

A lady from the family of four sets out to seek revenge for their death during the pack war that happened twelve years back. Because of this war against the second leading powerful which became the first after her parent's death, she turned cold and distant to everyone except those that are her family. People believed Jay to be the Alpha at some point but who really makes the decision? What decision will this lady make when she gets to meet her mate who happens to be the warrior head of the opposite pack? Aren't they too many secrets associated with the Alpha Ray? ************** " I can not believe you are doing this. You aren't thinking straight Debby. " He said. " Really? I ain't thinking straight? Don't tell me bullshit Nathan. If there is anyone who isn't thinking straight between us then it's you. " I spat out angrily. " Oh-oh, so this is a new style. What do you want me to do? How else do you want me to convince you that my Alpha is innocent of these accusations you laid against him? " Nathan said, his blood rising as well and I scoffed. " Innocent? You damn Alpha is a criminal! " " Shut up!!!!! Just shut up. " He said breathing heavily. " My Alpha isn't a criminal but you are, your parents are, to be precise your entire family is a criminal. " It felt like someone just pierced my heart when I heard what he said. " Fine then, do as you please. " I picked up my jacket and headed towards the door, I gave him a last look before slamming the door. As I walked in the cold weather, I kept thinking. How could he say such things? Was he not my mate? Wasn't he supposed to stand by me in all my predicament? Why did it feel like I was in the wrong? *************** Thank you for reading.

danielleije · Adolescente
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6 Chs



Sounds of howling could be heard in a distant area as wolves kept on attacking each other. I was scared to death at the sight of blood gushing out of the neck of a werewolf whom I recognized to be my father's friend. My brother held my hand very tightly and pulled me along with him as we ran farther into the forest.

" Jake, where is mum and dad? why are there killings everywhere? what have we done wrong? " I asked him.

" Debby, just calm down okay? Keep that little mouth of yours shut and follow me. " He instructed and I shut up as we kept on running.

" I can see something moving. " We both heard a voice from behind and we increased our speed but unfortunately an arrow was shut and it hit Jake who groaned and fell.

" Jake!!!! Get up. " I said.

" Listen to me... listen, Debby, I...I need you to continue running and don't stop no matter what. If there...there is any chance you've got...fight...fight back. Run now!!!! Debby run!!! "

I increased my pace as fast as I could but gave my weak brother the last glimpse before departing into the forest.



Beep! Beep! Beep!

I stood up from my bed, full of energy as I sprint towards the bathroom. I had no time to waste at all because of the schedule I followed. I turned the radio on as I wore my top over my skinny jeans and then put on a baseball cap. I looked through the window only to be greeted with snowfall which was dropping heavily. My face was as cold as ice without any expression on it.

The radio kept on buzzing but I paid no attention to it. My phone rang out and I picked it up without bothering to look at the caller.

" What? " I asked.

" We've got one of his men. " The voice informed me and I smirked.

" Perfect. I am on my way but till then keep torturing him. " I commanded.

" Yes, Alpha. "

The conversation ended and I grabbed my car keys as I walked out of my room and closed the door. I lived in an apartment that had two master bedrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a dining room, and a guest toilet.

I got into my car, ignited the engine, and zoomed off at high speed, not a care in the world if that was against the traffic rules. In less than fifteen minutes, I arrived at the packhouse and got out of my car after making sure it was well parked.

" Good Morning Alpha. " A young boy of about my age bowed to greet me and I nodded.

" Morning Perry. " I answered and we walked into the house.

" How did you find him? " I asked.

" Cherry spotted him in a bar and did the seduction work on him. Its outcome was in our favor. " He informed me and I scoffed.

" Stupid men. "

" Debby!!!! "

A young girl ran to hug me and I embraced her back with a loving embrace. I saw her as my little sister and I took care of her that way.

" How is my most favorite girl in the WWW doing? " I asked and she giggled.

" I am doing good. "

" Where is Aunt Magdalene? " I asked when I saw no one around.

" In the kitchen preparing my favorite meal. " I laughed at her cuteness.

" That's more like it. "

I went to the kitchen and found her there indeed washing the utensils.

" Hello, Aunt Mag. " She looked back.

" Debby, it's been a while now. "

" Yes, Aunt. I have been busy with school work. How are you doing? "

" Well, Bella doesn't make the house boring for me but she is troublesome. I have a body ache. " She complained. " Not that am complaining about taking care of her... " Okay, she didn't complain then. " It's just that she is stubborn. "

" No problem Aunt. I will work on that, please excuse me. "

I excused myself and strolled to a room alongside Perry, I opened the door and entered. All of my friends stood up and bowed.

" Good Morning Alpha. "

" Good Morning to you too. " I sat down beside Jay, the incumbent Alpha.

" Let's get down to business. "

" We've caught one of his men and we believe that he might know one or two things about him. " Jay reported.

" Well, what are we waiting for? Take me to him. "

" As you wish. "

He led the way into a dark room and switched on the light. A man was tied to a chair, his eyes blindfolded and his mouth dripping with blood, his body was filled with bruises as the shape of burnt iron and whips could be seen all over his body. He kept on saying the word, " Please, let me go. "

" Oh, this should be fun. "

I said to myself.