couldn’t stop looking at his lips. “Doc?” She called out this distant word which she stopped doing several months ago. Eli never lost his composure even to the woman that he once loved – Jillyanna Madrid. Yet, when he learned that some evil guy was checking out his patient, who was also his junior at work, he flared out. His annoyance got the best of him and brought them to where they are now. He just wanted to see if that man had successfully lured her out. He didn’t mean for this to happen. He could see confusion in her eyes and when she opened her mouth to call him, he couldn’t move his eyes away from her parted lips. When she swallowed dryly, he trailed down to the sight of her throat and found her chest moving up and down. He felt hot like molten lava was doused on him. “What is so good about that guy?” Eli asked before he could stop himself. Whenever he thought that she likes that person, something stirred deep inside his heart and irked him so much. He wanted to tear himself apart and see what was wrong inside him. “Someone out there must be better than him. Look for someone else.” “Well, there will always be someone better at something. Prince was kind enough to - “ The world stopped and her vision was covered in darkness. She could not see his expression and she was having difficulty in breathing. Her lungs hurt. For a moment, she felt weak and stopped breathing as she closed her eyes and brought Ceres to deal with this. “You are not allowed to talk about any other man with me. Hearing their names annoys me. You can only look at me and smile at me.” And he locked their lips once again. The taste of her was addicting and he just wanted to suck the nectar out of her mouth. [What the heck are you doing?!] Ceres questioned mentally the moment she felt those lips on hers. She wasn’t informed that she’d be dealing with this. [Belle, I will make you pay for this trick!] (As if you don't like his kisses!) ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend discord: Oning #3030 ***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE

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259 Chs


"Really?! My sister came back already?!" Neon excitedly asked Dr. Rivera. He was told that his sister went on a medical mission and would not come back soon. It was really a happy event for him that his sister has returned. "Can I see her now?"

"Of course. I will bring you to her later after you eat your breakfast. Anyway, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm doing fine, Eli. The bruises are slowly fading and they don't hurt like before." Neon answered before shoving a spoonful of food in his mouth.

Normally, people would call him doc or Dr. Rivera. Those close to him would sometimes call him Doc Eli under some circumstances which didn't require him to be formal. His family and close friends would call him Eli, and it was the first time a patient called him Eli without him having the urge to correct him.



"Have you ever seen your sister cry?"

Neon thought about this question while chewing his food. "No," he said after a few seconds. "Belle is not like auntie. I have never seen her cry or get sick before. Belle is the strongest woman I have ever known. I even thought that she has superpowers to do everything."

"But Belle is not a superwoman, you know."

"I know." Neon responded solemnly. "Belle is just enduring everything because of me. That is why I like to visit her work because I want to see what she's like when working. Belle is just very good at hiding her emotions. I don't even know how exactly she felt when things don't go her way."

"If you ever see your sister cry or look weak, what would you do?"

"What's there to do? She's still my sister even if she cries or she's weak. What's the difference?"

Eli smiled listening to this kid's words because he knew that Belle's worry was unfounded. "Alright. I'll just visit another patient and I will come back to pick you up. Don't go out without me."

"Yes, Eli."

Ceres was now feeling better after all the help and treatment she received. She won't admit it but she felt happy that Eli was visiting her as well. Currently, she was sitting on her bed with a mirror in her hand. This was the first time that she was able to see Belle's face.

[She looked pretty.] Ceres thought while touching her face. Even the nurse felt a little bothered by her action. Even if you lost your memories, you wouldn't forget your face as well, right? However, Ceres was acting like she had forgotten what she looked like. If the nurse knew the truth, she wouldn't think otherwise.

[She's not the model type of beauty but she's still beautiful compared to other nurses. Hahaha, what a remarkable turn of events. I'll surely use this face to help you get what you deserve. Hmph! That director's daughter? You can easily sweep her off the rug with your face.]

"Belle? Are you okay?" The nurse asked when she saw that devilish smirk on Belle's face. It was the first time she ever saw her make that kind of expression – the kind that says she was up for trouble.

"I'm fine." Ceres returned the mirror to the nurse and smiled sweetly at her. "I suddenly remembered something."

"Really?!" The nurse moved closer to her with great expectation. "What did you remember?"

"Uhh...yesterday, I heard some of the nurses talk about the upcoming interdepartmental sports festival..." before she could even finish her words, the nurse's face fell in disappointment "Did you think I remember something before the accident?" The nurse nodded her head. "Sorry for disappointing you. I still don't remember anything."

"It's fine. You will eventually recall those precious memories."

"So, about the sports festival."

"You probably can't join any sports." The nurse said directly which brought a faint smile to Belle's face. "I'm not saying you are not good enough, but your doctor won't allow you to move around that much. You still have to go through physical therapy for your knees and feet."

"I know. I just thought of joining those table games. I'm really good at those."

The nurse sighed and moved away from Belle. "There will be a meeting next week regarding the sports festival. You should tell Dr. Rivera about your idea. He can talk to the director for you."

"And why does it have to be him?"

"He's one of our superiors and he is looking after you. He's very close to the director, too."

Curiosity got the best of her when she heard the director being mentioned. If she wasn't mistaken, based on Belle's memories, the director has a daughter who likes Eli since he started working in this hospital. "Which director are you talking about? Can you tell me something about him? Have I crossed paths with him in the past?"

The nurse told her what she knew about the director as well as the few encounters that Belle had. The information matches the ones in Belle's memories and it was funny when she crossed paths with the director's daughter several times in the past. She was also with her during the medical mission.

"Hmm?" Ceres replayed the scene before Belle fell into the water but she could not see who pushed her to the edge of the river, but she knew she was pushed. "Did I have a good relationship with Dr. Peachy Lopez?"

"You?" The nurse chuckled at Belle's question. "The two of you were like ice and fire. You could never get along with each other."

Hearing the words 'ice and fire', Ceres remembered Marcus. She felt bad for leaving them selfishly but there was no going back. She didn't know why she was given this chance to live again, but she will do her best to live decently and worthy of her new name.

[Wait! Am I in another world or somewhere in the future?] This thought that suddenly sprouted brought some hope to her life. At the same time, she didn't put too much weight on this idea, lest she'd get disappointed in the end.

Immersed in her thoughts, she didn't notice that the door to her room was pushed open and Eli came again.

"Belle." Neon's jubilant voice pulled her back to reality however, she was pushed back to that endless darkness once again. She was lost and didn't know what was happening.