
Off and away

Gary's hand started to shake nervously as he held the sword up against Ray's neck. The shaking eventually got so bad that the sword managed to nick Ray's skin causing a little bit of his blood to be drawn.

This came to a huge surprise to Ray as he currently had a total of 200 mana points in his pool. It was the most he could hold without his body feeling unstable but right now Ray was using most of his mana and Ki to harden his cells in his neck, just in case, Gary decided to attack.

But for some reason, the sword seemed to ignore all of those facts and cut through Ray's tough skin as if it was slicing butter.

"Gary you've gone mad!" Slyvia shouted, "Put down that sword now."

Of course, there was one more thing Ray could do if it came to it. He could forcefully end the contract with Gary which would also end Gary's life but Ray didn't want to do that and would only use it as a last resort.

Gary then only continued to cry even harder.