
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasía
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133 Chs


Time passed slowly, and two months later.

Su Hao's perception range expanded to over a thousand meters, and he began to take action.

It wasn't to cause trouble, but to use his radar to secretly observe people's nighttime activities and gather information. He needed to quickly figure out what was going on in this small town; otherwise, he wouldn't sleep soundly at night. Who knew when an unexpected event might occur? Only by mastering enough information could he avoid potential dangers.

As darkness fell, Su Hao quietly hid in a corner of the city, using his radar to observe people's nighttime routines.

Most people hid in their homes before nightfall and didn't venture out. However, a few began their nocturnal activities.

When night completely descended, some ordinary people with weaker blood energy quietly slipped out of their homes and found a corner to stay in, remaining motionless.

Those with elite-level blood energy began to move stealthily through the city, seemingly with very specific goals—hunting targets.

In Su Hao's perception, an elite-level individual started moving as soon as night fell, carefully avoiding people's sight and heading directly toward another elite with even higher blood energy.

The other elite was completely unaware.

Su Hao hesitated for a moment, deeming the danger to be minimal, and decided to sneak over to see what was going on.

Avoiding everyone, Su Hao quickly approached.

Soon, he saw a figure wrapped entirely in black cloth, silently moving through low buildings, as light as a feather, making no sound while running, like a ghost that could drift at will, flickering in and out of sight.

Soon, the figure reached its destination, hiding under the eaves, quietly waiting for its prey to appear.

Not long after, another elite appeared, this one wearing only shorts, with a hood on his face, obscuring his features. The dark red figure blended perfectly into the darkness, making him hard to detect.

As he walked, the shorts-wearing individual suddenly dropped to all fours, walking on all fours, a bony tail slowly growing from his tailbone, extending over a meter long. Dense fur gradually covered his previously bare skin, his ears grew longer and larger, fangs emerged from his mouth, and long bony claws extended from his hands.

After walking about ten meters, a living person completely transformed into another form, resembling a leopard but not quite.

At the same time, in Su Hao's radar perception, the blood energy intensity of the transforming vermilion reaper dropped significantly as he transformed.

"What the heck?" Su Hao, hidden in the darkness, witnessed the entire transformation process, his eyes almost popping out. Was this some kind of Harry Potter transformation magic?

The transformed leopard man quietly paced along the wall under the eaves, sniffing the air twice before stealthily heading toward his intended target, seemingly with his own hunting goal in mind.

However, he had no idea that a hunter had long been waiting for him on the roof above.

At that moment, another elite-level vermilion reaper sneaked toward this place from a distance, as detected by Su Hao's perception.

"…" Su Hao felt a chill run down his spine.

As the leopard man walked below, the black-clad figure loosened his grip on the beam and slowly floated down. Two small steel knives had already appeared in his hands, aiming for the leopard man's neck from above.

However, the leopard man was highly alert and sensed something amiss as the black-clad figure descended.

The leopard man's fur bristled, and he leaped forward, his bony tail whipping backward.


The small steel knife didn't pierce the leopard man's neck as intended but instead made a long cut on his back.

The leopard man's hasty tail strike missed its mark.

Ignoring the wound on his back, the injured leopard man ran silently into the darkness without looking back.

The black-clad figure wouldn't let go of this great opportunity to pursue a wounded target and immediately gave chase. Unexpectedly, the black-clad figure was even faster than the leopard man.

After a few rounds of pursuit and skirmishes, the leopard man's injuries multiplied. Although his bony tail had also made a deep cut on the black-clad figure, it was clear to any observer that the leopard man was losing.

Unwilling to accept defeat, the leopard man quickly consumed his blood energy. The bone tail retracted, his hands lifted from the ground, and two long wings sprouted from his shoulder blades. His hands curved and transformed into sharp scythes, glinting coldly.

He now resembled a humanoid mantis.

It was unclear if the wings on his back could allow him to fly.

The transformation was swift, and as it ended, the mantis man's blood energy level dropped to a low point.

His sharp scythe hands swung at the black-clad figure, enhancing his attack power. He intended to fight to the death.

The black-clad figure hesitated slightly; the mantis man looked formidable.

But this mimicry man had been his target for a long time. Despite the failed sneak attack, tonight was his best hunting opportunity.

As a lightweight human, if he could obtain the mimicry man's flesh, he couldn't advance, but it would greatly enhance his abilities.

"Take a gamble!" The black-clad figure made up his mind, holding his double knives and charging at the mantis man with a ghostly speed.

The lightweight man's knives crossed forward in a slash.


The mantis man's scythe hands blocked the attack, producing a crisp sound that echoed far.

The black-clad figure immediately changed direction, attacking from behind the mantis man, but was again blocked.

After several rounds of combat, the black-clad figure's double knives were caught between the mantis man's scythes, and with a forceful pull, the mantis man stumbled him.

"Opportunity!" The mantis man unleashed all his strength, pouncing forward, his scythes swiftly closing around the black-clad figure's neck.


The sound of spikes piercing flesh and the crunch of a neck snapping mixed together. In an instant, the black-clad figure turned into a limp corpse, the hunter becoming the hunted.

The mantis man confirmed the opponent's death, released his scythes, and the black-clad figure's body collapsed to the ground.

The mantis man tore open the black cloth, eyeing the thick flesh on the back, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and tore off a chunk of meat, swallowing it whole, then took another big bite.

After consuming two bites, it seemed to be enough. He stood up to leave, only able to maintain his mantis form, with no strength left to transform further.

Seriously injured tonight, he could no longer hunt his target and needed to hide quickly. However, capturing the lightweight man's flesh was not a wasted effort.

As the mantis man was about to turn and leave, a shadow suddenly pounced silently from mid-air. Before he could react, sharp claws sliced his throat, and blood spurted out.

The mantis man desperately tried to cover the wound with his scythes but gradually lost strength. He saw the predator behind him and wanted to say something but couldn't utter a word.

He recognized the shadow behind him as the silent Night Walker.

However, Su Hao didn't know what a Night Walker was. He recognized the shadow as the bat monster that had attacked him some time ago.

The bat monster quietly left after devouring the black-clad figure and the mantis man's flesh.

Soon, Su Hao sensed the nearby ordinary people, who had been lurking for a while, starting to stir. In no time, they swarmed over the two corpses, greedily gnawing at the flesh, their mouths covered in blood.

After devouring enough, they quietly retreated to find hiding places, while more ordinary people arrived, joining the feast.

Soon, the two bodies on the ground were reduced to bare bones, abandoned where they lay.

Su Hao's hair stood on end. What kind of hellish world was this?

True cannibalism!

Su Hao quietly followed the ordinary people who had consumed the flesh. He still wanted to see why these people devoured the flesh.

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