
Lucid Dreaming?

I tried to open my eyes but I could only see darkness within my closed eyes.

I tried to open my eyes again, and to my surprise, they actually opened.

I turned to my right when I felt a rough tongue in my cheeks, just to find a dog that had beautiful golden fur, which I presumed was a golden retriever.

But make no mistake, it was not the little cute golden retriever you see little kids get as a present in Christmas, It was an adult golden retriever and probably the biggest and most beautiful golden retriever I had ever seen.

I couldn't help feeling a little ashamed that if the dog was a human, I would've been a cockroach in comparison.

I looked around once my eyes were completely open and noticed I was in a stable, the only thing I could see was the place were the animals were supposed to be in. Even though this was supposed to be a stable, my personal opinion was that if there were no animals, there was no need for a stable.

I looked around my surroundings and a thought crossed my mind. I thought that this was some kind of dream, like the lucid dreams I've always heard of but could never do.

"Alfred!, Alfred!"

I heard a voice that was quite the high tone with a sense of calmness that also sounded kinda fancy. I then saw a boy with beautiful blond hair and some deep green eyes.

The boy was probably the most beautiful person I had ever seen, he far surpassed one girl I had callen pretty some time ago. This boy would grow up to be a lady killer and I'm sure even some guys would fall for him, the sad part was that I was being honest when I said that.

Moving on, the boy eyes resembled that of an beautiful emerald. I couldn't help be immersed in those emerald eyes.

I then heard that beautiful voice again, this time I think he was talking to me.

"Excuse me.." the beautiful blond boy asked

"You talking to me?" This may sound like a stupid question, but I didn't wanna look stupid if he was talking to someone else.

"Yeah…do u perhaps know if Alfred came by?"

"Alfred? Who is that?"

He then started speaking in a lower voice

"Just my dog…" I could barely even hear him because of how low he was talking.