
Out Of Time

The entire class was dead silent, afraid that any movement might incur the attention of the two titans that were 'sparring', if one could still call it that,

"Oh my, you really are battle obsessed, aren't you?" Dan interrogated June whose glowing blue eyes enhanced the eerie smile that played on her lips,

"I haven't had a good fight in a while" she tilted her neck left and right, popping it, she squatted, the muscles in her leg tightened and in a blue blur, she was off.

Dan activated Demon Sprint and he too turned into a blur, the two combatants ran across the platform trading blows, "It has been fun but I should end this now" Dan said to June to prepare her and also to study her reaction,

"You should end it? That is not what time says" she charged in once again but Dan was ready to respond.

A loud bang resounded as Dan's fist connected with June's head but reality begged to differ, June dodged his fist at the last second causing Dan to pause and backflip continuously to put space between them,

"Impossible, I hit you, I saw myself hit you" for the first time in the fight, Dan was shocked but so was June,

"You saw that?" Her eyes widened in shock, "How, nobody is meant to see that, my ability should ensure that" her shock dwindled leaving only joy in its wake.

"This just makes you more interesting" her beautiful visage twisted in a sick smile as she licked her lips causing goosebumps to appear on Dan's skin,

'I should stop this match' Mr. Isaac was about to move when both Dan and June glared at him, making him feel like if he took both of them on, he might lose, 'Just who are these kids but I shall leave them alone nonetheless' and with that, he let them be.

Dan stopped glaring at Mr. Isaac and focused on June, he unleashed numerous Devil's Claws which June dodged like she knew how they'd come,

As she was distracted, Dan charged in with Demon Sprint until...

Dan tripped on his own foot as he moved, albeit for a tenth of a second, faster than his feet causing him to fall towards June's direction, she turned into a blur as her fist connected to his stomach, "Sorry pretty boy, it appears you are out of time" she whispered in his ear before he flew in the opposite direction and out of the make shift platform onto the rough ground but nobody could make jokes about him for they knew they wouldn't last a second against any of them.

"I forfeit!" June's voice called to the entire class, "The only interesting person is out so there is no reason for me to go on" she continued as she got off the stage.

Kyle climbed the platform, planted his staff into the ground, summoning a bed made of earth under Dan and lifting him as a result,

"Kyle Vorden versus Mark Lard" Mr. Isaac signalled for the next match, the kid stepped on the platform and entered a fighting stance and in response, Kyle clicked his fingers and a ripple went through the platform sending the boy flying,

"Winner, Kyle Vorden" Kyle ignored the announcement and went to Dan's side.


On an island, an obnoxiously large castle could be seen, it was made of a silver material with purple veins running across it, but to the demonic inhabitants, it was known as the Council headquarters and in the meeting room, some demons were currently at each other's throats.

"Mammon was killed and we need a new leader, I nominate myself" the demon whose face seemed to be made of black crystal said in its distorted voice, "Calm down Ragnia, after all, we don't need a woman to do a man's job. I nominate myself" a dashing young man said, his glowing red eyes highlighting his purple hair that was so dark, it looked black, "Silence! Especially you Lucien,you half blood" a being that seemed to made out of energy appeared,

"Asmodeus, what are you doing here?" the one whose name was apparently Lucien asked in shock as his facial expression matched the innermost reaction of all those present but not a twitch could be seen on their stone cold faces.

"What I am doing here? My little brother died, I am here to lead this council" his simple response broke their cold, aloof expression as it caused an uproar of complaints, "My oh my, you all seem obsessed with the seat of the head of the council, it's almost like you're possessed" and at his last word, the room went silent, they all knew Asmodeus's ability, the ability to possess those he wished, even the body he had approached them with wasn't his but the body of his latest victim but that wasn't what made them afraid of him but the fact that he could possess more than one person at a time and raise their power to the quasi-Divine level, one was relatively easy to deal with but ten at a time was more than any one of them could handle,

"My brother went somewhere before his demise to find someone and I have possessed a teacher in said place, the teacher is not in the school and is currently training but when they come back, the school is in for a nasty surprise" and with those words, the body dropped dead and with it any plan of a cout.

AN: Any questions, feel free to ask.

My name on discord is .hind_sight and if I am not busy, I'll get back to you. Thanks.