
My Divine Domain

Thanks to Lady Josephine and the four cousins, Ora Energy was created, and with it, humans prevailed against the Dark Slayers. Meet Sonic, once the unluckiest being in a world where abilities and politics were everything. While others struggle to control the Ora Energies around them with their abilities, Sonic doesn't even have one to begin with. But everything changed after pairing with an unknown System created by the Dark Slayers.

SCPerez · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 13 Sonic verse Scarlett

"Sir! Look, he's a level one student!" A student who just say Sonic's watch raised an alarm.

"Really? I guess he is." Another joined after seeing the number displayed on Sonic's watch as well.

"How is a level one student suppose to defeat finger girl?" A female student whispered to her friend.

"We're never going to use the training hall first." Her friend replied with a distained gaze at Sonic.

"Really?! A level one facing of with that cruel bitch? I bet he won't last a second once the match starts." Said Justin Corbin who didn't just get badly treated by Scarlett, but also a witness of what Scarlett had done to her opponent in yesterday's match. Her opponent was rushed down to the military hospital after Scarlett defended on him with just a single attack. Most people doubt that her opponent would be able to walk again.

"Hmm. Interesting. If he's indeed a level one student, then I must give him the credit of being a well skilled fighter." Sergeant Creed said within his thoughts, his left hand gently touching his beards as he remembered how good Sonic fought against Rony, a monster Summoner.

To Sergeant Creed, Sonic reminded him of his youth days. He had looked at Gabriel and Finley Scott's watch to know their levels before picking them, however he didn't bother to check Sonic's watch with the mind sat him being a high level user than average students.

Sergeant didn't call off Sonic from the match, rather, he wanted to see more of him.

Sonic and Scarlett both made their way into the ring as well. As the spar began, Sonic summoned one of his beast blade and was waiting for Scarlett to use what ever ability she possessed. But just then, he received her informations.

< Name: Scarlett Jayden >

< Age: 17 >

< Ability: Lightening Manipulation >

"What!" Sonic grinded his teeth. He never knew there was an Ability that allows it's user to control Lightening at will. 

Scarlett Jayden immediately created a swirling lightening bolt in her hands, launching the bolt towards Sonic. Instinctively, he raised his beast blade to defend himself, but the lightening bolt was too powerful that it destroyed his Beast Blade immediately it contact with it.

"Huh!" Sonic grumbled.

A single lightening bolt had destroyed the Beast Blade he had worked so hard to achieve. What if the Lightening Bolt had made contact with him instead? That means that he would have been dead, he thought.

Sonic wasn't even planning on defending himself with his beast blade. He had thought his system was going to generate a force field to protect him.

He quickly summoned his other beast blade and pointed it at Scarlett, his hands shaking as he feared for her next attack.

"Why didn't you protect me?" Sonic questioned his system in his head, and immediately received a respond

< Force field was generated, but opponent's attack penetrated it. An Upgrade is needed to make Force field stronger >

'So despite for the fact that there was a force field, Scarlett's Lightening Bolt was still able to destroy his blade after penetrating the force field?' Sonic marveled. 

His force field isn't strong enough and his beast Weren't either. Then how was he supposed to defeat Scarlett without getting barbecued.

Before now, Sonic had knew Scarlett wasn't going to follow the rules of not using deadly attacks. But studying Scarlett's ability, Sonic knew he had to come up with a strategy.

Even though he had no weapon, he knew his agility was faster than before and he decided to use it to his advantage. He was glad he had put the free stat into his Slayer agility yesterday.

Scarlett was an impatient fighter that knocks down her opponents within seconds. To her, Sonic had lasted longer than expected, and that offended her. 

She then summoned more swirling lightening bolts and began shooting them at Sonic. 

Relying on his Agility, Sonic managed to swiftly dodge every last lightening Bolt swooping towards him.

Seizing the opportunity, Sonic charged forward, closing the distance between them and attempted to strike using his Beast blade now that he was close enough.

However, Scarlett was lacking on her Agility level as well. She effortlessly stepped away from where she stood and shoot at Sonic with another Lightning bolt. Sonic's heart pounded as he tried to anticipate her attacks. Despite his best efforts, he found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with her relentless assault.

Just when it seemed like Scarlett had the upper hand, Sonic remembered that he could also read the weaknesses.

And immediately, he received a message from his system, stating. 

< No Weaknesses found. Opponent's energy is greater than yours >

< Unless your Slayer energy is greater, Opponent remains supreme over you >

This was not the kind of information Sonic was expecting, and it only left him in despair.

Slightly distracted after receiving the message, Sonic's pace slowed a bit. But that was enough for Scarlett to catch up with his agility and hold hands with him.

"Huh!" Sonic exclaimed, fearing that Scarlett was definitely going to break every single one of his fingers, just like she did to Justin Corbin.

But little did he know that his fate was different.

Still holding hands with Sonic, Scarlett immediately zapped him with a little lightening bolt. But it was energetic enough to send Sonic flying out of the virtual ring with organe gleaming suit.

< Your Health Point is reduced by halve, Slayer >

Sonic's system warned immediately after the Zapping from Scarlett. Just a single Zap had reduced Sonic's Health Points by halve. This means that if she had used lightening bolt in full display, Sonic might end up either falling unconscious or dying at the spot.

< You've failed Quest, no reward will be given in return > Said the system. 

As soon as Sonic was knocked out of the ring, Sergeant Cressida's team rejoiced, having won the training hall for themselves.

Sergeant Creed quickly approached Sonic and helped him to his feet, his body was burning up like crazy as he just got himself barbecued.

"Hey, boy, are you okay? You seemed distracted in the last seconds." Sergeant creed pointed out.

Sonic couldn't reveal to Sergeant Creed the reason behind that, so he just apologized. "I'm sorry I let our team down."

"It's fine, son. Just try not to let your guard down next time. Even though Sergeant Cressida didn't train her daughter, the same blood runs through their veins."

"Uh...! so Scarlett Jayden is Sergeant Cressida's daughter? No wonder they both have a similar demeanor," Sonic mused.

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he slowly caught his breath. He looked over at Scarlett, who maintained a steady decency during the whole spar.

Little did Sonic know that this spar would be just the beginning of his journey to uncover the depths of his powers and discover the true potential within him.

Sergeant Cressida and Sergeant Creed exchanged nods of approval, aware who was going to make use of the hall first.

With low interest to continue the tour, Sergeant Creed left the hall with his group.

Sonic wasn't expecting any reward, but he remembered his system telling him that he needed to spar to gain Experience points. He just risked his life sparring, of course the system won't neglect that. He thought.

"Hey, man! You did great in there." A voice echoed beside Sonic. He turned to his side and saw Finley Scott.

"Well, I don't know about that. I lost anyway," Sonic responded.

"Relax, man. I know you were holding back because of the rules, and besides, she's a lady. No one expects you to hit her anyway."

Sonic knew that wasn't the case, but he just had to go along with it. "I guess I was really holding back."

"My name is Finley Scott," he said, reaching out for a handshake.

Sonic smiled and took his hand. "Sonic Lorcan."

As their group headed towards the library, they encountered General Skylar Vox's group. Sonic spotted Eric and James among them, and for some unknown reason, all of their suits were gleaming orange, some were even gleaming red. It was as if they were asked to clash on each other.

It was just as Sergeant Creed said, "if you have friends in those groups, pray that they return in one piece."

While Sonic was there, the message he had been waiting for arrived. And just like the system had promised, he received his experience points, even though he had lost the fight. 

< Five Experience points are added >

< Experience points: 10 >

"That's it, it took you long enough." Sonic voiced in his head at his system.

Soon, they arrived at the library, and Sergeant Creed decided to show them around as usual. The library was filled with countless books: big and small, covering art and science. The atmosphere in the library was quiet, but it speaks volumes.

The vast library of the military school looked like a union between the past and the future, with tall wooden shelves nearly touching the ornate ceiling. Scanning systems were in place at the end of each shelf, making it easier for students to locate a particular volume by simply voicing the title.

In the center of the library was a vast seating area. Circular tables with smooth surfaces were spread out, each table installed with a touch-responsive panel, enabling students to access digital versions or summaries of the books. Floating holographic screens could be summoned for group studies or visual presentations.

To the side, in a particularly grand section, books were encased in transparent glass boxes. These were rare, ancient, and extremely valuable volumes. Their pages might contain lost abilities, history untouched by time, or knowledge too dangerous for unrestricted access. Above each glass box was a dashboard. The dashboards, glowing faintly, displayed information about the book within its origin, its importance, and also the clearance level required to access it. Some books had red indicators, signaling they were off-limits to all but a few in the school.

While Sonic was looking around, he spotted a particular book that caught his immediate attention. He walked closer and realized that on the cover of the book, an image of a Dark Slayer, with a red gleaming sword was sketched on it. What marveled him most was the title of the book.

"My Dark Slayer System?" Sonic read inwardly.

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