
My Dragon Maid Became an S-Class Hero

I was just an Ordinary Office Man working diligently towards my company in Q-City. Our world is full of monsters, however, thanks to Watchdog Man our city is safe from any threat. Then... How the hell this Dragon is in front of my cheap apartment without someone reporting it?! Should I make the call...? Help me!!

Msssssfffff · Cómic
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5 Chs


- - - (Kobayashi POV (MC) - - -

"Oh! A Dragon sick... Is it strong though?"

An unknown man appeared before us. He was looking at Tohru with his uncaring eyes not bothered about the surrounding area or in Tohru dragon form.

"Who might you be, sir?" He might be a Hero so I ask politely as he was in a suit and a cape.

"Saitama, the name is Saitama. Just a Hero for fun." He posts with cross hands.

So he is a Hero, a shame that I don't know him though.

"Get back with the little girl, I deal with this." I think he got it wrong. I should tell him that the threat has already been dealt with by Tohru and mistaken the monster for her.

However, I was very late, I didn't even see how he move, he was already gone!

- - - (Tohru POV) - - -

After dealing with the insignificant creature, I was ready to fly Oka-san and Oto-san to their workplace. There's still time and I'm fast so being late was not an option.

However, a man appeared and Oto-san greets the man, and the man also replied.

He was looking at me so I thought I should scare him and make him run away but I scrap that idea and just watch. However, he attacks me!

He was fast!

I immediately throw a punch to met his. However, he was strong too!

I didn't use half of my strength in that punch but still the force behind his punch greatly damage my right hand. My passive spells in my body have been shattered entirely leaving me vulnerable at his next move. But I didn't panic; things like these were easy to fix.

I heal my right hand in an instant and I also cast my spells onto my body that has been shattered just a moment ago.

The anticipated attack from him however didn't arrive. He was standing looking at me with an amused smile on his lips.

"You survive my punch without serious damage. Nice!" He said.

Replying to him was a mistake if I did, he was open so I took the chance and instantly appeared before him smashing my tail downward.

The ground trembles behind the attack I'd delivered that made the piles of rubbles soar 30 meters into the ground. I cast a perception spell onto the surroundings to make sure Oto-san and Oka-san wouldn't get hurt even though many flying objects and splints were flying everywhere; they were fine.

Eventually, the objects came crashing down creating a smokescreen that didn't last long as the man I just attack threw my tail upwards. Using that momentum he just did to my tail I spun quickly and swung my tail coming from below.

He blocks it with his left hand and pushed back albeit standing still--his foot was embedded into the ground.

It seems I need to be serious.

Opening my mouth, I release a beam towards him. However, he dodges it and appeared beside me. I was ready to face him.

A flurry of punch we threw into each other. Even though it is not apparent, I was losing the fight.

Each time our punch met my spell will shatter into pieces as our hand makes contact, my mana was decreasing at the highest possible that I didn't know will ever happen. But I'm a dragon, I have plenty of it! We can go all day if he wanted.

He's going to be tired at any given moment if this keeps going. It's inevitable; humans are really such fragile creatures.

During our exchange however his hand exploded in number! I was overwhelmed in a moment but I immediately took cautious action, I cast multiple protective spells if not hundreds of them in a stroke.

It all shattered!!

I was push back, I need to be careful with this Saitama guy. I need to end this in an instant.

Raring my back I opened my mouth widely and condensed mana gathered in my mouth in one singular energy.



- - - (Kobayashi POV (MC) - - -


I have to end this misunderstanding no matter what the cost!!

They are both strong and it might escalate to a much worse conclusion. I have to end this, even if I die!!

But I hope it would not end that way.

Standing between them, I look at Tohru with pleading eyes.

Fortunately, she got what my eyes meant and dispel whatever doom-beam she was generating.

I shift my head to Saitama. "Sir, I think you've got it wrong, it's a misunderstanding. This isn't a monster; it's my daughter."

"Daughter?" He cocked his head cluelessly. "Are you a monster?"

"No!" I deny his allegation. "Tohru! Transform back to your human form!"

"Yes, Oto-san."

Tohru dragon form shines and revert back to her human maid form.

"That's cool!" Saitama exclaimed without showing expression. "Why didn't you say sooner? I almost killed a civilian, that's not a Hero rule."

I tried to!! But still, thank god, it is finally over!

"But still, you're a strong girl... Tohru, right? Wanna fight somewhere?"

"No!" I immediately intervene.

"I have no time fooling around human!" Tohru gnarled at Saitama. "We need somewhere to be. Next time, we will settle this!!"

"All right! You're on!!"

"I said no! Didn't I?"

"Ow, ow! Dyon't pench maay cheeks, Oto-san!"

I didn't let go of Tohru's cheek yet until she promises me not to fights without my permission unless it's necessary even it was just a friendly match with Saitama.

Weird as it sounds to be, Tohru obeyed every single word I say although we were not related and we just met today. She was a good girl.

Saitama, the hero was dejected to what I make Tohru promise not to fight without my permission; he left crestfallen after we exchange contact to thank him one of these days.

I came back where I made Ms. Kobayashi hide when Tohru and Saitama were in the middle of the fighting. She was okay and worriedly check us if we're alright. She also has the little girl on her so everything is okay. However, not everyone is okay, those people has been buried deep down in this rubble of buildings and scraps must have it tough... I pray for their soul to be peaceful.

We left after it and accompany the little girl to the Hero Association rescue groups that just arrive when the threat had been confirmed clear.

Me and Ms. Kobayashi got a text message that today's work will be postponed because of the monster attack. Everyone in the area near this town has been on high alert and instruct the citizen to take shelter in Shelter Domes or in their house if can't travel.

So we fly back home. We have many things to talk about. Where do we even begin?

Hay... Oh well. There's no need to think about it for now. First, we need rest in these fine, chaotic mornings.

And second, a nice sleep. I still have hangovers from last night's beers.

The next Chapter would be long, and it'll constantly be like that so everyone can enjoy it even the release of chapters is slow ;)

Bote if you like the story, see ya!

Msssssfffffcreators' thoughts