
Wounds (1)

"My abilities are not derived from the TALENT system, rather it comes from a magic system. I can use most elemental magic without issues."

"Can you give an example?" Riel raised his eyebrows in surprise, a hint of anticipation on his face.

Liliath looked at me-- conveying a message that only I could understand-- and snapped her fingers to evoke a ball of flame. The three other summoners let out voices of 'woo'. Typical. Liliath then pointed at the direction of the bulwark and sent the flame forth. It dispersed at the superficial surface without creating too much damage to the wall.

Ah-- so this is the decision she came to huh? I suppose there's not going to be any problems with this. Though, I remember the lieutenant telling Liliath to do her best.

Meh. If we can dodge this bullet then we wouldn't be recruited and be free to do whatever we like.

"Hm. Okay. Anything else?"

Then I explained the system function that's included in the package briefly, making sure not to touch on any 'sensitive' functions-- such as the gacha-- that would otherwise mark me out as a pervert.

After that, Liliath demonstrated a number of other elemental magic-- at an elementary level, most of which being balls of 'something'. For earth magic, Liliath managed to raise a portion of the ground to form the lineart of a-- chibi me.

I didn't think she could be so artistic using magic. She looked at me bashfully, her eyes trying to imply a hidden meaning. I guess she's trying to impress me? Haah.. I don't think she needs to compete with Miss Tsu though-- that said. Her actions were incredibly cute-- cute to the point where the other three summoners had their mouths agape.


"So earth magic is your forte. I see. Impressive," I kinda wonder what's Riel tolerance limit. I could tell he's struggling to keep his cool but he's definitely struggling to keep up the act. His face was twitching.

Oh well. This is the last of it.

"I will announce the results of my observation. However, I will say this before that. If you do think your TALENT can be helpful in any way inside the combat and stealth department, you are implored to seek out some other officers here and have your abilities judged, since I may not be fair in my judgement. Else, you can return to class." Riel took in a deep breath, "Bryan, Liliath and Noel. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see any potential in your TALENT so apologetically, the chance of being selected would be low. I will still submit the report to the higher ups to confirm if any tailor education is needed for you to live as a normal person would, I'm sure it won't come to that. You can seek other officers if you deem my judgement unfair. Jay, I will have the slime tested in a lab. I will get back to you with the results in a few days' time. At latest, a week from now. Milli, I'll do my best to make sure your TALENT is put into good use. That's all. Dismissed."

"""Thank you."""

The three of us nodded, nobody looked particularly dissatisfied with the results so that's all and well.

"Not so fast."

But this development just had to happen.. Haah..

First Lieutenant Sanders called Riel from behind. His imposing demeanor overshadowed everyone around him. Miss Tsu followed closely behind with an unknown male soldier, the attention of the surrounding students were fixed towards our direction.

"First Lieutenant Sanders, Riel reporting," Riel saluted.

"The selection is done right?"

"Yes sir."

"Then I would like you to give a special exception to one of them--"

At the second the lieutenant finished his sentence, a ferocious smile came to his face, his eyes looking at me like a predator that locked onto his prey. And in the next moment, his figure blurred-- and a loud shockwave exploded outwards.

I staggered backwards a few steps, the dust cloud subsided-- the scene in front made me scowl.

Liliath, standing her ground, her hair messed up by the impact, crater underneath her foothold. She held her hand outstretched to the front, evoking some sort of invisible barrier that the lieutenant's fist slammed into.

"Guahahaha. You didn't even break a sweat," He gave Liliath a ferocious smile. He relaxed his fist-- hanging limply to the side with blooding dripping from his knuckles.

The vicinity fell deathly silent.

"Are you alright?" Liliath turned to me with a look of concern.

"Yeah. I'm alright. You?"

"Officer Riel, give them a reevaluation," the lieutenant said, and then walked away.

"Y-Yes sir!"

First Lieutenant Sanders left the scene and whispers could be heard from the crowd. An uncomfortable sense of attention was felt by both Liliath and I.

"It's difficult," Liliath replied to my question after a pause, most probably aware of the surrounding stares.

What now? I guess we just return to class?

"Um, excuse me?"

"Hm? Yeah.."

It was Miss Tsu. I'm surprised that I wasn't surprised. Most people would be willing to give up just about anything just to meet her face to face like this. And here I am, feeling annoyed by her appearance instead.

"You two are Noel and Liliath, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard about you two from the Second lieutenant. I'll apologize on behalf of his abrupt conduct just now.. he just violated the rules he set," She had an apologetic expression.

"Too late to apologize now.." I mumbled. The crowd was ogling us already. Oh, I just realized I'm being rude to a VVIP. Oh shit.

"Sorry. How about I make up for it? I was amazed by Lilaith's performance just now. would you be curious to experience TALENT evolution?" The guy behind Miss Tsu stepped forward-- from his name tag I could see the words 'Hiro'.

Hiro looked at Miss Tsu suspiciously but had an expression that said he relented after seeing her pleading face.

"Fine," He said curtly.

Miss Tsu nodded and continued, "Hiro here was the reason why I could cause the rainstorm last week-- that's the degree of improvement you can experience you know? His TALENT has two abilities. One is buffing another person's TALENT, the other being TALENT evolution."

TALENT evolution. To be honest, it would be a lie to say that I wasn't curious, and it isn't something people would get to experience every day too. Only those with a special connection with some big shot would be able to experience such a thing. TALENT evolution is, to put it bluntly, like a support class ability. The change in TALENT varies from person to person.

Some TALENTS unlock a new trait, some become more effective. Because of how mysterious it is, people who can evolve other TALENTS are closely watched.

That said-- TALENT evolution? Right here? I'm too confused to make up my mind.

Instead of being a 'repayment' it's like she's trying to force all attention to us so that we have no choice but to accept government help. Damn.. so sly.

"Liliath, I'll leave the decision up to you--"

"What is TALENT evolution?"

"TALENT evolution-- Hiro here can temporarily buff your TALENT and Noel's TALENT," Miss Tsu explained

"I'm sorry however my abilities don't work using the TALENT system," Liliath said, a tinge of anger in her voice.

"Really? Sorry. Then do you mind if you let Hiro work his magic? If as you said-- you don't possess a TALENT then we'll move on to Noel. There's a chance that a permanent evolution might awaken. That would benefit you two right?" Miss Tsu looked at Hiro and he nodded.

Permanent evolution? Is there such a thing? I only know about temporary evolution.

"I apologize, but I'll have to be in contact for my TALENT to work." Hiro said bowing and then placed his hands on Liliath's shoulders. She didn't pull back, just standing there like a statue.


"There really isn't any reaction," Hiro said, stunned.

"That's the truth." Liliath replied. Hiro took his hands away.

"Hm…" Miss Tsu looked like she was pondering deeply about something. "Noel, how about it?"

How about it.. man. She's being overly friendly. After putting us in the limelight then giving us this opportunity..

Whatever. It's not like I could do anything to stop all this attention. If anything, it should subside in a few weeks time once Liliath is able to use all magic again to conceal our presence. I'm curious why she could use elemental magic though? Is there a criteria? Or what if she can't use magic above elementary level-- no, I shouldn't dig too deep into that. Just in case the quest fails.

"Alright. I'll accept." I don't know how to properly address Hiro since his rank was still unknown because Miss Tsu calls him without his ranking in front. I suppose he works as her personal support buffer?

"Then please excuse me," Hiro is quite polite though, saying these phrases before touching someone.. a little weird if you put it that way.

Hiro touched my shoulder, Liliath focused at the point of contact. The surrounding students stopped everything and directed their attention to me..

Then it happened.




Noel's Evolution Quest:

TASK: Resolve issue.





I saw this panel appear to my right side, which was unusual because it should appear in front of me. I read the short note and in my line of sight-- I met her's.


The world expand and contract all at once. My vision shrunk and expanded, a throbbing pain pulsated through my mind.

'What's for dinner?'

'Nobody cooks for me.'

'I taught you so many times why didn't you listen!'

'Can't you use your eyes and observe how others do it? Do I always have to tell you what to do?'

'I didn't raise you to be such a useless daughter.'

Blood ran up my oesophagus and leaked out my mouth. I fell forward, the world spinning unexplainable emotions ran through my head.

'This family doesn't need a parasite.'

'I told you so many times. You don't listen.'

'It's useless teaching someone like you.'

'You think it's so easy being your slave?'

'I'm not your maid.'

'You can't even earn money yet you already know how to waste money.'

"What did you do?!" I heard Liliath's distorted voice in the background.

"Call the medic!"

What the hell is this..

'You think dying can solve the problem?'

'Who said you're useless?'

'You think you can compare to them?'

'All you needed to do was to listen to your parents then it wouldn't have turned out like this.'

'What's life?'