
Won't reply

Walking around were the two boys, Harry and Kyle as well. Their duty or job for the day was to try to find Ray, and they were beginning to think just where he would be. If there was one thing they were scared of, it was returning back to the inn and meeting Sylvia empty-handed.

After searching the streets and the nearby area, they could see no signs of Ray anywhere. 

"Where would he have rushed off to, so early in the morning?" Harry asked.

And then something had clicked inside Kyle's head, a thought. Something that only Ray would be brave enough to do. 

"You don't think he decided to go to the arena again, do you?" Kyle said. "I mean, I know Slyvia said for him to stop and come back, but she didn't specifically tell him to stop going to the arena, right?"

"Are you serious, do you really think, that Ray's that dense to not understand why Slyvia was calling him back? To not call attention to himself." Harry replied.