

Nurse Belle works to save lives while Ceres assassinates people. In an extraordinary twist of fate, these two souls now occupy the same body. If that wasn't bad enough, Ceres found out that the person she killed became Belle's colleague in this life. Worse, she still loves him. However, Belle wants no part in letting this man into her heart for the second time. Her body -her decision! And that's NO TO DR. ELIEZER RIVERA. Unfortunately for her, Ceres has a lot of ways to throw her plan in disarray. * *Excerpt* He was the gentlest doctor I know. He took care of me and did his best to help me regain my memories; those that include my fondest encounters with him and the worst. His gentle smile was the one that captured my heart. Yes, he was the gentlest doctor. He should be. That was what I thought! So, why am I locked between this damn wall and his arms?! What is he planning to do?! Why is he looking at me as if he wants to devour me?! (Ceres, help me.) Belle called forth to the woman hiding in her subconsciousness. Her heart wasn’t prepared for this. And her eyes! Oh, her eyes couldn’t stop looking at his lips. “Doc?” She called out this distant word which she stopped doing several months ago. Eli never lost his composure even to the woman that he once loved – Jillyanna Madrid. Yet, when he learned that some evil guy was checking out his patient, who was also his junior at work, he flared out. His annoyance got the best of him and brought them to where they are now. He just wanted to see if that man had successfully lured her out. He didn’t mean for this to happen. He could see confusion in her eyes and when she opened her mouth to call him, he couldn’t move his eyes away from her parted lips. When she swallowed dryly, he trailed down to the sight of her throat and found her chest moving up and down. He felt hot like molten lava was doused on him. “What is so good about that guy?” Eli asked before he could stop himself. Whenever he thought that she likes that person, something stirred deep inside his heart and irked him so much. He wanted to tear himself apart and see what was wrong inside him. “Someone out there must be better than him. Look for someone else.” “Well, there will always be someone better at something. Prince was kind enough to - “ The world stopped and her vision was covered in darkness. She could not see his expression and she was having difficulty in breathing. Her lungs hurt. For a moment, she felt weak and stopped breathing as she closed her eyes and brought Ceres to deal with this. “You are not allowed to talk about any other man with me. Hearing their names annoys me. You can only look at me and smile at me.” And he locked their lips once again. The taste of her was addicting and he just wanted to suck the nectar out of her mouth. [What the heck are you doing?!] Ceres questioned mentally the moment she felt those lips on hers. She wasn’t informed that she’d be dealing with this. [Belle, I will make you pay for this trick!] (As if you don't like his kisses!) ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend discord: Oning #3030 ***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE

_frieyaVida · Ciudad
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259 Chs


After arranging the groceries and placing the clothing bags inside Neon's room, Belle returned to her bedroom and stayed there for the rest of the afternoon. Surprisingly, Eli didn't come to disturb her rest to do some reviews. One moment, she felt she was alone and wanted to talk to him but then, she dismissed the idea and closed her eyes to sleep.

Ceres didn't let her sleep, though.

[I don't understand you!] Ceres complained from the back of her mind. [First, you wanted us to grab the opportunity and get close to him. I agreed! Then, you told me to put a little distance between us. I didn't question your choice. Next, you agreed to be his assistant. I - ]

(I didn't agree with that. You did.)

[But you didn't refuse either!]

(I did. You just didn't listen to me.)

[Well, whatever.] Ceres retorted, still unreconciled with the turn of events. [I still don't understand how you can change your mind frequently.]

(Women are known to change their minds more often than men.)

[I'm a woman, too, but I don't change my mind as fast as you did.]

(What exactly is your point? Why are you arguing with me on this?)

Ceres was hesitant to let Belle know the truth but since they were on the same body, there was no point in hiding it from her as well. Reluctantly, she came forward with the truth. [I want you to give me more time with Eli.]

(That's it?)

[Well, I want you to allow me to do what I want with him.] Before Belle could say something, she continued speaking to stop her. [I promise I won't be doing anything unnecessary, like holding his hands or kiss him.]

Belle didn't know what to say. Ceres did have these things in mind but decided to forget them because she knew that Belle would be against them for sure. She was utterly speechless with her audacity to even think of doing it with Eli.

(I already told you that you can but I will be telling you to stop if I don't approve of it.)

{You will monitor me constantly?!]

Belle rolled her eyes at this woman's exaggerated words. Even if she didn't want to, does she have another choice? They shared the same body, for god's sake! How is she going to turn a blind eye to that?

[Fine. You can monitor me.] Ceres surrendered. [Just make sure that you won't change your mind again. Make an oath.]

(Oath? What's the point?)

[Just do it!]

Belle didn't really understand why she has to make a stupid oath with the soul freeloading inside her body, but she did anyway.

Time passed by quickly and when she looked outside the window of her room, it was dusk already. The red-orange streaks that colored the purplish-blue sky were a sight to behold and Belle couldn't help herself but snap a picture of it. She was currently using Eli's extra phone since it was impossible to find hers from the river where she fell into last month.

When she turned away from the window, her eyes changed colors for a moment before they went back to their original dark brown. A tiny mole has appeared in the corner of her left eye as well without her noticing it.

In the kitchen, Eli was looking at the items on the table with a deep frown on his face. He wanted to cook for Belle to make up for his sudden outburst earlier but no matter how he looks at the ingredients, he couldn't think of a dish at all. He found his mother's cookbook in the cupboard, something she placed inside his cartoon boxes when he moved to his place. However, this was the first time that he opened it.

"This is annoying," Eli mumbled and decided to put the ingredients back inside the refrigerator. He was in the middle of returning the pork when Belle arrived and saw him.

"You're planning to cook?" Startled by her sudden entrance, the packed pork slipped from his hand and fell on the floor. "Why are you being fidgety? This is your house, remember?"

"I...I was planning to cook, yes. Then, I remember that you wanted to eat hotpot, right?"

"Hotpot? Of course." Belle's mood changed immediately at the sound of the food they were having for dinner. "I wanted to eat it but you said I can't have it in the hospital."

"Right! I promised I'd bring you outside to eat hotpot once you are discharged." Eli added while placing the ingredients back to where they should be. "Let's have one for dinner. I'll check where the nearest hotpot restaurant can be found."

"Wait!" Belle grabbed his wrist to stop him from using his phone but upon realizing what she was doing, she immediately let go of his hand as if she was scalded by it. "I...I think it's a waste of our food if we won't use them."

Eli noticed the change in her behavior but he didn't think too much about it. He thought it was normal to act that way with someone you're not really in a relationship with. "You mean, we can have hotpot at home?" He inquired to go along with the topic.

"Yes, we can. You are fond of spicy food as well, right? We can just have a spicy soup base." Belle walked further inside his kitchen and looked for the utensils and other things that they needed to use. She took out a medium-sized pot from his cupboard and several plates for the other ingredients that they will be eating.

Watching her every movement, Eli found himself watching a woman in a pink apron with kids running around the kitchen. Their joyful laughter struck a chord in his heart and he just stood there watching her.


Eli snapped back to reality and saw Belle holding the meat from the refrigerator. "Is there anything that I can help with?" He asked to hide away the embarrassment he was feeling. He has never done that before. In the years that he was in love with Jillyanna, he never really imagined her being inside his kitchen with their kids running around.

[No. This is not how I felt when I liked Jillyanna back then. This isn't love. It must be the pressure from my mom.]