
Making Their Move


It was the only name that came to his mind and he didn't want to take too long to answer her as it would make him look suspicious.

Quickly writing down the name she was given next to the room number, the receptionist looked back up at Jayce with a smile.

"I'll bring dinner up to your room once it's ready. Until then please make yourself at home." She said as she closed the door and made her way back downstairs.

Jayce listened as she made her way down the stairs, once he couldn't hear anyone outside his room, he was finally able to relax as he threw himself onto the bed. Closing his eyes, images of the fight from earlier appeared in his mind.

'Unlike what the academy says, I know I'm not C- rank. If I were C- rank, I should have had no trouble dealing with those thugs, more than likely I'm somewhere around D.

'Now that I think about it, didn't that pervert from earlier say something about being a D-rank adventure?'

He wasn't paying attention to what the fat man was saying, he was more annoyed that there was an interruption that stopped him from going to his room.

Seeing that he had some time to spare before dinner, he decided that he should finish his daily quest.

Taking off his shirt and dropping down to the floor, he started doing fifty-one-handed handstand push-ups.

Usually, he wouldn't struggle with such a workout but the pain from his injuries added on top of his already low stamina was making it much harder than it should have been.

About an hour and a half later, Jayce finished his daily quest and took a shower. Leaving the bathroom, there was a knock at the door.

"Dinner's ready!"

Jayce made his way over to the door, picking up his cloak, and putting it on. Opening the door, he saw the girl from earlier holding a plate of food.

"I've brought your dinner," She said as she handed the plate over to Jayce.


Taking the plate from her hands, Jayce went to close the door but was stopped halfway.


"What?" Jayce asked with an annoyed expression. He just wanted to eat a warm meal and take a nap.

Feeling his gaze, the girl turned her eyes to the side as her cheeks turned crimson. Since he was wearing a cloak, all she could see were his eyes.

Eyes that felt like they could see straight through her.

"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." The longer Jayce stared at her, the more embarrassed she got.

"Don't mention it, if you'll excuse me." Before she had a chance to respond, Jayce shut the door in her face.

Finally having something to eat, Jayce sat down at the desk and ate his dinner.

After finishing his dinner, he crashed onto the bed before falling asleep.


"So you're the mole who has been feeding them information," Oliver muttered as he stared down at a guard who was on his knees with a guard on each side holding a spear towards his throat.

The reason why it had been so hard to arrest anyone related to the Exterminators was that they had a spy within the ranks of the guards.

Someone was telling them the rotations of the guards, their routes, and the blindspots they couldn't cover.

The town surrounding the Academy was massive, with only a hundred or so guards there were bound to be places they couldn't keep an eye on.

Oliver had known there was a rat for a few weeks but didn't know who it was until their informant told them who the mole was.

Instead of weeding him out right away, he decided that he could use him. By manipulating the information the guard was given, he gave the Exterminators false information and gathered information by planting a tail on him.

With enough information at hand, the student council was now able to make its move.

"Get this traitor out of my sight," Oliver told the two guards.

Following his command, the two guards picked him up by the armpits and dragged him away.

Looking down from the castle wall, Oliver was welcomed by the sight of all the guards they could muster up with some of the student council members lined up behind him.

"Tonight is the night we remove the group known as the Other Wordly Exterminators from our town."

"They have been terrorizing our citizens for far too long, and for that, they suffer greatly. From the information we have gathered, the gang is composed of three leaders."

Pressing a button on his watch three holographic images appeared in front of everyone.

They were detailed reports regarding each leader within the organization, with a picture of what they looked like.

One was a woman who had long black hair that matched her obsidian-filled eyes and the tattoo of a spider on her cheek.

The other two were men, one had a large, bright green mohawk with piercings on his nose, lips, and ears. Contrary to him, the other male had brown hair that was long on the top and was gelled back with the sides shaved.

Pressing a few more buttons on his watch, a large map appeared above his head.

"These three individuals will be holding a meeting at this location."

"While some of the guards create a perimeter around this location, the remaining guards along with the council members will enter and subdue any individuals inside the perimeter."

"You are not allowed to let anyone enter or leave this area and if they attempt to force their way through you are to arrest them."

"We won't know the number of their forces that will be present at the meeting so be prepared to assist the council members.

"You are to restrain them; however, if you feel that your life is threatened you are permitted to use lethal force."

"But, under no circumstance, are you allowed to engage with the leaders."

"It has been determined that at least two of them are at least C rank and the other C+, you are to let the council members deal with them, alone. Do I make myself clear?"

"YES SIR!" The guards yelled in unison as they smacked the butt of their spears on the ground.

"We leave at 22:00 sharp until then I recommend you prepare yourselves. Dismissed!"


Stretching as he got out of bed, Jayce pushed open the window as he felt the cold night air hit his face.

Feeling rejuvenated from his two-hour nap, he leaped onto the window frame and looked into the town covered by the moonlight.

'Time to go get that armor.'