
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasía
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133 Chs

Silver Armor Grandmaster Rune

In one day, Su Hao had already sold half of his two piles of 'junk,' recovering all his costs.

That day, someone tried to sneak in and buy a second time, but Su Hao's radar didn't miss a thing. He marked a big cross on the avatar of everyone who had already purchased.

Those who caused trouble had their arms broken by Su Hao and were thrown out of the store. He established a rule outside: those who broke the rules would have their arms broken.

After a night of brewing, various exploration teams and merchant associations received the news.

The next day, his store was packed with people.

When Su Hao opened the door, faces flushed with excitement, they waved their money pouches.

"I'll pay thirty silver coins, sell it to me first!"

"To hell with you, I was here first. I'll pay fifty silver coins, give it to me first."

"I'll offer one gold coin!"

"Damn it, I'll offer one gold coin and one silver coin!"

It quickly escalated into a bidding frenzy.

Su Hao glanced around. With a quick calculation, he compared the number of people to the remaining long knives and found he had enough.

So, he started normal operations.

Soon, all the long knives and armors were snatched up. Anyone who tried to pull any tricks was caught by Su Hao, had their arm broken, and was thrown out without exception.

After the long knives and armors were all gone, many people still crowded outside the store, staring at Su Hao.

Su Hao loudly announced, "There will be new goods tomorrow. Anyone can buy, even those who bought long knives and armors before. First come, first served, until sold out!"

Everyone was instantly excited.

The next day, before dawn, people were already crowding at Su Hao's store, like a scene of people lining up for a shot.

When the sun was fully up, Su Hao opened the door to welcome customers.

"Today's goods, only one silver coin each! All for one silver coin!"

Everyone went wild! It was a deal with no losses!

"But today's goods are a bit special, yet worth far more. Buy it, and you'll own a hundred long knives, a hundred suits of armor, no exaggeration! You can even smoothly advance to grandmaster and reach the peak of life!"

"Aren't you curious about what this is?"

Everyone looked at Su Hao with eager eyes.

Su Hao shouted, "That's right! Today, I'm selling the method to make special long knives and armor. Simple, easy to learn, and quick to master! Buy it, and you'll have countless powerful armor and weapons."

"Come on! Let's buy it! Buy it! Buy it!!"

Su Hao opened the door and pulled down the curtain revealing neatly arranged books.

The scene that followed was unimaginable chaos.

Although the rule was one book per person, some still left empty-handed, deeply regretful.

That day, those who seized the opportunity soared, and those who didn't could never make up for it, no matter the cost.

Life is like this, opportunities often fleeting. And these fleeting chances directly affect a lifetime, not only that, they also influence descendants, maybe for a hundred, two hundred, even a thousand years.

On the third day, while everyone was waiting for Su Hao to open his store, he had already left with a large amount of money, heading to other towns as quickly as possible.


Six days later, in a small town called Bamboo Nine Town, in the busiest area, Su Hao opened a special weapon store.

The same routine.

Su Hao sparked a book-buying craze in this town. Although not everyone could read, seeing others buy made them confident it was a good deal. One silver coin wasn't expensive.

Then in Shuangshi Town, Baisha Town, Daling Town...

In just two months, Su Hao had spread a large number of books across more than twenty human race towns.

At first, he had to use some tricks, but later, as soon as his store opened,

people were already crowding the entrance to buy. By the time Su Hao reached the third town, the news of a 'Silver Armor Rune Master' had spread across surrounding human towns. Many knew of a powerful armor man selling books detailing the making of rune weapons and martial artist advancement, more detailed and comprehensive than any book on the market.

Eventually, Su Hao didn't need weapons or armor for promotion. He directly sold books, bringing prepared books by cart to town, demonstrating the effects of two knives and armors on the street, then started selling.

Within a day, Su Hao would sell out and disappear with the money.

No one knew where this faceless guy came from or where he went, only calling him the 'Silver Armor Rune Master.'

While Su Hao was fervently selling books, a town mayor, Meng Donghua, obtained a complete set of 'The Path of Martial Artists' and 'Complete Rune Explanation.' After reading them carefully, he was astonished.

The books thoroughly analyzed the martial artist's advancement path. Even as a grand preceptor-level martial artist, he gained much unheard-of new knowledge and insights from the books.

What is blood energy enhancement wave? It can accelerate blood energy accumulation. What is the centrifugal method? It can speed up blood energy transformation! The viewpoints were unheard of but well-founded.

What shocked him most was the simplification of beast runes, turning complex beast runes into a circular formation plate, analyzed piece by piece, explaining why it worked, and the specific function of each rune.

It allowed for freely combining desired effects based on principles?

What a genius, what a rare talent!

He had encountered many beast runes but never thought they could be so analyzed.

He even personally tested it. It worked!

The runes described in 'Complete Rune Explanation' all worked.

He tried engraving runes on a piece of armor, using the golden thread worm described in the book as the pattern. The armor activated smoothly, it worked!

Knowing these two books had spread widely, he immediately realized something big was happening!

Meng Donghua carefully packed the two books, put on his armor, and headed straight to the main city.

Three days later, he arrived at the main city's royal palace, seeking an audience with the Peace King, also known as the Human King. The grandmaster-level guards at the gate bowed, saying, "Mayor Meng, the Human King and the eight elders are in council. Please return later!"

The Human King was the lord of the main city, Peace City, overseeing fifty-two towns, including Rising Clouds Town.

The human race had nine main cities. Besides Peace City, there were eight others, smaller in scale, each lord titled king by their city name, collectively respecting the Peace City lord as the grand elder.

Meng Donghua urgently said, "I have important matters to report, concerning the development and foundation of the human race!"

The guard smiled slightly, "The matters of 'The Path of Martial Artists' and 'Complete Rune Explanation'?"

Meng Donghua was stunned, "You know?"

The guard chuckled, "We received the news a month ago."

Meng Donghua was speechless, "Uh..."

The guard explained, "These two books are of great importance. The Human King sent the fastest messengers to personally invite the eight elders to Peace City for a council. The journey is long, they all arrived last night. So, you needn't worry about it."

Meng Donghua bowed and took his leave.

Outside, he met many colleagues on the street, all discussing the two books, some amazed, some terrified, some uneasy, some worried, some excited, and some thrilled...

All kinds of reactions.

In general, some feared their status being shaken, some worried about chaos from spreading rune knowledge, some excited for the powerful new weapon of the human race, some shocked by the genius knowledge, and of course, some poisoned by Su Hao's motivational words.

The two books shook the entire human race.

Meng Donghua muttered, "Am I really the last to know?"

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