
My Demon Pet System

After spending his entire life on gambling and alcohol, a man died alone in his cold apartment when life decided to give him a second chance. "Where am I?! What... what is this body?!" Reincarnated into a new and young body, he will remember nothing of his past, except for the name printed on the whiskey bottle he was drinking a moment before his heart stopped beating. "Yoichi," that will be his new name. One after another, words written in blood suddenly appeared on the wall before his eyes: "Welcome to your Demon Pet System, your second life redemption's attempt. Tame a Demon in the next 48 hours or die forever." In a world where humans and demons coexist and fight for supremacy, follow the story of Yoichi, a young man who will become the most powerful Demon Tamer of the World of Lumya. Brand New Cover by the brillant Tixer! https://www.fiverr.com/tixer_art Join the Discord Server for extra content: https://discord.gg/pfrfAfWKGG My Book of Yokai: https://discord.gg/8NdnFnXGAp Instagram: @immanioripse_author Twitter: @immanioripse Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Immanioripse-Author-101625858453333

Immanioripse · Oriental
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302 Chs


The thin beam of light gradually illuminated the entire body of the enemy who had just tried to kill Yoichi. When it reached his hair, Yoichi's eyes widened, recognizing that face and realizing why that person had just tried to surprise him. 

Helmet brown hair and an angry expression, his gaze focused on his target. Behind that red-armored boy's shoulders, two long greenish lianas swung in the air ready to strike like the tentacles of an octopus. 

"You! I know you!" Yoichi growled, pointing a hand toward the unknown warrior. In the meantime, Takuma had stopped a few feet from his companion. From his position, the Grimbrook warrior was able to witness the scene. 

"Did you really think you could escape after what you did to the Emperor's Heralds?" the helmeted-haired boy grunted, as the lianas-waving demon slowly emerged from the darkness.